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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. First off. A Shout-out to Nico_Robin for giving me this idea. A little birdy told me that Magikarp is banned on Wondertrade, but not normal trading, that got me thinking. Now I am proud to say that the Wolfy and Roar's Magikarp shop is open for buisness, for any person who wants one of those little fish I will try to make sure that you'll get it, no if's or buts about it! Simply leave a pokemon you think would be a fitting trade down below~ Edit: Disclaimer was removed since I actually have a way to make sure most of the Magikarp are actually as close to perfect as can be.
  2. Whishmur is only pre-Julia I belief
  3. I would be happy to breed you a Magikarp for pretty much little to nothing in return
  4. You're kind of early in the game to ask for help with your team if I'm being asked
  5. Does anyone have any hints about Corin Rogue other then the cryptic ones?

  6. When laying the ep 16 story and going though the "Devon Corp" I noticed this http://prntscr.com/dnrjh1 A White Pokeball, idk what it is, idk how to get it, but I know that I want it. Does anyone know how to get it?
  7. Bronzong is my second least favorite pokemon, so that's gonna happen the day stall tactics are completely gone xD and I beat her without it
  8. Got past it, praise the Hax Gods... not to deal with Ciel
  9. Ame... WHY have 3 battles without a brake in the House Invasion? and WHY can they not at least give you a chance to save/switch your team in between?

  10. the problem with that is that Blake leads with hsi Walrein, where Fern leads with Haxorus. Meaning that Delphox can do little to nothing to Blake's first mon, it doesn't help that Delphox is perfect to lead for the first battle, seing as it's got shadow ball to deal with grumpig and Flamethrower for Leafany. And yes Gyaradoss CAN kill Ferns Crook, Crook outspeeds :/ and having an underleveled Florinia who sends Torterra in on Walrein once Hippo dies doesn't help either AT ALL
  11. My team mainly consists of Delphox. Gyaradoss, Golem, Luxray, Breloom and Pangoro, yet I switch it up with the pangoro and luxray alot for this event
  12. So yeah... I just seem to be unable to beat the Team Meteor House Invasion... and where the first battle is alright and managable the second one ALWAYS get's me... I don't think I need to explain how bad it feels to lose to the "Dickhead squad" of Fern and Blake. does anyone have any tips that could potentially help?
  13. When you find a shiny and kill it you feel bad, but when you find one and have no pokeballs you're literally 50% dead...

    1. Alistair


      Did you know the first shiny I ever encountered in a canon game was a Pidgey in Silver version, and it was on the first route before I had my first pokeballs?

      ...nah ofc you didn't, but I like sharing my misfortune :D

    2. Wolfox


      My fist one was a Pichu in platinum... and it just won't evolve

  14. I will gice my KINGDOM for a ralts! if you have a female could we make a deal for that one? and maybe a murkrow?
  15. To everyong finding themselves reading this: I know it's a few days early, but I can't help myself anymore!


  16. Mind if I would request a Chimchar? I don't mind specifically if it would me physical or special
  17. already requested the mons... one is Togepi with Extrasensory tho so that should help(?) and you can still get mr mime(when you're that desperate) and Mawile, so I hope I'll be good
  18. I'm gonna do a Fairy Monotype run soon(hopefully) so yeah... wish me luck against Cain, Correy and Aya
  19. Gotta love the Winter, even if there's no snow in the Netherlands :'(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Zumi



      even then the north still has a higher chance of getting snow than the southern part of the netherlands and i live in the south :[

    3. ZEL


      No snow for me either, and I'm so salty about it that I'm starting to think I'm the real reason.

    4. Wolfox


      well Zumi, I'm in the North myself, so we both feel the pain indeed :'(

  20. if it's no problem I wouldn't mind taking the swirlix and noibat of your hands, Swirlix has my priority but both would really make me jump of joy
  21. I think that the fearute might be limmited for some pokemon only. also I assume the next games to be either the third game or diamond and pearl remakes. yes I can also sence some hinting toward gen 5 remakes in the game(grimsley and collres out of all people in the story)
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