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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. if there's any mon that would represent the NL, it would be either Miltank, sunflora, Pyroar, Amoonguss, lotad (here in Frisia we have quite some lilypads. the Frisian flag is covered in the things for crying out loud!). maybe roserade because Tulips?
  2. Imma let you guys decide if you agree or disagree. but lemme tel you that I agree here

    1. FairFamily


      I aggree with most of it. However I do think some arguments are pulled out of the ass. Like when Yusaku didn't respond to the teasing of Kusanagi and Ignis. To be honest at these moments, you take the insults while thinking "its true."  and don't respond because if you say something you will get teased even harder.

    2. Wolfox


      true, yet it's not completely out of his ass there. I have the exact same with some sarcasm, sometimes to the point where it goes so far over my head that it Apollo 13 would be the only thing to catch it in height.

  3. What do Whitney's Miltank and Optimus Prime have in common?

  4. Adrienn cleaned the city up. if xe was a real person xe should take over from donny
  5. if konami woudl start actually creating FUNCTIONAL Duel Disks and D-weels, would you invest in it and save to buy either one of them?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      collateral damage, we take those for 3ds toon dragons tbh

    3. Wolfox


      his holograms were dangerous. but only because he never got the idea to put savety on

    4. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      I mean, just look at kaiba. he never was one for safety either way.

  6. if only I could find the nerd to love me for me for the nerd I am
  7. alright, so I just downloaded DevPro as YGOpro, but I don't see the cards. like from looks I can't see what card is what card. anyone here know how to fix that?


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Wolfox


      I do, but not seeing what card is what can really slow you down and make you make really bad plays. like thinking a trap card is actually a spell card because you can't see the border

    3. FairFamily


      Well I checked my devpro and strangely I get my card images. SO I can't help you further. Maybe try again later.

    4. Wolfox


      I might just see if I can find any devs on their discord and ask help there

  8. wow, that's some heavy stuff. hope you're doing well
  9. first of all, a true nerd sees the term nerd as a compliment, might not wanna tell her tho xD this is also enough information to deduct your duel spirit. one that like you will aid her kin in need: Harpie Lady 1
  10. I'm afraid I'll need some more information, as I don't know you all that well
  11. not sure what more annoying. getting haxed to death, still winning and your opponent saying YOU haxed them. or you getting one para and your opponent calling hax

  12. Spellcasters are some of my favorites, but I think I know one you might also like quite a bit. One that will help awaken the Brooklyn Rage... Red-Eyes Wyvern!
  13. Still a better love story then twilight

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolfox


      and the best part, Jaden is left out

    3. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      if anyone asks, jaden did it.

    4. Wolfox
  14. I didn;t really participate in giving advice on what kind of run, cuz I simply don;t have good ideas on that sense.
  15. Welcome! I hope you do better as an Architect than Ted Mosby did
  16. Memes? that makes it simple: Performapal Trump Witch! I hope I needn't explane why Your title as Mecha Lover will be the main foundation for this one. Powertool mecha dragon! As someone who I believe really likes puns, I think you can apriciate this one, also since you love Kuriboh so much Kuribohrn! Your Duel Spirit is Kuriboh, specifically the "Annoying" Kuriboh (do the la la la) Not much info to go off of, but I'll try something! as you meantioned a Gusto, I believe you like that archetype, which leads me to believe you like Wind Monsters. And since Gusto came out during the 5D's era... I'll grant you Mist Valley Soldier!
  17. before I head to bed, one more tandom thingy: My head kinda looks like a Kuriboh.

    Like to the point where if a Little Kuriboh fan would hear me talking they would say: That's an annoying Kuriboh

  18. Alakazam being your favorite monster makes me think of 2 types of monsters: Psychic and Spellcaster, you being a curious person supports this further. Like for Music makes me think of the small Symphonic Warrior archetype of machine types. As I find that a rather curious Archetype myself, I'll dub your Duel Spirit.... the Pendulum Monster: Symphonic Warrior Guitaar (also because his name is close to the Dutch name of his instrument)
  19. I didn;t forget it, I just never looked into it xD and since it showed up like 2 or 3 times... yeah....
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