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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. I'm gonna save this page for a read once I have time, seems really nice
  2. I have a female horsea for you, mind trading that for one of thr skrelp?
  3. Personally I think that fan games/rom hacks are nothing bad, they show how much the creator loves pokemon and nothing else imo
  4. I have a shiny scraggy and a pretty good IVed schroomish I could offer, if you want
  5. I have a staryu if it's still open, some friends would be the one I prefer most but I'm not really picky if that's not possible
  6. I would not mind a Joltic Myself, shiny would be nice but has no priority and I hope we could find an agreement
  7. When you main fairy types and the firt fairy type you add to your team is a Florgess late game xD

  8. Right, my bug monotype run is a succes so far and I want to thank the one making it possible for me from the bottom of my heart. If it's no problem I would now like to request a few mons for a Fairy monotype run. I would like to request just a few certain mons to make this possible; Togepi(would apriciate it to have Extracensory as an Egg Move) Eevee(So I can evolve it into Sylveon) Cottonnee or Flabébé(this one I would like to leave up to the person who would affect this change) Also the potentially needed Evolutionairy stones for the pokemon would be apriciated. Game Monorun Starter.rxdata I have the link to the savefile here, it's the same one as last time since I still had it and I was to lazy to play through the begining again. Thanks in advance
  9. All are fair points, yet seeing as it has pretty much been made Cannon that pokemon change thir typess to addapt to other regions and situations I could see Ame pulling a fast one on us. And ofcourse it could paint the way to make the game much more interesting.
  10. Right, so as we all know gen 7 added some new pokemon. From the cool ones like Mimikuy to the sh*t ones like toxapex(my personal oppinion there). Also did it bless us with Alolan forms. That sparked a question in me however; Will reborn have any Pokemon like that? Which ones would you like to see? Which ones do you think makes sence to have a "Rebornium" form and whhat type would they be? And ofcourse the most inportant question... Why do you think that? My suggestion would be the Ralts line Being Dark Fairy type instead of Psychic Fairy, or at least the one you obtain from the railnet. The reason would be that the corrupion of the Pokeball would have changed it's genetic's slightly and that the despair it felt while waiting for it's trainer literally tainted it.
  11. Game Bug Mono.rxdata I have done the 2 battles VS the rivals and would like to request a scyther and 1 first route bug type by choice of the person edditing the file if it's no issue Again I know that scyther is kinda strong but again it's still reborn and earlygame reborn is quite tough for a flying type Julia, Team Meteor and Flobot's ace make sure of that
  12. Game.rxdata I would like to request a starter swap for a bug monotype run through reborn. The starter I would like to request is Anorith and if it's not to much trouble it would be appriciated if the mystery egg from the police station could be set to 100% Larvesta rate. Thanks in advance edit: Could I maybe also request a scyther? IK it can be kinda OP it's still reborn and early game it's kiiiinda in bad matchups
  13. Mega Zoroark Type Dark/Fighting Ability Adaptability HP: 60 Attack: 135 Defense: 60 Special Attack: 140 Special Defense: 60 Speed: 155 Mega Zoroark can be an extremly fast and hard hitter that is frail as a duck, the Fighting type makes sense to me because of the close resemblence Zoroark has to Lucario.
  14. Granted, but the egg's have gone bad and everyboddy get's sick. I wish that I could make a wish that couldn't be corrupted
  15. To The Fern army and Sky: ~April Fools!
  16. Granted, but it baecame so smart noboddy was using it anymore. I wish Roserade would get a Mega Evo
  17. in dutch, just simply Leuk, in english, love is for some reason
  18. Wolfox


    what those two said
  19. My tip is Medicham, just get an adamant with Pure power and the rest should be telling itself
  20. I would say corosive, since you can easely get rid of the gas
  21. I remember my battle with charlotte now, just to easy that was(Gyaradoss+Golem=Destruction)
  22. For me the hardest gym was Serra by a landslide, and simply because my team wasn't made for her battle(Using a Pidgeot, Gyarados, Golem and Delphox as main set up) and because her ******* Lapras was to damm bulky >. but eventualy I beat her and on other saves she was easy since I knew what to expect, but still by far my hardest gym on my main save file.
  23. if you could then please tell me how to relocate it or maybe even relocate it it would be much apriciated
  24. I saw that there's no threat for this yet so I thought why not make one myself. And mostly since I want to know who is your most hated/least favorite pokemon, and ofcource why. Let me just start: Bronzong, if you played gen 4 and 5 you know how annoying it is, it also helped that it OHKOed my Roserade... and that the two time that I got myself to use it it got the wrong ability, also why I hate it, almost every darn time it has Levitate, which takes away 1 of it's few weaknesses(Don't say that I should then also hate Elektross, Elektross isn't as Bulky and doesn't resist as much).
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