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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. another pair of earphones died... guess I'm getting new ones tomorrow

  2. Never meet your heroes

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Wolfox


      I mean, some people only become heroes after they pass away. Kurt Cobain was one such man

    3. Anime


      sorry for the late answer i kinda passed away fell asleep

    4. Anime


      but yeah i agree

  3. the 3 big too soons of anime:



    3: Bruno's death in Yugioh 5d's

    2: Bye Bye Butterfree

    1: Maes Hughes' death in Fullmetal Alchemist and in Brotherhood.


  4. I'm happy you had a good time
  5. so I was looking on google a little when I saw that there's real life pieces of Azura's necklace. a good friend of mine really likes azura, even if she never played FE. and then my friend side comes up and thinks about ordering one for her birthday. but then I will most likely get in a little trouble with her BF, who is also a good friend

  6. here's a question that just entered my mind: If Light Yagami were to write Alucard's name (Hellsing Alucard) in the Death Note, would Alucard be reborn or would he be permanently dead?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolfox


      I have no idea tbh. since the deathnote will kill in what ever way the writer writes down. so if once failed Light perhaps he would write that he won;t get up again. I honestly wonder tho

    3. FairFamily


      It's not the killing aspect that is problematic (even though that has some issues as well) but rather the naming concept worries me more; vampirism is a strange affliction.

    4. Wolfox


      true, vampireism turns someone into an undead being. yet while undead they can still be killed.


      what I would also love to see is Castlevania Alucard VS Hellsing Alucard. both have limits, yet neither has an easely surpassed Limit. in the end Hellsing Alucard has a higher limit than Castlevania alucard, allowing him the win. if they even decide to fight that is

  7. I actually feel stupid. even if it didn't take me that long, I just realized Hellsing's intro song is fully English

    1. The Grinch

      The Grinch

      I didn't know neither

    2. Wolfox


      I noticed while listening to it on repeat. while the lyrics are more in the background, I should have noticed sooner

  8. am I the only one who would love to see Castlevania's Alucard squar off with Hellsing Alucard?

  9. I would say there's multiple for me. but the biggest one has to be Kurt Cobain. the late singer of Nirvana was always himself and was not afraid to speaki his mind, a nice examples being: or my personal favorite: Honorable mention would be Dave Grohl, cuz Dave grohl. now for a joke that I can not be forgiven for not making: I guess you could say Dave Grohl is almost truly
  10. so I just dueled someone on YGO pro. they played an Egiptian God Deck. they claimed I cheated because I activated a trap in the turn it was normal summoned, saying that it should negate al spell and traps for the rest of the turn. all I said then was "dude, you might wanna read the card again and think to yourself if that's what it really says". they started claiming I hacked the engine and that the engine is glitchy and buggy as hell. I honestly wonder if they even know how to play Yu-Gi-Oh to begin with

    1. Cepheus


      ahhhh yes... phrasing... the bane of every TCG-Player...

    2. Wolfox


      I mean, what would be more likely. that a guy who hacks into that with enough skill that they could probably out hack Kaiba and Yusaku to make sure that that card doesn't work right just happens to duel you and fuck your game over instead of using that skill for something useful, or you reading the card wrong?

  11. most anime heroes when they get whooped: Damn, I gotta train.

    Alucard when he's getting whooped: Well well, guess I shouldn;t hold back this much

  12. someone remind me to never piss off a Police Girl

  13. I hope you're right. but remember that people can be cruel on wondertrade and send off things like @Tommy Wiseau's ace, Bibarel
  14. well, as @Zarc and I would likely agree. you already have the twin titans of Gardevoir and Magnezone. so that already doesn wonders
  15. Wolfox

    Episode 17

    when will people learn.... eery time it's asked ame adds another month of delay
  16. not sure what to do...



    should I feel bad for Seras Victoria for everyone calling her Police Girl or Miss Police Girl, or should I find it funny?

    1. FairFamily


      It's just mild teasing.

    2. Wolfox


      I know it is, but still. if nothing else I know the nickname if I ever get a blond gf who loves Hellsing

  17. welcome to the forums and reborn! if you got any questions, feel free to send me a PM or create a thread. as for beginners guides, the best one would be your gut with the occasional help of older members when you feel like you need it
  18. [Shooby Dooby Doo] [Shooby Dooby Doo, Doooo] [Shooby Dooby Doo] [Shooby Dooby Doo, Doooo]

  19. for all I know, it's a bug. either that or ame forgot to code it out and now it's just a useless toy
  20. I dare you not to laugh you ass off

  21. IDC what you wanna tell me. the Hellsing intro song is CATCHY AF!

  22. just started watching Hellsing

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    2. Wolfox


      first regular dubbed. after that I'll go ultimate dubbed. then likely regular subbed and ulitmate subbed

    3. FairFamily


      I'm not sure if that is a good idea. Hellsing regular and ultimate are weird in that way, they are seperate series. They partly tell the same story but the ultimate stays true to the manga while the regular diverges not only in story but general theme. So if you watch both you are quite forced to watch both. If you want the popular and known series you are better of watching the ultimate.

    4. Wolfox


      I did the same with Fullmetal Alchemist. watching the older one first and brotherhood a little bit later. also, I don't wanna be the guy to just watch the one people call "the better one" and blindly follow others opinions. I like to create my own. if it's the same as others, then so be it

  23. sorry @Lek (love your profile pick btw) but I seem to have a monopoly on Magikarp Trafficking there's no definitive "best" starter for reborn. it mainly depends on the ones you like and building your team around that. I will say the Long Term Delphox, Infernape and Blaziken will likely be really good
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