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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. why is this song so addicting?

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  2. rock types should work against charlotte, and you'll be able to return to the city after the agate circus arc
  3. I could teach them shadow ball, since I got the game before the TM change at shades place
  4. then how does their yanmega get shadowball?
  5. both blaziken and shesnaught gives you a decent weakness to flying and psychic types. eelectross could posibly be replaced by magnezone since combined with the gardevoir you already have it kinda creates an unstopable duo. putting tyrantrum over Chesnaught wou'd help alot already when it comes to coverage edit: also! for gardevoir moonblast will be the better option, and stored power will most likely be better off being replaced by a coverage move like shadow ball sinch psychic will be more reliable in most of the situations

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    2. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      also, pokemon that arent native to alola dont get a new pokedex entry. meaning mega garde wont have an actual pokedex entry.

    3. Wolfox
    4. seki108


      @Tommy Wiseau  That's why I'm saying I'm curious.........Presumably next game........

  7. it's set once you begin the game, so can't really influence it iirc
  8. Death note, code geass, fma(both of them), yugioh 5ds, one punch man, Jojo's bizarre adventure(not the Ova, but the story's with phantomblood and such), yugioh arc-v, attack on titan (suprised to be the first one to note that one), Deadman Wonderland, dragonball (no, not DBZ, just the regular dragonball, you know where Yamcha wasn't used as joke and where he was Goku's first rival?), SAO (yes there were bad things about sao, but generally it was a good anime) I know alot more, but that's mainly the ones I loved, now for the top 5... Death Note, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Code Geass, FMA Brotherhood - 1 (I have a hard time picking between those) Attack on titan - 2 Yugioh 5d's - 3 One Punch Man - 4 SAO - 5 I know it technically is a top 9, but what can I say, I like my anime
  9. I believe the reason there's negativity on the waterfall scene is because the chance of the LPers there knowing the backstory of the event is not the biggest. just speculating but I believe the critisism for it will most likely be due to things like that, where inside knowledge makes the inpact either bigger or smaller
  10. okay, then do you mind if I ask some things about the classes? and you said Warlock in the opening post twice
  11. from Ginny to Mae eh?

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    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Nothin'. Nooooothing at all.

    3. Anime


      K, i was just kidding, have a good day :)

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      lol, I'll try to enjoy what's left of it before I sleep LOL.

  12. I had a feeling about it, and it does seem like lillie is hitching a ride with yullen again I'll fix it once it's all settled down a bit
  13. this seems interesting, never played it before so I might give it a shot. my question is if it would be on discord or something or just here on the forums on an specific thread
  14. >does monotype random

    >get;s ground

    >faces water

    >no seis

    >no sand setter

    >water has manaphy and mega sharpedo


    need any more proof I have terrible luck?

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  15. it looks pretty nice, a friend of mine uses an ice team alot like it, tho that team uses mamowsine over rotom
  16. another idea might be combining magneton and crookadile. discharde spamming and bite/crunch
  17. I had a weird dream... I was having tea with Uncle Iroh when Uncle Chan showed up. the two started bonding, sharing stories and talking about teaching their nephews. When suddenly they decided to play pai sao and majong.


    I don't know what kinda stuff I'm on but I should probably stop it

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    2. Wolfox


      jackie_chan_adventures___uncle_by_thekun this guy

    3. Alphagar


      Oh, from the Jackie Chan cartoon. o.o I thought it was the old guy from American Dragon Jake Long at first until I remembered he was short.

    4. Wolfox


      that's his grandpa. and then it would likely be uncle long

  18. I believe the ones that you named are the only ones out at the moment
  19. roserade won't do much good against him, perhaps swapping her out for a ghost type could do some good. Cofagrigus tends to be useful because trick room isn't uncommon on radomus his team
  20. Moves to I11 and casts Heal on Kayde. "Mind trying to stay alive? The Sun Goddess is not likely to be happy with you if you keep running in without considering the risk."
  21. I'm gonna binge watch jacky chan adventures

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    1. Anime


      i'm bing watching Duel monsters xD

  22. could someone who is able perhaps look at my post in the request a mon thread? I would like to start my Fairy mono run with the forums as support :(

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    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Anime


      Hmm @luis has experience with RPG maker, if he has time he'll do it 

    3. luis


      Hey, still need my help?

    4. Wolfox


      that would be apriciated, can I send you my savefile and a list of mons that I would like to use in said mono run?

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