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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. For those who play MMO's like for example WoW (World Of Warcraft) this is not an uncommon thing to choose. What is your favorite or prefered role when playing an MMO? Please let us know which role and why that role
  2. I'd also say Uranium is a pretty good option. downside: it's full of Fakemon. but to an extend, weren't all pokemon Fakemon in one way or another?
  3. Guess it's becoming a trend to pawn off magikarps eh?
  4. you know what's fun?

    Having the most OP mon in monotype in your team but never being able to make it work. I DON'T KNOW WHY BUT MAGEARNA ALWAYS FAILS ME!

    I did some checking, and KLEFKI has a higher body count. KLEFKI!

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  5. I'll pm you when I'm free, and I'm alright with almost any mon
  6. I still got a few left, but seeing as it's kinda late I can't trade you right now, sorry
  7. assuming the on with 26 HP has 31 soeed IV's I'd say that one, the other Mienfoo is still amazing(likely)
  8. I mean, I could make a Fairy monotype team with Comfey, but for that I would need a better klefki first
  9. @Zarc I believe the forums are gonna have a new champion coming ep 17

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    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. CrossImpact


      @Zarc it's treason, then.

    3. CrossImpact


      aaand I always keep messing up waiting for the pop-up to actually tag people.

    4. Zarc


      can i know why my fragment can update his own rank ??? 

  10. f4f156c5fae7420bb081b6fd0b1a3be3.png

    How Kaiba got the idea for a D-wheel.

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  11. Mimikyu for joining Magnezone and Gardevoir as forum champion? Another thing I will probably riot if Shade doesn't get a mimikyu in ep17. yes Mimikyu is kinda busted for a gym leader but it just firs shade so well
  12. Oh right, I forgot about Type: Null. Speaking of, that might be a story event mon. Since Team meteor uses Arceus they might try to use it for that purpose, it fails and you save it.
  13. Happy Mothers-day everyone

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    1. Paul25


      All the mothers are the best in this world :D ..

      I wish that all the mothers may live long :P 


  14. "Thanks, Sheena. I'll be sure to repay you someday." Moves to E13 and casts heal on Kayde. "You're not gonna die on us as long as I'm here either."
  15. mine has to be my battle against Samson. I just caught a hawlucha and it was t's first battle. First move it does: HJK "Whamo! Your power level is...... OVER 9000!!!!!!" Ohkoed the conk
  16. ninja'd by Seki, but yeah that
  17. I am proud to anounce, the OFFICIAL theme song for the Wolfy and Roars Magikarp shop:


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    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolfox


      I watched it right before I went to sleep, it made me really happy

    3. AuthorReborn


      It has been stuck in my head all day. It is glorious.

    4. Animefan666


      I find myself returning to this video frequently. It has some level of control over me :P

  18. the third one is in Beryl ward, to the north of jasper
  19. mind if I ask for some more exact details? since from what I know you have to get through the jungle to get to the next story point
  20. will you make one for me in 4 days?
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