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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. Could you make one at 80 x 80 pixels base on Yugo from yugioh Arc-v? You know, that guy? Preverably in the second pose but I'll leave that up to you
  2. I would, but to most question either I don't have an awnser or other people would explain it better. sorry
  3. Wolfox


    it's at random, but not sure if it works in ep 16
  4. if the rumors are true the reward for finnishing the quest completely is a Magikarp, which I can provide aswell shamelessselfpromotionftw
  5. all I'd give him is a bullet, that I shot at him
  6. Comming soon...



    Fairy type monorun with Wolfox. Here on the forums


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. seki108


      Purest type will rain supreme.  If episode 7 gets here in time, you can even have a Fairy stater.

    3. seki108


      *Episode 17

    4. Wolfox


      indeed, but I won't wait that long. perhaps I'll do a part 2 of it then tho

  7. Game Monorun Starter.rxdata Would anyone mind edditing this save file for a Fairy Monotype run? I would like to request a timid femal shiny ralts, a modest eevee holding a sooth bell(for Sylveon), A Togepi with Serene Grace, Extrasensory as egg move (Corey doesn't HAVE to be hellish, right?) and an Azurill with Huge Power? IV's I'll leave up to the one edditing the save file, genders and shiny aswell (outside fo ralts, cuz favorite mon and such) Thanks in advance
  8. tumblr_inline_nna4q3vfzI1qgp297_500.gif


    Sorry mitch, but you dun goofed there

  9. klang can do some fun against Noel. a few shift gears and it should sweep with gear Grind
  10. and let's not forget Radomus... he has some dark killers and his Mawile will?
  11. Corin Roque is a slick bastard, you can't finish the sidequest yet in this episode tho
  12. may Shelly, Kiki and Adrienn be hellish but merciful
  13. I'm disappointed no one posted this yet good luck tho
  14. sorry to those whove tried to contact me the past 2 days, been outa town

  15. the one shiny I do have a nickname for would be Golem, of all mons. Rock Demon. why that? well I also used a turkey bird known as Bird Jesus(not shiny tho) so I thought why not?
  16. The moments you truely feel lonely are the moments you need to be alone

  17. bruno_tf06_ending_by_ramirexdb-d4cv3i5.j

    Saddest permanent Death in yu-gi-oh so far. You will be missed Bruno.



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Zarc


      even if kalin is alive , that scene where he said goodbye to yusei ( dark signer arc ) was so emotional



      Well i have to say that 5d's is in my opinion the most emotional yu gi oh 

    3. Wolfox


      Kalin had an amazing death scene, but it wasn't permanent

    4. Zarc


      yeah , that's what i said :) aporia's death was also sad

  18. just kick the fakies out and try finding her again, that should do the trick
  19. a little late, but none the less HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
  20. 0:01 today

    me: lemme buy echoes already xD it can download while i sleep


    after I woke up:




  21. I don't really have a nickname for reborn custom shiny's, but I usually name my Gardevoir Lucina
  22. true, but many don't count shawott in that since cain at first also fought afainst using it, but his love for cute things got the better of him
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