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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. there is a quicksave option already. try pressing "D" while in the game and not in a cutscene
  2. that was indeed my idea, that physica moves would go od the special attack and vice versa. it could be a usefull field for a gymleader depending on their type
  3. nevermind, I do have a female gastly, my ID is Wolfox Waiting for trade request.... NOW
  4. I'm not sure I have the gastly(I'll check that in a sec) but I do have a female near perfect IV magikarp with the hidden ability
  5. I was gonna do a status about how shiny medicham kinda looks a little like Star Platinum. but then I found this



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolfox


      Make it a romhack NOW!

    3. seki108


      There is also this one:


    4. Wolfox


      romhack or fangame creators, this is a sign

  6. if you want to, I can provide a magikarp for your new playthrough. I still have a few barrels of them left
  7. you're saying that me proving magikarps is a bad thing?
  8. I have no proof of this, but someone once tried to tell me that eviolite ominous wind/ancient power togetic was better on a fairy monotype team then togekiss. Granted that was in gen 6 but I still think it's pretty note worthy
  9. not sure if lucky on unlucky Isa hasn;t considered doing a fanfic based on me.

  10. garchomp is mainly attack and speed, since you know... eq and outrage... Volcarona is special attack and speed, quiver dance boosting this even more helps it out greatly Pumpkaboo I'm not fully sure, but I'd say max HP and mad def with things like will-o-wisp and leech seed, can be combined with Venusaur if you wanna use that for special defence I hope this helps you a little bit also if you want: I could provide you with a Magikarp if you wanna add a Gyarados to your rotation
  11. That judge seems to know how the world work. I would also share my oppinion on the USA Justice system but seeing as I'm not from the US I feel like I do not have the right to potentially critisize the US Justice system. from what I know about the one from my country(the Netherlands) that system seems to work pretty well. Though I will say that the judge in the video deserves a prize for how he does things
  12. I guess my posts are just gliched xaa that would be my luck xD and as I said I wouldn't mind helping you with some backstories whenever needed
  13. I hope my ideas were of any use at all just incase they got drowned in the other ideas I'll repost them here right now: Perhaps a field that completely turns around the type effectiveness? or a field that allows Normal type moves to be super effective against steel, rock, fighting and ghost types. or maybe one that turns around the physicl special split? just throwing some random idea's here but if these are useful I might come up with some more . Also if you need and character backstories for gym leaders/rivals or what ever you can always send me a PM
  14. okay, so update on my leg issue: I used a salve that is kinda working. however it turned my leg into a sauna. This making me believe I;m alergic to said salve

    1. Maelstrom


      idk what's going on with your leg, but heat and inflammation is the body's response to allergies, injury, and infection alike. The higher temperature promotes a faster recovery.

  15. I believe no1 ever told Jotaro it's rude to point, seeing as it's his signature pose

    1. Another Felix

      Another Felix

      He stole it from Phoenix Wright.

    2. Wolfox


      phoenix didn't learn not to point either

  16. "Hmm. I've read about this but never expected it to be real. But having seen it twice now I do not doubt it. I believe they are called "critical hit's" or criticals for short. I do not know how they work yet I believe if you're blessed by the strength of your attack increases greatly. I knew the few books about combat I had read in my time as a priest would be of use someday." Luther says, standing in aw to have whitnessed this phenomanon. Moves to E9 and casts heal on Lillie. "It would be better to be save then sorry."
  17. this is the first time I've seen that Edit: In what episode do you see that? I just booted up a new sace to check but I didn't see a thing
  18. she has stopped me in ym tracks every time sofar. Medicham may not eb usefull against her, but it will most likely be usefull after that battle
  19. if you don't mind me asking, have you ever done the Magcargo pun of "Where'd mah car go?"?

    1. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      I did do Magcargo puns, but that wasn't one I thought of . o . 

    2. Wolfox


      suprised you didn't, it's one f the betetr magcargo puns I've heard so I though you would have used it

  20. damn... but in case you wanna know why I don't just catch another one: http://prntscr.com/ez43tc Adamant and good IV's in most stats, not likely to get a better one randomly
  21. I believe you're thining about route 3, which you can't get to till you beat the story point with team Xem. I'll check just in case tho
  22. I believe the title speaks for itself, but I would like to know where I can find an ability capsule around the second gym battle. I've taken the one from the Forrest and the one from Venam's gym already. Please help me make a little meditite kid not go through his life without Pure Power
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