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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. can you give me like 10% of your luck? that should already double mine
  2. Moves to I12 and casts Heal on Lillie. "There you go, that might feel a little better."
  3. that is before julia, and the only fairy type you can even get before you reach the rock smash area in the subway tunnel
  4. you at least had options, for what I know cutiefly will only be obtainable after Flobot. and I aint gonna beat Julia with just a Popplio and potential ralts
  5. true, but Emolga. so I'd have to have a Carbink or something to deal with that, or a Ralts with trace (which would be my ace, cuz gardevoir and being my favorite mon)
  6. the program says that you should buy but you can still use it to extract, I speak of personal expirience.
  7. I used ribombee in my playthrough of moon and I was suprised at how good it actually is in LP meta. Tho that won't really help me against Julia since those will be the only fairy's early game. so yeah...
  8. that could also work, likely even better! I just went with triangle because that's what my 15 year old mind found easier to keep track of.
  9. yeah, but for example for my fairy monorun (that I still can;t start T.T) I won't really be able to get use out of any of the regular starters
  10. not really, you can just copy the files onto your pc in another folder
  11. true, but what I mean is that the traded mons gain more exp than the ones with your trainer ID, which can make the game a bit easier at times. granted it depends on what your prever
  12. Okay, so for the longest I had an idea of a format, then I forgot about it completely, and now I remember it again, so I would like to ask your oppinions on the idea. disclaimer: this is not a compete and fully detailed in any sence of the word, this is just something I thought up when I just started getting into showdown. Type Link Battle! The name should explain it, you create a team by having the pokemon have type links. for example a type triangle would be Nidoking, Crobat, Landorus. now some more details: the team would be made in two type triangles. the types would have to link up as shown in the example. Single type pokemon are NOT allowed, they don't have a second type that can link to the second mon in the triangle. Pokemon that gain a new type with a mega form are also NOT allowed. that could mean that you could just not mega if that triangle has a bad time when it is mega'd. Pokemon in Ubers are Not allowed. If you use an alolan form, that typing HAS to link to the other mons (kicked in an open door I believe) Now I know this will probably never be an official tier, but I would still like to hear your oppinions on it
  13. true, but that makes it easier since you gain more exp.
  14. not traded, more so when you start a new save you can request mosn to be put into your save
  15. due to some cheats, I am able to use some Genex Ally cards in my new yugioh 5ds reverce of arcadia savefile, and lemme just say that I like the 2 synchro's of that sub-archetype that you can use in that game. Tri-Arm has a build in MST if you use a water monster for it and Triforce can pretty much become either anchient gear golem or flame wingman with either fire or earth.


    Kinda sad I can;t use Axel for potential Syncrho Spam but eh, that would be a little OP, especially for Genex

  16. there is a topic, this one, that could help you, you'll have to start a new game and beat Cain and Victoria before posting your savefile there (on said save file) but this can grant you the mons, tho I've been waiting quite a bit for mine
  17. Wolfox


    yeah, ditto is in 7th street if you haven't freed it durring the story before, I found that out the hard way
  18. Wolfox


    that's not that odd, if you did the factory section with Amaria the grunt won't be there
  19. I guess that snowboarding help thread was indeed an add, since it's been removed

    1. Daniel Blackworth

      Daniel Blackworth

      Ah, I see. My hunch was correct, then.

  20. indeed, or fern with his supiriority complex
  21. in all my time watching TV there is one question I am still unable to awnser...


    Between Joey Tribiany and Phoeboe Buffay, who is more stupid?

    1. Wolfox


      it's pretty much







      so yeah.... not sure who would be the dumber one

  22. ofcourse, I'll PM you once I can trade it to you @EdgyMcSwaggins
  23. I started playing Castlevania Order of Ecclisia again. while not THE best castlevania DS game, it's pretty good. even if one of the bosses ora ora ora'd me into oblivion

  24. well @Commander, the game isn't perfect, but no game is. my big flaw with it is that I usually get lost but that's my own issue (sence of direction of a baked potatoe), outside of that sometimes some of the battles are a little unfair (just wait till they get to the home invasion, that will probably make them hate the game), but those things are what give reborn it's charm if you ask me. "perfection is but an illusion you put up for yourself to complain about not being good enough"
  25. You know, while it's not fun I don't fully mind being alone when it comes to my love life. I do however mind it when people rub it in my face that they're so happy with their bf/gf, even if it's not on purpose. So you found your perfect partner for now? that's nice but please don't rub it in my face.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Zarc


      then go to Canada , like me :) 

    3. Wolfox


      kinda hard atm, but maybe someday. I mean I have a feeling I am part canadian sometimes...

    4. Zarc


      i want to continue my studies there , or learn a job 

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