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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. why do people always get in the way of my magikarp shop
  2. When you try to be as positive and helpfull as you can and get in a feud with someone who does does as he pleases. Guess who's lable the bad guy. that's righy, The Positive one

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolfox


      yup, a place where I seem to always be the bad guy :/

    3. The Grinch

      The Grinch

      *Pat pat* This site is quite wonderful tho

    4. Wolfox


      one of the few places I've found without that issue

  3. I would give a better welcome then what I'm about to say, but bad mood so all I can get out is a simple "Welcome"
  4. cacnea is the better one, obviously
  5. then you actualyl can get the strength glitch life orb, if you really want it
  6. I think it's 100% cacnea? not sure but you can check it out yourself by looking at the outlook of the egg(Ame designed eggs for all mons that can breed)
  7. Welcome! My advice for that Cardilly is Makuhita(you didn't ask, but I just gave it). if you ever need any sort of help you can PM me and I'll try to do all I can. also if you need a certain water type from gen 1 that evolves at level 20 *wink wink* I might be able to provide
  8. pretty much any offer is fine for me, aslong as you think it's a worthy trade I'm not a shady Magikarp salesmen, I do't rip people off since they decide their own prize
  9. Magikarp you say? well if I may toot my own horn a little I have some left, quality ones aswell If it's fine with you goomy could be a good trade
  10. Mine has to be Mexican food in general. I simply love how it's reqalyl easy to make anything like burito's or taco's
  11. Wolfox

    Sacred Ash

    they could be usefull outside of battle in case of team meteor?
  12. If it's still open, I would also like to register: Name: Lotus Wolfox Team: [Gardevoir] [Granbull] [Azumarill] [shiny: Yes] [shiny: Yes] [shiny: no] [Hyper Voice] [Earthquake] [Belly Drum] [Psychic] [Play Rough] [Aqua Jet] [Shadow Ball] [Close Combat] [Play Rough] [Will-O-Wisp] [Fire Punch] [Knock Off] [Togekiss] [Klefki] [Mimikyu] [shiny: no] [Shiny: No] [Shiny: Yes] [Air Slash] [Reflect] [Swords Dance] [Fire Blast] [Thunder Wave] [Play Rough] [Thunderwave] [Foul Play] [Shadow Claw] [Aura Sphere] [Light Screen] [Shadow Sneak] If possible I would like a Decibell sprite with a Shiny Mega Garde on a fairy template tc
  13. Welp, unlocked Pegasus via the Duel Links event last week, now the event is back up, still got my points from last week(WOOT). anyone think I can get the last reward of the event? which is 2000000 points btw

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. MrLGFD


      Oke so I beat it with my Blue eyes ultimate deck the risky one pretty easy and I got a whopping 66600 points outta it (3700 without multiplier)

      My Blue eyes ult deck isnt very solid so I think you should be able to win it easily.

      I dont run any de spell or Twister 


    3. Wolfox


      well the best deck I can use is a Dark Magician deck, maybe a red eyes deck so I have my work cut our for me, I'll be hapy if all I can get it the Del Mat tho, that will be my big prize

    4. Wolfox


      Wow... level 40 pegasus is easier then lvl 30 pegasus...

  14. Wolfox


    it's really easy, you just get it to max happiness while knowing a fairy type move. so exactly the same as espeon, but all it needs is babydoll eyes
  15. it depends on what you want with it, really. if you want it to tank special hits, train in HP and spDeF. you want it to hit hard and live hits, attack and HP. In general training HP should always be a good thing on Munchlax
  16. as I said anything YOU think is worthy I will probably accept. I can easely get multiple boxes full of them so I really don't mind getting something "bad". I offer them to let others use a karp, not to gain anything
  17. When a person doesn't care about offending and hurting other people, should I try to not offende or hurt him? Since I really don't see the purpose in that atm

    1. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      as cheesy as it sounds, fighting fire with fire is usually not the best approach in these kinds of situations in my opinion. dont stoop to their level.

  18. weather = busted open this ep sofar
  19. I have my own topic for trading them for anymore you find worthy, garanteed jolly with good IV's in speed and attack. I don't have the link to it in my signature for no reason xD
  20. Why do I keep getting competition in the magikarp Buisness
  21. from my expirience facing it with my fairies on showdown Bullet Punch, Buf Bite, Swords Dance and potentially Roost will work best for you, maybe instead of roost Superpower or brickbreak since LPmeta
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