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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Wolfox






    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Zarc


      oO , well i would said that you already have a lot of ideas about the 5d's one so i will let it to you while i think about the arc v one . But now i'm going to bed cause i work at 6am tomorrow :/

    3. Wolfox


      cýa later. and can you blame me for knowing the 5d's one already? it IS my favorite yugioh afterall

    4. Zarc


      No absolutely not , but i can see because it's your favorite show that i will let you decide for this one :) i will just suggest ideas probably

  2. I;ll suggest Snivy (if I even may), while not his strongest pokemon from the unova Anime, it's without a doubt a powerhouse that just needed to evolve. being one of the best grass types for offence Ash could certainly could use it during his journey through out reborn. Also: Charizard. arguably his most Iconic pokemon outside of Pikachu in general Also, might I suggest asking a spriter to create some custom sprites for the protagonist to look like Ash?
  3. while I've never used it in Rejuvenation, I can say that for LP meta it's REALLY good, as long as you keep it away from the fairy's that is
  4. lemme tell you something to which @Zarc will agree: Gardevoir and Magnezone are the champions of the forums
  5. I guess red is following ash soon with a Bye Bye Butterfree (TOO SOON!) in any case: welcome to reborn!
  6. welcome (damn I'm late with this, guess I didn't feel well for a day extra)
  7. just saw ep 5 of Vrains, I'm telling you hat Yusaku has ties to Yusei, being able to just link spam in his second duel that we see

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolfox


      what I mean is that yusei is no stranger to using his synchro's to synchro again and let them help eachother, an example is the many evolutions of Junk warrior and junky himself(yes, I know that is a bad way of naming Junk warrior, but eh) using his effect. usually he does try to focus on one syncrho to do the attacking, Like Decode Talker was to do

    3. Zarc


      and now he will ofc face his future love interest

    4. Wolfox


      let's hope Blue Angel has some power to herself, like Aki after sayer lost her

  8. Here's some anime quotes, one fits me, one first @Isa.phoria






    1. The Grinch

      The Grinch

      Awww, you. But yes, I'll have to say it's pretty accurate. I'm very ambitious

      Thank you <3

    2. Wolfox


      no problem

  9. 3spoopy5u@
  10. not true, the switch ha handheld capability's, but it's still a home console. which is why I believe there won't be any pokemon game for it, outside of spin offs
  11. I'd say that really unlikely. for one lemme quote TheKingNAPPY: "The only way a main series pokemon game will go to the Switch is if Nintendo decides to stop with handheld consoles." This is quite true since pokemon IS a handheld franchise at it's core. Nintendo may have some Nintendon't at times, but they also know this, seeing as the only pokemon games to come out on home consoles are spin off's, like for example pokemon snap. and I don't think Nintendo has any plans for gen 8 yet as of this year
  12. Mexico is going to sell Trump Toilet paper in some super markets, guess they finally wanna clean up the shit Trump says about his southern neighbours

    1. IntSys


      Great! Now I can use Trump toilet paper while using a Trump toilet!

  13. welp. I've fallen ill. great -.-

    1. FairFamily


      get better soon

    2. HongaarseBeer


      Get well soon mate

    3. Wolfox


      I'm already feeling alot better :D


      (no joke, I threw up once today quite early in the morning, I guess my imunity system is worthy of bragging about)

  14. iirc you can catch Budew after you got the second badge, Roserade is usually a good team member
  15. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, reminding me of how gen 5 did things. if that is the case those games are gonna be some of the best of 2017

    1. ProjectIceman


      I'm definitely getting Pokemon Liger Zero lol

  16. Red Dargon Archfiend or Stardust Dragon. who do you guys like better?


    My vote goes to my favorite card of all time, Stardust Dragon

    1. FairFamily


      I prefer stardust dragon. It's still a good card to play these days. Also I felt that red dragon archfiend was a bit too restricted.

    2. Wolfox


      RDA kinda was, it's not a bad card but it is outclassed by some cards, like his cousin Scarlight. where as stardust works in every deck that has a tuner.

  17. voting is opened:

    bet on what the Pokemon Direct will be about here!


    Note: don't actually bet money, this is meant for joking pusposes and potential discussing

  18. no, your save will get overwritten, you can however create a new save file without overwriting it. simply go to the saved games folder on your PC and go to the folder of the game you want. then change the name of game.rxdata to something like game1.rxdata. then you can start a new game witout losing any save
  19. Lemme just say: Love your profile pic

  20. gardevoir is something rare among fairy types, as it can actually fight back against poison types. before it evolves into Gardevoir it's not as good but the second it crosses that line it's kinda really OP in a monotype run, or in a playthrough alltogether
  21. welp, today will be the ultimate test if I gotta ask the doctor for some more meds for my leg or if I can just let it be for the time being.

  22. Wolfox

    Link Heart

    I believe it's a timed thing, that they're only there by day. I might be wrong but that's how I recall it
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