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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. When you dog comes to yuo for a hug and some petting

  2. it doesn't add a resistence, only the effect of it. Flamethrower on Thick fat Mamoswine is still sper effective, it just takes less damage from it
  3. welp, I removed the Sunrise Katana from Hana and the first time she fights she get's hit by a 5% chance. Guess Hisame will be a better Avo tank then you

  4. a well rounded team overall! Gardevoir might be a usefull addition because of the fairy typing. Lucario/Dusknoir is also a nice addition if you were to follow my oppinion
  5. why is posting a picture of myself here equally scary as singing for a crowd?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Wolfox


      interesting, funny that I remind you of someone

    3. The Grinch

      The Grinch

      Yeah, he's a really good animator

    4. Wolfox


      and that's where we're difirent xD

  6. did I or did I not lie when I said I have the hair of Dave Grohl?
  7. well, I'm here but I'm a little out of stock on magikarp at the moment and to lazy to do my breeding for the time being
  8. maybe I'll post a picture here aswell tomorrow
  9. ñot gonna lie, you look really great
  10. I just used Air Slash on a paralized target, my mon: togekiss. TWICE in a row they broke through. please tell me why RNG hates me

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolfox


      that pretty much my luck on a normal basis...

    3. 5hift


      Ok I see your problem, you used Togekiss.


      Dunsparce would flinch or paralyze 100% because Dunsparce.

    4. Wolfox


      it was in monotype however, and I ca't use that in a fairy mono

  11. there we go, new Wallpaper and Avatar for the forums

    1. Shing














      SIKE, LET'S GO AND HIKE(I have no shame)

    2. Wolfox


      and I'm lon'qu now, fear my crit rate

  12. Wolfox

    Gastly Event

    Gastly was axed, probably ebcause gengar was a little OP, which is understandable
  13. okay so I need to find a wife for male corrin in Revelation, I alwaso want all child units so that results in ayn child or avatar only units. Any tips?

    1. Cepheus


      In my Nohr run I used Anna (DLC) - she gives a huge Magic boost, which in turn makes the Child a great Dragon-stone user :P

    2. Wolfox


      I was thinking about Anna myself, but I was also considering Flora

  14. funny enoug, I really like this
  15. 2vVAHYk.gif

    okay, so I haven't played FE Blazing Sword too much yet, but I already really like Lyn. is that wrong?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dreamy


      Her crit animations are super cool too

    3. Wolfox


      Setsuna is pretty good, but is outclassed by other female units(Kagero for example) and for archers Takumi outclasses it

    4. 5hift


      Its all about the character.

  16. glad it worked cuz it was just a wild guess xD
  17. you can find it in Saved Games on your computer if I'm correct
  18. could you breed me a honedge with me offering one of my prized magikarp?
  19. Wolfox


    it's in the teleporting tree forrest, only on a windy night(if I'm correct) tho so you might wanna wait till another EP for it
  20. Lady's and gentlemen.



    Weiss Schnee and the Seven Dolts.

    Enjoy the show

    1. Wolfox


      Kusod to anyone who can name all the dolts

    2. Avatar of Grima

      Avatar of Grima

      Ruby, Blake, Yang, Nora, Jaune, Lie Ren, and Pyhrra

  21. do all events you can BEFORE going there, then enter the circus
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