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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. there may be some people who use bots for wondertrading, but even then they mons come from real people
  2. Here's a picture of gatomon as a welcoming present
  3. joyeux anniversaire, @Zarc (Courtesy of Google translate)
  4. Where is Cain when you need him?


    In the Zetta Encounter at Goldenleaf Forrest Zetta says "I could have gotten better advice from my ass, but I'm sure none of us want to go there"

    Perfect moment for a Cain Inuendo

    1. FairFamily


      Maybe say that you are doing a rejuv spoiler. I know the spoiler tag is there but not for what.

    2. Wolfox


      sowwy :3

    3. Anime


      Cain would be like: i want to go there 

  5. Wolfox

    hi Jan, I don't wanna bother you with this, but right before I was going to face Zetta I went back into the cave for some exploring, what I found was this: http://prntscr.com/ffsbq4

    I believe it's a bug

  6. Wolfox


    I would say Timid special or hasty mixed. but in this case jolly. speed tends to be really useful for frail attacking pokemon like Lucario
  7. While I was exploring gearen City I found a guy in the Aqua building who gives you an ultra ball, being the OCD kinda guty I am I check if his text changed after he gaev it to me. It didn't, in fact I can just give myself infinite Ultra Balls with the guy. Not sure if it's know or not so yeah, I'm making a post about it.
  8. Welcome to the comunity, I hope you'll enjoy your stay
  9. AoT s2 ep 10 is up. and it's heating up


    1. Felicity


      AoT is the backup singer to My Hero Academia and Re:creators this season, hot damn.

  10. Wolfox


    that's what I wanna know. likely a story event in rejuvenation
  11. Wolfox


    Type:Null evolves fro happiness, not just at a certain level
  12. you know, watching the first 4 episodes of yugioh 5ds back is pretty weird. while they're good they have one major diference from the rest of the anime.


    Yusei doesn't have his signature mark yet


  13. say, does anyone have a Dark End Dragon deck set that's usable in over the nexus?

  14. I'm gonna say heidrygon, not as fast but it hits harder and has a better type, even if both have a 4x weakness
  15. first of all, get well soon! second of all: ANIME!
  16. wait... rejuvenation V9 has a password function?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. seki108


      Ask Jan.  This is my first time playing at all.  Only found a rare candy on the boat, but I wasn't looking too hard, I suppose


    3. Alex


      Some people wanted to skip it or something, so it's there for that.

    4. Wolfox
  17. so... with V9 of rejuvenation out, I wanna try beating narcissa again... restarting ofcourse.


    so.... any good tips on finally beating the one that has stopped me from proceding multiple years?

  18. They left us Alone

    The Kids in the Dark

    To burn up forever

    Or Light up a spark

  19. only 4 years? it would likely take me about 10 years even with reborns shiny rate
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