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Everything posted by Wolfox

    1. Maqqy


      So Hydreigon was initially going to be a tank..... phew


      It’s really nice to read this behind the scenes work in Gen 5. BW/B2W2 were made with 100% effort and it shows. Hope it would be like this in Gen 8. 

  1. never forget: DBAA

  2. I still say Hundred Eyes Dragon deserves a retrain or an upgraded version 

  3. The Muda did not disapoint. Di Molto, as Melone would say

    1. LeoYT


      some of those transitions seemed a bit off, like they cut out a few frames at the beginning of each attack rush

      still awesome tho

    2. Dreamy


      I give it wryy/wryy

    3. Wolfox



  4. made a great banana milkshake to find it didn;t fit in the freezer...

    1. Starry Knight

      Starry Knight

      XD Our roommate does that all the time so she just gives it to us

  5. What's the best stand in JJBA and why is it Killer Queen? 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolfox


      No, I definitely spelled Killer Queen right 

    3. Dreamy


      The best stand is speedwagon

    4. Felix Felicius
  6. What if the secret to wielding the Vampire Killer whip isn;t being a Belmont, but using a form of Hamon? Castlevania and JJBA have been intertwined for much longer than I thought

  7. would anyone happen to know a good fan remake (be it rom-hack or fangame) of Castlevania 2?

  8. Dawn of Sorrow is ALMOST as good as Aria of Sorrow. Some parts it does better, others a bit worse, but all in all I'd say theyér almosy equal in quality

  9. I don't know how many people here will actually watch this, but thank me later if/when you do

  10. Got a kilo of strawberries, and made another strawberry milkshake 

  11. due to a certain lack of fruits in the house (which I clearly did not create with my smoothie making) I only made a Strawberry Milkshake, just not as cold. also really enjoyable

  12. re-watching JoJo from part on.

    1. Dreamy


      pour one out for speedwagon

    2. Wolfox


      And Kakioyn

  13. up up down down left right left right A B Start

  14. Made another smoothie. I love this blender


    1. ZEL


      Haha that's a mood! My aunt gave me her smoothie blender a while ago cuz mom told her about how often I was making shakes and smoothies, and I think my consumption of those has doubled as a result :'D

    2. Wolfox


      I've made about 1.5 liters in 2 days now, mostly fruit with some yogurt or milk to make it a bit smoother, and I've drank around 1 liter of that, and my consumption of them will only increase more

  15. Just marinated frozen chicken, hand be cold now

  16. Later this month or start next month I'm gonna try to go for driving lessons 


  17. Far beyond the ice and Snow, the voyage carries on

    For blood and gold, we sold our soul

    Redemtion lies at Magnetic North~

  18. I said it before, and I will again: Iron from Ice, Brothers and Sisters!

  19. morning lads and lasses

  20. Happy birthday gril 

  21. Iron from Ice. 

  22. Played some Stellaris with friends yesterday. Really fun game, though there are things I don't understand yet

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