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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. does anyone know how to unlock the 5ds starter deck in yugioh 5ds over the nexus? I've looked it up on multiple sites but it never shows me

  2. 3 to 5 minutes would be good IMO
  3. only downside would be a bigger weakness to ground types, but thwta's what Azu is there for(and the sheer murder of everything in it's path)
  4. by the looks of it an Electric type would be best suited, Magnezone perhaps?
  5. little_kuriboh_by_evilnightdragon-d3ad40

    Who can resist giving him a hug?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Anime
    3. Wolfox


      It;s Kuriboh, arguably the cutest monster evah!

    4. HongaarseBeer


      Oh yeah that's from Yu-Gi-Oh isn't it? Man that was awesome back when it was being broadcast

  6. Hate to burst your bubble, but there's quite a bit of effects that can actifate from the hand, the normal Kuriboh for example
  7. Everyone has oppinions. None are wrong but some are hard to understand. In this threat I would like us to talk about both our favorite and least favorite Yugioh cards Now you can have any reason for hating them: Bad run in. Bad card art. Just plainly being a bad card. The Anime messed it up. And so on and so forth And ofcourse you can have any reason for you favorite cards aswell. I'll start it of with my favorites: Stardust Dragon, Peten the Dark Clown, Dark Magician, Collosal Fighter, Getshu Fuhma and Ryu Kokki, The reason I like them are simple: Favorite card overall, deal with it(Stardust Dragon). if I had a duel spirit, this would be it(peten). It's Dark Magician, reason enough. it kills and returns if killed(colosal fighter). They're a reference to Castlevania, reason enough I assume? I personally HATE Marshmellon however. I had a few run ins with it and it simply pissed me off. but not a card can I hate more then Kirin(idk it's full name and idc to learn it) and I was happy to see it banned, I literally danced from happiness
  8. am I the only one who thinks of Edward Elrich from the avatar I'm using?


    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. CrossImpact


      oh I meant she'd be coming at you as well for bullying Edward. no risk no fun?

    3. Wolfox


      Winr attacking me might be an issue... I have a high pain tollerance but I can't harm a lady

    4. seki108


      That's who I thought it was until I went to your profile for a closer look.

  9. Tomorrow is the day I will finaly be allowed to truely call myself a nerd and be proud of it! Me and a few friends are holding a Star Wars marrathon

    1. FairFamily


      Have fun, lets see if you can hold out long enough.

    2. Dreamy


      I did that once with some friends... It's over 12 hours so strap yourself in, and have lots of snacks on hand.

    3. CrossImpact


      may the force be with you. you make me proud.

  10. Life is like a hamburger. You gotta make is special yourself

    1. The Radiant Aeon

      The Radiant Aeon

      Personally I'll have the number 2 and large fries. just my quick munchies

  11. so yeah, I had the item that allows you to see breakable walls in PoR. but I didn't know...

  12. One of the things that may be obvious is that if the levels add up, you gotta grind up most of your team. also perhaps a Psychic type, like Gardevoir as mentioned by @Vanitas
  13. I would use my "By the ghost of Ike!" or "By the red hair of Eliwood!". but since I no longer use owain as avatar I won't. instead I'll just place a welcome song: also if you have any questions you can send me a PM and I'll try to help as much as I can
  14. Not sure if this is a good idea, but how would a Whip Wielder in Fire Emblem games work? would they be more speed/skill based or more strength/defence based? would they be a good class/ good classes or would they suck. would they have a notmal 1 attack range or a 1-2 range?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Wolfox


      tbh I would love to see something like that in a future game, or maybe just a rom hack. SOMEONE SEND AN EMAIL TO THE PEOPLE BEHIND THE NEW FE GAMES!

    3. Maelstrom


      A whip might be a weak debuff unit. Get hit with a whip, it hurts/stings. Get hit with a sword or other real weapon and you get wrecked.

    4. Wolfox


      a whip could work like the Dagger in that sence. but instead of a full debuff it could let the enimy get disarmed after the battle. it could also be one of those classes that if trained long enough can be a real threat even in a damage point of view

  15. I would say Skyward Sword and Twilight Princess are good follow ups. while not the best by reputation(Skyward Sword gets more hate then it deserves) they are both really fun and good games
  16. dADAqa4.png

    Yeah, I can see the reference

  17. "He may also be a reference to Jonathan Joestar from JoJo's Bizzare Adventure, since if you hole up Long enough he well strike a pose that kinda resembles a pose JoJo strikes."

    Okay so Jonathan Morris could be a reference to JoJo's? I even if it's not entended I like it

  18. I can make a giant reason post for this threat, but why waste time when that's not what the threat is about? so the oldest one I remember using is Soma Cruz from Castlevania Aria of Sorror and Dawn of Sorrow. the reincarnation of Dracula
  19. When Soma Cruz learns to play guitar with Jonathan Morris playing drums and Alucard playing Bass

  20. so I've been planning on playing through one of the Digimon world games for DS again, but idk which one I would play though again... just digimon world DS? or maybe Dawk or Dusk?

  21. with my short knowledge of TR teams I know 1 thing: you need more then 1 setter at all costs.
  22. I remember that part in the game... if you still strugle with it I suggest you find someone who has a chimchar/torchic to spare
  23. Every game has that "OP" weapon for that point in the game. most aren't as easy to obtain but all in all they're obtainable if you play well. In Portrait of Ruin that weapon is actually really easy to get.

    In the early game you can obtain the "Long Spear". which is a pretty high gamage spear weapon in that game.


    How is it obtained you ask?


    You kill Armor Knights...

    You know the Purple to Blue guys who carry a spear? The ones that are pretty much everywhere in the Early Game?

    Yeah, those guys drop the weapon that's pretty much OP during the early and maybe even mid game. high droprate aswell. before I reset my save I had around 7 without farming for them.

  24. from my expirience it's the best to find out yourself how it is for you
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