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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. Got an early birthday gift from a friend in the game Stellaris. That game is fun

    1. Starry Knight

      Starry Knight

      My boyfriend really likes that game with our friend Gingy especially with the star wars mod

  2. my biggest complaint about Detective Pikachu:


    There was no Gardevoir. minor complaint, but yeah


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SilverAngelus



      And my complaint is that I haven't seen it yet 👀


    3. Maqqy



      Not a complaint but I wished I could've seen more Pokemon 🙁 Oh well the sequel will probably deliver because of dat budget 


    4. Wolfox


      A sequal must happen 



      Also, Pikachu singing the og opening was gold


  3. Also, 




  4. Got 2 tvg cards with my ticket, a Detective Pikachu and Magikarp... It could have been any card related to the movie, but it was Magikarp... Considering my past here, I really can't be mad

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolfox


      yeah, hence why I am not allowed to be mad. though I am a bit upset

    3. Candy


      that fisherman in the grand hall... so it was you, Wolfy xD

    4. Wolfox


      😨I've been discovered

  5. I'm seeing Detective Pikachu tonight, can not wait

  6. Happy birthday gril

    1. Maqqy


      Thank you mah guy wolfy 😁

  7. So, we all know Star Platinum, right? The strongest Punching ghost stand in physical ability? Yeah, it pulls its punches abpu 99% of the time. Let that sink in. His Ora Ora's are held back. 

  8. Made a thread, pls check



  9. It's pretty save to assume most here at least enjoy anime and/or Manga. And both have a lot of quotable stuff. What are anime/Manga quotes you adopted into your vocabulary? Be they ones you can rarely use but always hound for (like a speech) or something really easy to use. For me, it's Yare Yare Daze, and the variations of it. And I can usually say it at least 4 times a day without goi g out of my way for it
  10. Exit Light. Enter Night. Take my hand. Off to Never Never Land

  11. Today was the kind of day that could turn me into Drunkle Qrow if I did drink

  12. Today is gonna be a long a d busy day 

  13. Killer_queen_neon-671b45b8-e444-41ae-a59a-72e1837d5083.thumb.jpg.d54b5c18ef58fc1c915d878b685c34b9.jpg

    New phone backgound

  14. For real this time 




    Also, I believe I'm 50 rep away

  15. Rewatching jjba part 3, and will do the same with DiU

  16. Happy birthday

    1. Q-Jei


      Thank you Wolfox! 🙂

      I hope you’ll have an awesome day as well 😃

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