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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. compaired to the invisible guns, it's still pretty mild if you ask me
  2. I don't remember them, no I saw most of the series subbed so...
  3. Scizzors > Invisible guns and not dubbing whole seasons
  4. I have no idea about that, sorry
  5. all I can do is give the helpful tip: Never save when you're stuck
  6. you know, while I had a great time last night, my nec hurts. guess I headbanged too much


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  7. roserades moveset... it doesn't get any advantage from technician. I would replace Petal Dance for Hidden Power to at least get some use of it.
  8. it's not in the hands of 4kids (if I remember correctly) so maybe we're in luck. and about being a dick to other, maybe that'sbecause Yusaku doesn't trust Ignis yet. The one person he is friendly with seems to be a person he would also trust with his life, meaning that maybe once he trust someone he will be friendly to them
  9. looking back uppon Yugioh Arc-V. There's one thing I actualy dislike a little. WHY THE HEL DID YUYA STOP USING HIS PALADIN SYNCHRO'S AFTER HIS SECOND DUEL WITH JACK?!

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    1. FairFamily


      Well because if Yuya played a synchro monster then konami needed to release a good tuner for a pendulum deck. Konami hates pendulum deck tuners they all suck.

    2. Wolfox


      Yuya had his magician, while not a good pendy tuner it worked if nothing else :/

    3. FairFamily


      Still got to sell new cards and introducing new cards is an easier way. That's why we have fugolem and a performapal with a gatling gun.

  10. 5d's in in my top 5 favorite anime overall, so I will defend it when needed and if I find links (no pun intended) I will point them out
  11. What if... Yuzaku is a distant relative of Yusei? Let's look at the similarities: For what we know, Yuzaku lost his parents Yuzaku is more of a loner and probably prefers people he actually trusts to be around him Yuzaku is more of a serious person and will think everything through before rushing in without a care Yuzaku is a skilled hacker Yuzaku is a strong duelist in both master and speed duels. now for yusei: Yusei lost his parents Yusei is a master mechanic Yusei prefers to be around friends and people he knows over strangers Yusei will think things through before acting Yusei is so far the most serious Yu-Gi-Oh! Protagonists Yusei is a Master Duelist in both regular and turbo/riding duels these will likely not be the only similarities and I'm probably completely wrong here, but it's a nice fan theory
  12. welp, back from the festifal. Saw a Nirvana adn Foo Fighters cover band (coincidence? I think NOT!)

    I had a good time and I will likely have lost my voice (Can you blame me for singing along with all the foo fighters song?)

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  13. "Sigh, I guess we have to get him up again... Gaillardia mind helping with getting the swordsman on his feat again? he seems to need it." Luther says with a hand to his face as gesture of stupidity.
  14. What if I say I'm not like the others

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    2. Wolfox


       thank me later

    3. Wendel


      I will after I listen to it later cause my headset's plugged into something else atm c:

    4. Wolfox


      ah, that can be a case

  15. it might be smart to add the levels and at what point in the game you are
  16. while you can get phantump yet, I could tell you how to get Pumpkaboo (the one I prefer of the two)
  17. I'm sorry if this is not a needed self quote, but I would apriciate if someone could perhaps looks at this request
  18. If Yusei Fudo was a Jojo Character, would he be one of the Stardust Crusaders?

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  19. I voted a ban on both. Now before you come after e with a pitchfork, hear me out: I'm a competitive Monotype player, monotype being 50% of the redemption league (the leaders) means that things that are broken in monotype are equally broken there, if not more broken. Aegislash has been banned from Monotype for a long time, like since they stopped with type exclusive bans in oras. It was one of the things that kept ghost from going belly up. Greninja suffered the same fate but was already banned before that if I remember correctly. Now in gen 7 monotype it's allowed, and it's still the wild card that it always was. however since it's not only monotype that breaks greninja a bit more into being the frog of death. so I'd say ban the blade and the frog
  20. Wolfox


    that was done for the redemption league. while I quit doing that challenge on the reborn showdown I keep the trainer card since I love fairy types
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