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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. Notre Dam in Flames, Reggy now officially gone... a sad day indeed

    1. LeoYT


      but now he can meme with the rest of us on twitter

  2. If nothing else I'm prepared for 1 thing when I'm watching house: It's never Lupus 

  3. I should use a Mawile more often ingame, it's design is cool enough to warrant that

    1. Amphibi


      I really like using it but it can be a bit underwhelming at times. It's either frail but hits hard with sheer force or can kinda take physical moves with intimidate while doing mediocre damage.

  4. https://vocaroo.com/i/s0XlLUOqXy70

    Welp, here it is: Wolfy's version of The Rains of Castamere. hope you'll enjoy

  5. Later tonight: Wolfy will stretch his vocal cords and sing The Rains of Castamere 

  6. Much less sickly, I'm feeling quite well 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Maelstrom


      Sounds good. Don't overdo it, no matter how good you feel. 

    3. doombotmecha


      oh excellent! I'm glad.

    4. Candy


      good to hear 😄

  7. few hours ago: I'm gonna watch a few House clips.

    Me Now: Just one more... Seriously why did I never decide to check it out sooner

  8. in about a week I'm gonna start watching house. Why in a week? well it's not on Netflix so I had to ask a pal if he could help

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      The sad part is at was at one point but they lost the rights ta have it up there cause that's how l mnaged ta see it a bit back

  9. A coat of Gold, a coat of Red, a lion still has claws

  10. idk why but I'm watching some House MD Clips. should probably start watching the show at some point

    1. CrossImpact


      the show is god,
      do it

  11. so... is the Gardevoir suposed to be this much to the right?


    Edit: to the left

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dreamy


      Hmm looks fine to me, about 30% of the way along from the left side. (1920x1080)

    3. Vinnie


      If I resize it to both my screens Gardevoir goes way to the right. I dunno, seems buggy.

    4. ZEL



      nope, not meant to be like that.
      the forum update went down in typical fashion, which is to say someone please save ame's leftover sanity

  12. I don't really know Mary Marvel, Weiss and Lucina however are my favorite fantasy ladies
  13. Hey... Ever wonder why we're here? 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Wolfox


      Ah, Sarge's speech from season 8 but with a twist. Nice one

    3. Shamitako


      I just watched s8 so it was on my mind, figured it'd sound weird as a direct quote so I altered it slightly

    4. Wolfox


      A direct quote wouldn't feel too odd, but this did make it better

  14. oh this guy has also contacted RWBYtubers asking the same things, but probably to also get them to get their fans over to his side, add to that spamming the same kind of post to all RT related things (like the RT Twitter, the RTX twitter, Burnies Twitter, Barbs twitter... and also confirming he would be willing to use fake evidence if it would "save Vic's Career", while also claiming most of it was a cry for attention from Woman because, and I quote, "They're woman, they always have a reason"... yeah as toxic as certain KickVic's may be, I doubt they're as bad as this guy
  15. we're gonna settle this once and for all, the winner of this poll will from here on out be my official best Girl ever, of all time. Bonus points if you can show me some nice fan art of the one you choose. Alright then, let's get voting!
  16. about to make my weirdest poll yet. forgive me fo it being the way it will be (mind not firing 100% of it's capacity, otherwise I wouldn;t do this)

  17. Well, I just called on sick. Too much coughing and hurting in the throat while coughing is too much even for me 

  18. Not really, he wanted people to tell the RT staff that they "made a mistake and should fix it", amdconsidering his handle is rwbyfan1000, I doubt he has much hate for RT itself
  19. There's a difference between sick and sick. Which one am I currently? Good enough to work if you ask me, but some others might disagree

  20. Made a poll, pls vote rq 

  21. Fired (the right action was made) and if studios want to hire him later on more power to them. I've said my stuff about why I feel like this enough times and I don't wish to create a huge discussion on it. However I do feel like a lot of people make it bigger than it is. Like a certain Twitter user who tried to spur people to harras the RT staff...
  22. All but Gren and the Gen 7 Trio (they already have something. Also, missing the Gen 2 ones
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