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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. I'll see what happents myself, I assume you're gonna do the stream on youtube so I could just sub there and learn when you're gonna stream, hopefully I'm awake then and do i have the PC at my disposal
  2. Wolfox

    Where is Numel?

    Noibat itself? Noivern?
  3. someone recently bashed me for liking fe awakening and fates again because they are "not true fe games". I really wanted to bust out the old: well if the old games are so perfect, why not just carve a hole into them and f*ck them?" but I kept mature and said something else; "you can hate them all you want but Awakening did save the franchice from going belly up like Metroid and F-zero. Perfection is overrated anyway, and an illusion. an over rated illusion."

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolfox


      Awakening is amazing. but it's a new thing that wasn;t exactly like that part of the FE comunity wanted so it get's hate. hell most of the changes from old FE to awakening didn;t even come from awakening, but guess what game takes the blame for it like a true friend. they just gotta get of their high horses and accept that fire emblem is changing and addapting to survive. it's still one of the more challanging game franchises alive to this day and that's something to be proud of. the only thing I'll give them is that fates did not need phoenix mode. but would we have known if it wasn't there? I DON'T THINK SO

    3. The Grinch

      The Grinch

      It's very easy to think you want something else than what you have. Like a lot of people tend to feel about betas.  Just because the old thing looks hella cool we wouldn't know Wether it would be good or awful 

    4. Hect


      Wanna know what else is an illusion? Justice.

  4. I never filled the national dex, but I still have my first pokemon game(white) where I legit have all mons in the unova dex outside of event only ones. that was fun to complete, specially since I eventually needed a swoobat of all things as last mon(you know it's trash if that's the situation) I will always be proud of the fact that in a generally big regional dex like Unova I was able to actually catch em all
  5. I haven't even seen it once, nor do I know what it does, guess the rng unfavored have to rely on others to find it out
  6. Guess I don't have to hope for mega Gardevoir then But yeah it will most likely be just the existing mega's. Ame might throw a curve ball and instead of mega's allow a certain pokemon to Pulse Evolve for the player but that's probably a chance smaller then finding a shiny female combee in gen 4
  7. "Gaillardia, might it be a good idea to regroup with us? It usually doesn't go well when a wolf strays from the pack."
  8. Wolfox


    just send me a PM when you want one, I mean I do still own a Magikarp Shop on the forums just looke down my signature
  9. don't delete your saves, but copy it and then replay the game
  10. "Apreaciated milady, thanks alot. Perhaps the two of us could work together like this more often when it's needed." Moves to B10 and casts Heal on Yullen.
  11. Wolfox


    I got a few magikarps laying around waiting for someone to addopt and eat them
  12. now I remember her! I've seen her every time I got to that point in the game
  13. Aurorus and Honchcrow have a type you already have on your team, arorua is a completely dupes type wise even. you could replace them with another flying type and potentially a fairy type in case of fighting types
  14. looking back at my childhood, there one person who has taught me more then school ever did. That person is... Uncle Iroh

    1. The Grinch

      The Grinch

      Internet taught me a lot

  15. it's no secret reborn has references to other forms od pop culture like music, tv, and much more, so it seems like fun to see who found what references Note that there is a good chance you find spoilers here if people share the references they found. Now I found about 3 that I remember of the top of my head: One of the trainers in the grand hall speaks about music and has the name Justin. On of the trainers on the Opal Brigde sings a Paramore song, Wow to be exact. in Charlotte's gym there an old guy speaking about a Soldier Boy, his name is Iroh
  16. eventually reborn will have all mons in the pokedex, so I'll assume that there will be a reward for catching them all
  17. if it's for beating reborn, you might as well remove mega salamence. Ame has a heart but she will never allow anyone to steamroll through reborn with a broken mega. just saying
  18. you can keep houndoom, magneton and torterra overall since that's quite a wide spread already, a rock type like gigalyth would be supported, just like a water type
  19. "I believe, that what ever doesn't kill you. Simply makes you.... Stranger"


    The Joker- The Dark Knight

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. doombotmecha


      "stranger" is way too vague

      getting a hamburger doesn't kill you, and it doesn't make you any stranger. does make you a but fuller, though.

    3. Wolfox


      you don't question the clown prince of crime

    4. Jace Stormkirk

      Jace Stormkirk

      in my many escapades around many realms i have found that whatever does not kill you... 


      should RUN


  20. "Ofcourse, once I'm done with aiding Kayde's wounds I'll get to you." (at request and a mistake that was pointed out my earlier post with healing and kayde have been changed, please take mind in that)
  21. bout te restart rejuvenation(again) so please give me all tips you have on beating the ghost gym leader on normal mode. please guys, help this player get past what is probably the most unfair battle in that point of the game

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Wolfox


      keta is not the problem, my issue is with Narcissa

    3. Atticus


      i always struggle with narcissa tbh, so the only thing that i can do for you is wish 'good luck'

    4. Wolfox


      well, knowmign how RNG loves me I will never get past her in that case. even though I got axew from the starter randomizer

  22. people never beleive me when I say hp rock roserade workd well, I meab base 90 coverage move
  23. "I wish I knew you guys back then. You know why? Cuz you can't kick a story in the nuts." -Sobin Scherbatsky


    why is that such a good quote?

    1. Wolfox


      *Robin Sherbatsky

    2. HongaarseBeer



  24. who would you rather "Ora ora ora ora ora" in the face without anyone knowing it was you? Trump or Puttin?


    Mine is easy, the dumbass in over his head controlling a country

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