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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. 3 things you need to know about me:

    1: I'm dutch

    2: I love Rock music

    3: no matter what it is, I can find a way to injure myself with it

  2. I'm gonna have to say FF4 is a good one, it being my personal favorite
  3. if anyone here ever finds me making a sweeping decliration to not do something anymore, know that I will most likely return to you like this:


  4. not really "new" to say, I've seen it a couple of times during the aqua/magma gang quests, I believe it has to do with Fairy type's but not completely sure
  5. always eat the cake first. If you start by drinking the tea and eat the cake afterward you'll get thirsty due to the cake.
  6. oh, ni that case Jan isn't evil, he made a nearly worthless mon in most cases usefull!
  7. my question is: Why would you want to use a Pelliper in the first place? it's not like there are better water types in the sea
  8. true, yet he can always get together with them by contacting officer jenny, thus it being on call when ever he might need it
  9. Squirtle, from the Squirtle Squad way back in Kanto. still has it on call via Jenny
  10. Looking at all Yu-Gi-Oh! protagonist sofar, I'm gonna have to say that Jaden is my second least favorite, only getting beaten by Yuma in that case (what a suprise!). My reason is quite simple: he's too happy go lucky and childish in the majority of the series, only really becoming more serious around end season 3 during the Supreme King arc. Season 4 Jaden was cool, I won't lie. but when it takes you so many seasons to get a serious attitude, you did something wrong in my book. Also I really dislike E-hero decks most of the time, so yeah :/

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. BlueMoonIceCream


      I'd say why not go for it, in fact you could make some sort of synchro deck, possibly a shooting quasar deck with T.G. Hyper librarian, it would be rad, I love that card. I would say synchro is probably my favourite summoning method, especially how it's represented in the anime, it's so good

    3. Wolfox


      you know that Hyper Librarian isn't the synchro tuner in T.G.? it's Wonder Witch (or something... it is another level 5 spellcaster tho). and I would love to, but not many places to buy cards around me. ofcourse I would also place a Majestic Star dragon in there just in case I need to get something powerful out for just one turn

    4. BlueMoonIceCream


      Go for style my dude, that's what synchro decks are all about u-u


      And yeah I know but T.G. Hyper librarian is your draw engine, every time you synchro, you draw a card, he's also a level 5 so you can use him, another level 5 and formula synchron to summon shooting quasar dragon, that's the main jam, also  obviously the more you draw the better chance you have of going into some crazy shennanigans :3

  11. I would say try ti replace Glalie with Greninja. before you tell me I'm just a fanboy of the "OP staple mons, hear me out. Glalie is not good compaired to Greninja. also his team lacks a water type for surf and such
  12. does anyone here know the exact reason nickleback ctches hate as a band? most people who actually listen to their music seem to be positive about it (myself included, gotta love some of those songs)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolfox


      explaines alot actually, and if the fun to hate party would stop it it would probably not be a meme anymore

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Well it's a similar thing with Smash Mouth etc... it's just a huuuuuuge meme really LOL.

    4. Wolfox


      imo people are way to quick to judge a band on the downsides of it. because while Nickleback does have the downside as much or potentially even more than other bands, when they get a hit it's hard to argue that it's an amazing song

  13. http://prntscr.com/fhsvnm

    am I the only one bothered that they're not using a picture of Yusei with his signature beauty mark? I mean c'mon he has that mark on his face for most of the anime!

  14. mone egg group runs, now THAT is interesting! good luck!
  15. hate to burst bubbles, but noivern is a Special Attacker, not physical, so Air Slash or Huricane would do better, same with gliscor being a physical attacker

    I'm no fool~

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolfox


      yet who's more foolish? the fool or the people following the fool?

    3. Hycrox


      The latter

    4. Paul25


      You ain't really fool... :P Right?


  17. they tend to get a new move as a bonus to you purifying them over just getting a new pokemon, reason for it is unknown but I guess Jan isn't as evil as Ame
  18. Wolfox


    first of all, as @ShadowStar said, don't compare the two, they may be rock and ground types but that doesn't make them anything alike. second: it really depends on your team, but I'd say use them BOTH. Sand Rush Excadrill is really not something to laugh at seeing as in gen 5 it was UBERS
  19. and while yes you see char everywhere, that does mean something for LP meta, right?
  20. a little too many flying types. also acrobatocs won't work unless you toss the toxic orb. also noivern might be a little weird there since it gives you a HUGE ice weakness. moveset aren't pervect but that's not for me to decide (charizard suffers quite a bit there). the reason Charizard should be there for an ash in reborn adventure is that it is without a doubt one of ash his STRONGEST MONS. and no I'm not just saying that because I'm a "charizard fanboy". Ash his charizard is easely one of his strongest mons, while some mons could be stronger if they evolved, they didn't, so yeah.
  21. the unova anime was the worst of the bunch, guess gen 5 didn't do everything right
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