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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. while the wish this is true, usually in LP meta potions are the better way of healing. while heal 50% of max when you can heal back up to max?
  2. no matter how many times I see it, the scene where yusei tries to help Kallin by turing himself, while kallin thinks he's selling him always brings a feeling of conflict within me.

    1. Anime


      what season is that from? i'm still marathon-watching yu gi oh Gx, the one after Duel monsters

    2. Wolfox


      that;s in season 2 of yugioh 5ds, the third yugioh anime and my personal favorite (third times the charm, right?)

  3. I would say gardevoir @Zarcbut you have that covered with Gallade and Sylveon
  4. I just realized you're using lucina as avatar, AMAZING!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Anime


      also thank you :)

    3. Wolfox


      I mean, if you know me at all you know that Lucia is the only game character I would clasify as "waifu" and I even find that term degrading

    4. Anime


      Now i guess i know you then^^ i didn't put it exactly for the Waifu but i like usign female characters, or put their pics on my profiles

  5. suprsed to not see gibble and little hip hippo @Alextrongod luck and may fern, flobot, serra, ciel, and benet be merciful
  6. earlier someone told me I was like undertale. they followed by saying overrated.


    I reacted however: I'm a well crafted masterpiece that is to complex for you to understand?


    listening to this to celebarte that small victory

    1. seki108


      If only I hadn't apparently used up all my upvotes for today.

    2. Anime


      me too :/ yes wolfy you're a masterpiece :D 

    3. seki108


      Had to look back up this topic, since it was about Undertale.  I don't know if you followed (or even heard of) 'Undertale the Musical', but it is finally complete.  It's basically lyrical versions of most of the songs in the game (or at least the relevant ones).   Meant as a retelling of Undertale through song.  The have the individual songs on a playlist or complied in one video (just released):



  7. Wolfox


    well, atleast I was close with my Barboach
  8. I'll try my best here: IV's are the one you have little to no control over, you can influence them by breeding with certain items but outside of that they're completely random. the IV's are judge by a number from 0 to 31, 0 being the worst and 31 being the best. each point in IV's increases the stat that it's in by 1 point EV's are similar, but you can actually influence and train for these. the key difference here if that EV's have a max of 252 points per stat, while having a max number of EV points of 510 to go for each pokemon. so you gotta devide those 510 points over the stats where you deam them useful (for example putting 252 in speed and attack for garchomp). each 4 EV points you get for a certain stat increases the stat by one, meaning that with the max number of EV's in one stat it increases by 66 points, which is quite a big boost. there are items that can help you trin for EV;s, the most popular being the Macho Brace. this is all I can tell you about EV's and IV's but I hope it helps
  9. I have actually faced steel using fairy in the past, and I still have PTSD from mega scizor so.... at least this time there's no heartan stopping me from spamming fire type moves
  10. Wolfox


    it's a little later in the game, if I'm correct it's for audino or barboach
  11. I'll have more issues overall you know, team meteor likes steel and poison types quite a bit, and there's aya and corey. not to mentionRadomus and his metagross
  12. there's no reall need to ask for help in thsi stage yet, my tip would be a flying type and Hariyama tho, since flying helps alot against flobot and fern where Hariyama is just great overall for reborn
  13. My fairy monotype run is up and running! I will update it as it goes (ofcourse)

  14. not sure if this is at the right place, so work with me here Due to Rebron Sandbox mode, I can now start my fairy monotype run! Chapter 1: The Team and getting to Julia The team right now. I gave myself 5 team members because outside of Igglybuff and Snubbel, you can't get anything ebfore shelly. and I did togetic and maril because those are officially the base forms of the pokemon. The fire Evolution, Kawaii~Chan can now start shipping WIll be updated once updates are possible from here
  15. As a fellow RWBY fan I know you can apriciate this: Now take a wild guess who my favorite would be tip: It's one one of the 7 dolts. anywho~ WELCOME
  16. my question is, is there a place to get Ability Capsules?
  17. all baby pokemon that are not from gen 2
  18. I guess my timezone helped me out a little
  19. Downloading reborn sandbox mode to start my monotype run. I'll be sure to keep you guys up to date once it starts using a topic created then

  20. destiny knot for IV's, egg moves can come from both parrents, there's another item for nature (if I'm correct). mesuda method, that's all I know
  21. welp, I guess I messed up more then I expected.
  22. I wanted to do this for post 1000, but I messed it up. so now we celebrate 1001 posts, I guess
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