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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. the idea was actually no set sheet, but letting the people joining can just set it up the way they like best. you can, of course, suggest sheet for people who have more issues building something like this up
  2. I'm simply looking for 2 more people to judge the entries we receive in the threads so we can acknowledge the winners of that week. seeing as having one judge can easily lead toward bias toward a certain type (for example I love fairy types but hate water types) and even indirectly that will influence the results if I do it alone.
  3. iirc el has full heals, but nothing else. curse is a valid option if you have a ghost type that can live a hit or you have your sash
  4. Since I have an amethyst, does it mean that I own @Amethyst?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hycrox


      That's illegal

    3. Amethyst


      just a part. take good care of me.

    4. Wolfox
  5. there will actually be multiple threat about this if I can get it going since it will be done in multiple weeks. every week will have a focus on 2 gym leader positions. as for the character sheets, the people participating will be the one making their own. the example I gave was just the one I used when I joined an event a lot like this. if there are more questions feel free to ask them. Once I can find 2 volunteers to help as judges I'll get this going. asap
  6. you know your avatar shill has a xmas hat, right?

    1. Sheep


      Sure I do.

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I'd have made a Christmas in July joke but it ain't July yet... soooooooooo...

  7. Alright, so I've been thinking of doing something like this since I joined something like this a little earlier and I loved doing it. If there's enough people who want to do this in the sence of joiing the contest itself or wanting to help me judge it all I will launch it somewhere in the next week. What I'm talking about is a "Gym Leader Hunt". People joiing will create a character that has the role of gym leader in the *insert region name here* region (don't have a region name yet) and will make a post "selling" (for lack of a better word in my vocabulairy at the moment) theis Gym Leader. This will incluse characteristics, their past, their type, the city they live in, battle music, their quotes, the relationship they have with their pokemon and the people who live in the town/city. Example: Ofcourse it would be more detailed if you would enter. Here are some more details on the matter aswell: During the battle section of the contest, all pokemon levels will be set to 100. This Contest will be going for multiple weeks. So if you can't join week one there's no need to worry. Durring the writing section it's encouraged to go as overboard as you can. Add as much details to your character as your can. Here's a little sheet that you can use(not must, can) for the writing section(Profided by @Monsieur Divergent) Now for some ground rules of the contest: 1. If you won a position, you are no longer permitted to enter a submission untill the final. 2. If the type you want to use is already in use by someone who already won, you gotta use another type. 3. When submitting your teams the poekmon have to be on a certain level (example level 11 and 13 for the first gym leader). 4. Pokemon that evolve after that level will not be evolved in the team display during the writing section. 5. For battle music, remixes of pokemon music are NOT allowed. Be creative with the music you add to yoru post . 6. After all of the spots have been filled, there will be a ROUND ROBIN style "tournament" via pokemon showdown to see who is the strongest. the format will(ofcourse) be monotype. but legend won't be allowed, you will however be allowed to fill your team with other mons because if that wouldn't be the case it wouldn't be fair, now would it? 7. During the battles it would be adviced to roleplay as your gym leader(as such it would be smart to if you register the name of your persona if you get a mesage that you got a spot), seeing as battles will not be the biggest way to earn points(more on that later) 8. after the round robin "tour" there will be one last writen piece about why you think your gym leader deserves to be the "champion" of the region. 9. be respecfull about other people's posts in the contest and don't burn them down if you don't like it (if either of the judges gets a pm showing proof of this happening that person will be discualified, be warned). 10. Just let your creativity go wild if you decide to join 11. And most inportantly, have fun if you join
  8. I don't even....
  9. @ProjectIceman do you perhaps have a shiny ralts to spare even after the wondertrade party happened?
  10. Just gonna ask this again; any other fans of Aphmau here? and if so. how many tiers were shed durring todays/yesterdays (depending on the timezone you're in) vid?

  11. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/azure-gen7randomdoublesbattle-92567

    Someone call an Eye surgeon. this Dusknoir seems to need one badly

  12. So tell me why. Tell me why. Why I'm feeling pretty fine here on the dance~floor. On the dance~floor~

  13. you know that one move... Imprison?

    You know the one you always get of your mon asap? wel there's a tier where that move is more broken then MEGA RAYQUAZA is to any meta game. Metronome battles. cuz you know, only letting your opponent use stuggle is kiiiiiiiiinda really fucking broken. Gonna have to talk to showdown peeps to get that a clause against that move


  15. Overrated may be the case. but that doesn't take away the fact that they do what they have to do really well on vertically every team in reborn
  16. this is what I have sofar:

    Open Stage Field
    "It's Show-Time!"
    1.4x boost to normal type moves.
    Entertainment will now increase or decrease a random stat(not evasion).
    Sing now has 80% acc.
    Pokemon with the Dancer ability get a boost in either speed, attack or special attack at the end of every turn.
    Meloetta can change her form at will(like mega evolution)
    Soundproof is negated.
    Dance moves that boost or lower stats now have their effects doubled.
    Petal Dance doesn't confuse the user and will always go for 3 turns. 
    Fiery Dance effect chance get's boosted to 100%
    Teeter Dance does not effect ally pokemon in double or triple battles.


    I know it's nto alot yet, but this might be an interesting field for the normal type gym leader.


    And before anyone asks: Yes I did kinda wanna base this of Sakaki Yuya's desire to entertain everyone

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sceptilespy


      Dude. I LOVE THIS.

    3. Wolfox


      I guess you could say that


    4. Sceptilespy


      Indeed you could lol.

  17. 61eef9318c057d3426b19290065a9bdd.jpg

    I don't care what you say. to me Cecil will always be the best Final Fantasy protagonist

    1. FairFamily


      He wasn't that great in final fantasy: dissidia

    2. Wolfox


      in ff4 he was pretty good, granted I don't have much other final fantasy expirience but still, I just relly like him

  18. when someone you battle tells you this

    ShadowTheEdgeLord: there is a lot of hentai of celesteela

    Please tell me I'm not the crazy one t just put them on ignore and almost wanna report them

    1. Animefan666


      Not sure it's report worthy, but definitely mash that Ignore button.

    2. Wolfox


      I smashed it harder then I smash the like button on one of NAPPY's vids~


  20. Picked up ygo GX again at ep 156. I have to say that after it's pretty good from that ep. or at least much better then season one.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. FairFamily


      Well it is a good season, a tad depressing nontheless ejoyable.

    3. Wolfox


      I can apriciate more depressing moments in anime. I do have my limits tho



      and overall I really like hardened characters. Like Judai after the Supreme King arc, Yuto in Arc-v, Jusei in most of 5ds and Jotaro Kujo

    4. Zarc



  21. a pretty good team, but Magnezone... Looking at it a second time, a certain fairy type can actually run house on your your team so yeah, Magnezone...
  22. welp, seeing as that's midnight for me I guess I'm not joining
  23. after having finnished arc-v, I will have to agree that it's easely one of the best yuguoh anime that we've had sofar.

    Next on my list is finnishing Zexal. even if it's not as good as all the others it's said to have some good points later on. And it's still enjoyable to see Yuma fail xD

    After that I might finnish GX aswell

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Wolfox


      Yuya's growth started before the anime even started. where it took jaden till season 3 to even start

    3. Tartar


      After finishing Arc-V, I don't see why you were so disappointed with it. 

      Sure it could have used 2-3 more episodes to tie up unfinished plot threads, but otherwise, it was good. That final battle with Reiji was quite fun, with tons of powerful cards getting thrown around one after another, with a fun final combo to tie everything up. Especially the final scene where Yuzu was reincarnated was especially satisfying to watch and tied that whole plot point up nicely. 


      If anything my only gripe with the series was that the Synchro arc lasted for way too long, and kind of ground the plot to a standstill between episodes 53-80'ish. But this is only a gripe since episodes 26-52 are perhaps the best arc in all of Yugioh (well, that one or the Dawn of the Duel arc from the Original Yugioh), and the Synchro arc was simply a poor follow-up. 

    4. Wolfox


      There's also the Dark Signer arc in 5ds that deserves praise. and one of my complaints is that yuyaNEVER used the paladins after the synchro arc. Okay so you can beat the King of the Turbo Duels with it but it's not good enough to fight Edo Phoenix?

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