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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. Take me down to the paradise city~

  2. Angel 07 also helps by blockign the effects of all other monsters. and there are some other nice monsters aswell, Dimentional Alchemist for example, and some cool fiends
  3. depends on IV's, nature, ability and what your team needs
  4. I broke another unit in fates.... Sophie keeps getting triggered(triggering, Aegis, Pafice and Aether)

    1. Hect


      Like I said, it's easy to make broken units in Fates. Especially child units. (One of the reasons why I absolutely can't stand them.)

    2. Wolfox


      true, it's easy, but still kinda fun when you do it IMO

  5. when you wanna tell someone this


    yeah, maybe the story's are not as good as that of older games. But would you rather have the series go Metroid or F-Zero? yeah maybe the games are less then optimal but at least there are new games comming. who knows maybe the next new Fire Emblem will be better then all the older ones combined.
     In the netherlands we have a saying: Je moet nooit een gegeven paard in de bek kijken. it means that if you're given something you should be happy with what you got, instead of complaining that it's not exactly how you wanted it.

    but youtube decides to be funyn and not let you react. the thing is that the youtuber himself is positive about the game(a youtuber POSITIVE about a newr game from an older franchise? INPOSSIBLE!)

  6. Got all I need for the Thunder Dragon core! now all I need is to find a character to use it with
  7. weird fact: every time I sneeze I sneeze at least twice, and I always say "Excuse me" afterwards

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MrLGFD


      Same as you Lileen


    3. Wolfox


      some people have a room gathering sneeze, my sneeze collects a building

    4. Wolfox


      so yeah, if I had allergies I would never be left outside/inside in the allergie season

  8. :) music addiction strikes again

    1. Lugruf


      If there's such a thing as music addiction I must have it. I'm listening to music almost all the time

    2. Wolfox


      I have been self diagnosed with it for years, so it must be a thing

    3. HongaarseBeer


      I guess it's the same for me

  9. Wolfox

    Trade evolution

    yes, both will evolve
  10. then a ghost type might be your best bet, or a second flying type. Granbull might also be a great option
  11. perhaps a ghost type woud work to block her main stab moves, or perhaps a flying type?
  12. Is it weird that I feel like I'm more handsome when I'm wearing a jacket?

    1. Daniel Blackworth

      Daniel Blackworth

      Me too lol. Guess it's the style and class jackets seem to bring.

    2. The Grinch

      The Grinch

      Relatable, but I have a weakness for scarves

  13. just unlocked Odion in duel links :D got all characters unlockable sofar

  14. welp,finnish jojo's bizarre adventure, now on to the next anime

    1. Monochrome_Complex


      Let the voice of love, take you higheeerrrr!

  15. one is Ralts, for a reason I hopefully don't need to explain another one is Mimikyu, all it wants it to be loved so it dresses like the most loved pokemon, even though it hates pikachu(almost types pikechu, I tend to mess that up) the final one in the top 3 would be ribombee. becayse I would actually hug it so much it would lift me up and fly away with me! yes I know all of them are fairy types, but it's my favorite type, and most fairy types are just adorbz
  16. not sure who I like more, Kakyoin or jotaro

  17. and two more people made happy with a red Fish :) feels good inc

  18. other then trading with other players and hacking, no
  19. been suplying my shop again, karps foor all in need!

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