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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. someone help me spread this when marshadow get's banned from monotype. people aint believing me and I like some rub it in the face action at the right time

  2. I need a gid of an Azumarill repeadetly punching. reason you ask? I wanna be able to in monotype call it my "stand". but instead of saying "Ora ora ora!" or "MUDA MUDA MUDA!" I'll say "AZU AZU AZU AZU AZU!"

    1. seki108


      I would love to see this as well.

    2. Wolfox


      just call me Kujo Wolfox, AZU AZU AZU AZU AZU!

  3. 2BeipQ8.gifKWAQbPu.gifcjzeuYJ.gif

    All hail the llama's!

    1. FairFamily


      They're multiplying, soon they will take over reborn.

      Also have a llama:



    2. HongaarseBeer


      You really have a lot of llamas, don't you? (btw I still have your previous one in my signature :)

  4. am I a weird man for loving how my hands feel after I use hand cream? nice and soft and smooth... so good...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Maelstrom


      I hate the oiliness tbh.

    3. The Grinch

      The Grinch

      Not at all, I feel the same.

      I also love the feeling of after cleaning your face and using a moisturizer. A feeling of being precious

    4. AuthorReborn


      I don't really use hands products that often, but when I do I too enjoy the soft feeling of my hands. The reason I don't do it often is because, similar to Mael, I don't like the oily texture it leaves behind. I'm a very tactile person, so having anything on my hands is extremely distracting.

  5. yeah... the netherlands here so.... rip me I guess
  6. my problem with this might be my timezone, if it doesn't conflict I would wondertrade and watch tho
  7. I actually read your post, so why would I say mew?
  8. Just spit balling here, but I think it might be a usefull idea to read the first post and look over your post again
  9. would you rather;

    Be on the reciefing end of Star Platinum's ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA attack once, but have the ability to do that attack yourself after. or lose a slap bet with Jotaro for 5 slaps when he feels like he wants to give them to you(Barney and Marshall style) and where he's allowed to let Star Platinum do the slaps?

    I'd rather just get ora ora ora'd in the face and be able to do it myself assuming I can even walk normally again

  10. 24b2cda35651d8b4cec2d40e8f0ff78c.jpg

    If it's not noticed yet, I'm in kind of a JoJo mood lately

  11. when yo simply lose contrill but don't wanna get your hands dirty


  12. 4 mega stones are released by mystery gift code.

    Medichamite, Audinite, Beedrillite and Mawilite.


    1. seki108


      Still no Gardevoirite available for 7th Gen?

    2. Wolfox


      not gardevoir yet(sadly)

    3. seki108


      If I had the recent games, I would be furious at this point.  Even without them, I am ticked they are crippling 'best mon' like this.....and I suppose the other ones with unreleased stones too.

  13. try delphox, gardevoir, hawlucha, blaziken, granbull and maybe roserade?
  14. I feel stupid...































































    I only just found out that Soleil from FE fates her name is based of Cirque Du Soleil.

  15. Why not give this a try, never done an RP before so don't judge pls. Forum Name:Wolfox Glace Preferred Character: Kayde the Myrmiddon, Gaillardia the Fighter or Luther the Priest(support characters need love aswell) Least preferred Character:Glenn, Wind Mage Favorite Fire Emblem Character/Characters: Owain/Odin, Inigo/Laslow, Lucina, Lon'qu, Soleil, Morgan, Hisame, Ignacious, Gaius, Asugi, Tharja, Rhajat. Your Favorite Fire Emblem Class/Classes: Mercanary(I mistyped that, I'm sure), Hero
  16. Wolfox

    I-I need help...

    not gonna lie, Hawlucha caried me against Samson, he got the Hi Jump Kick off on the conk getting the OVER 9000! boost, instantly sealing it's place in my favorite pokemon list.
  17. Lurantis isn't a bug type btw xD
  18. Predictions for ep 17: Shade will get a Mimikyu, since that on does fit him as a character and his team overall and provides more challenge cuz it's flipping mimikyu.

    Shelly or bennet will wield cutiefly/ribombee

  19. Dude, your profile picture just brings tears back to my eyes :( that movie is one of the few that made me cry... And I can somehow watch The boy in the striped pyama's without even shedding a tear

    1. Ironbound


      Yeah, the Iron Giant was a good movie.

  20. welp, I now realize the true reason I want that little amiibo collection is as a little distraction of my current irl situation... on brighter news: I ordered all of the 4, exept for Marth :(

  21. even have those moments where you feel like a useless bag of air? if so guess how I've been feeling for the last couple of months

    1. Zargerth


      I feel you.

    2. CrossImpact


      exchange air for helium go wild

  22. I think it should work fine with the 15, I did some counting and it seems like I also have 15, yet the game works fine
  23. just ordered 3/4 amiibo's on my list. Guess which one was missing in that store?

  24. not sure of "ora ora ora" or "muda muda muda"... help me out pls

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