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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. Let's do another would you rather :D

    Would you rather: Get on Tharja's bad side and get her to the point of wanting to curse you, or feel a terrible pain in your dominant hand every time Owain speaks of his sword hand(and no, changing him to Odin doesn't count)

    1. The Grinch

      The Grinch

      I guess the latter. I won't hurt if he never talks ~

  2. Not sure if twitching Sword Hand or Aching blood...

  3. does she ever talk about her "Sword hand"?
  4. Would you rahter: Get hit on by Inigo/Laslow(you may choose his form) for the rest of your life or untill you finally give in and say yes to his tea invitation(regardless of gender). Or try to figure out EVERYTHING Owian/Odin says, from the normal words to the special attacks, EVERYTHING.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Wolfox


      Ike's not as big of a flirt tho, so I had to go with Inigo, tha dancer

    3. Hect


      Bah, not flirting. Literally just drinking tea. And then travel through Tellius, since it seems like an interesting place to visit. 

    4. Shamitako


      I like Inigo, I'll take him

  5. You know, looking at all character from FE Fates there's one character that is quite like me personality wise, Shura. Okay the only thing we have on common is that we have low confidence and that he has an awsome hairstyle... and that he had a tragic past...

    1. Hect


      .. I kinda hate to say it, but for me it would probably be Azama. Not that I look like him, but my personality is similar to his sometimes.

    2. Wolfox


      You're a sarcastic person who can't get to care for others much untill they've proven to be interesting/a friend to you?

    3. Hect


      Depends on my mood, but I can be a real butt sometimes, yes. xD

  6. What if there was a Zelda spin off game, in the style of Fire Emblem? If that were to ever become a thing(which honestly might not be to strange since Nintendo is trying tp put Fire Emblem in he big leagues again) would you try the game out? And what would your hopes for it be?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Daniel Blackworth

      Daniel Blackworth

      I'd probably try the game out if the mechanics and story are interesting. I'd hope it would lean more towards Fire Emblem because it possesses better characters 

    3. Wolfox


      the idea I had with it was that it would be a Fire Emblem game with zelda characters, or in that direction at least. and @Inactivity I'm pretty sure they wo't mess it up hopefully that is

    4. Daniel Blackworth

      Daniel Blackworth

      Is it gonna be like this:

      Zelda gets kidnapped by the enemy nation. Link decides to rescue Zelda and gathers an army to overthrow this nation. Along the way, he earns the Fire Emblem which possesses the Hyrulean Triangle. He vanquishes dragons and monsters, and defeats the Evil Lord.

  7. Would you rather: wrestle a machamp WWE style, or get into a Sumo ring with a Hariyama?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Wolfox


      true, WWE is mainly show driven, but you can still get hurt quite a bit from it

    3. Anstane


      The latter. I merely need to get into a sumo ring with a Hariyama. No one said anything about actually having a sumo match with one.

    4. Wolfox


      shite. I got outsmarted

  8. Someone: Davy Grohlton kinda looks like the drummer from Nirvana.

    Me: Not sure if troll or just really, really stupid

    1. HongaarseBeer


      That's like saying The Rock looks like Dwayne Johnson...

    2. Wolfox
  9. Why do I always forget that Laslow = Inigo? like I KNOW that theyre one and the same, yet it always slips my mind

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Wolfox


      even if you don't put worn into MU and insert mother/father here they are BROKEN, liteally anything you want him to have, he can have it, suddenly my Ignatius in fates seems much less good :(

    3. Hect


      And that is why I love PoR Ike. He wasn't born broken. He just became broken over time, because he is Ike. And Aether. And Ragnell.

    4. Wolfox


      that's actually what I wanna make my Ignatius, but then with a diffirent weapon, and that Basara skill increasing trigger rates, and Dual Shield(Aegis+Pavise)

  10. You know, sometimes a day of being MIA and just playing 1 game can be really, refreshing.

  11. the ones like you see on mine are made in the redeption league threat, https://pokecharms.com/trainer-cards/ with this one you can make your own tho
  12. welcome akita, if you're ever in need of help feel free to PM and remember to
  13. if there's one song that you think fits you as a person, which one ti it?

    1. The Grinch

      The Grinch

      Ohh, that's a really good question... 

    2. Ojama Yellow
  14. hard question... will I make grilled cheeses for lunch, or an omelette....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolfox


      a baked egg with spices and such, don't really know the english word

    3. The Grinch

      The Grinch

      I know, I was suggesting

    4. Wolfox


      aha, guess I typed right for a change xD

  15. @Isa.phoria The rare mement you don't have a status in the bar, you feeling okay?


    1. The Grinch

      The Grinch

      Tfw when you write too many statuses

  16. On my honor as a knight!

  17. Details of the next Battle Competition have been announced. This is the Kanto X Alola Regional Rumble competition. This is a Single Battle competition with standard rules requiring the Kanto & Alola Pokédex only. Mewtwo, Mew, Zygarde, Cosmog, Cosmoem, Solgaleo, Lunala, Necrozma, and Magearna cannot be used.. Mega Stones are also not allowed. Registration will be open from March 9th at 00:00 UTC to March 16th 23:59 UTC and battles will run from March 17th through March 19th. All entrants will get the Pidgeotite and Steelixite Mega Stones.

    Next stones coming up :D

  18. What if I told you... that Lisia from oras(the contest star with the Altaria) is the daughter of Wallace and Winona?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Daniel Blackworth

      Daniel Blackworth

      With the Altaria design from Winona and the contest enthusiast personality from Wallace, it's probable.

    3. Atticus


      Lisia is Wallace's niece. When you defeat Wallace in a contest she tells you that he is her uncle. Idk about Winona tho, but if she was his sister, she would have been mentioned as one of the descendants of the acient people of Sootopolis. (Btw, it is also confirmed that Lisia's mother is Wallace's older sister.

    4. Wolfox


      welp, there goes that theory... maybe Lisia's dad is Winona;s brother?

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