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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. ALso a tip that has helped me, I suggest you try picking up a Duskull or a Magnemite, these two are quite usefull against shade and helped me beat sofar all leader in 1 try
  2. I wouldn't mind the Bulbasaur
  3. I think we're not the one getting the legendary, but Team Meteor
  4. I am happy with nearly anything to be honest, aslong as it's worth being traded for a Magikarp I'm happy. I will state that this is(I'm sorry to bring this to you) not a breeding guide, though I would say using seribii.net will help you alot.
  5. Welcome to Reborn, if you want any tips I would say for early game pick up a good fighting and a good poison type, but for the rest just hang around here and if needed, you can ask anything here, even to trade(I is magikarp master if you're interested)
  6. are my posts invissible? I have a Gyrados breeding magikarps with till it's tail falls off so I can give you a Magikarp
  7. Knowing my luck I wouldn't even get 1 if there were 3 people joining, but I guess I'll take my chances
  8. Looking at this I would say a ghost or Electric Type would fit most, and I suggest you get the Tynamo from the trade(if you have it) and train it up
  9. I like the Sigmunt Connal asnd Byxbision music most
  10. to get flassh, you need strength... but the Daswn Stone is available to grab,just be prepared
  11. Welcome to reborn, just leave your sanity ast home, you wouldn't wanna lose it
  12. Magikarp, casn do, shiny might be as thing aswel. I am looking for a Luvdisc myself for playtrough #3, if anyone has 1 they can miss please PM me.
  13. speak to the people in the upper rooms who talk about studying, return to her to recief a pretty good pokemon EDIT: excuse me for bad english by the way
  14. that would indeed be the grotto, though without Strength the biggest reason of going there is only unlocked after beating Aya
  15. I was looking in my boxes and found that I have some Pokemon I never use but some others might wanna use Purloin(Shiny) lvl 27 with Limber Whynaut(Shiny) lvl 55 with Shadow Tag Ducklett(Shiny) lvl 52 with Hydration Fearow(Shiny) lvl 23 with Sniper Pilowswine lvl 60 with Oblivious if you have something you wanna send me for one of those just send me a PM Also the Magikarp breeding is still a thing
  16. Let's just say I love grass types and roserade is just... for a grasstype badass
  17. It seems I never did one of these here yet so better late then never xD. I'm TheRoaringRight(call me what ever you want, the respect is all that counts). I loved Pokemon ever since I saw the Anime and started playing it on White. I can be quite timid or in that direction since I fear loss of or betrail from the once closest to me. I love to Sing and listen to music, love gaming and my favo pokemon is Roserade. T he welcomeing party is unneeded since I'm here for quite a while already but as I said, I didn't make 1 of these posts yet so better late then never.
  18. Welcome to the Forums man feel welcome
  19. I aswel can say Reborn is as save as can be EDIT: But for some ppl in the game, RIP Correy
  20. Welcome and the best wishes I will try to be of use if you need any help
  21. I would apriciate either so the choice is yours to make and that doesn't matter
  22. Again, if you want I'll start breeding right away
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