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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. decided to remove the bandaid and let the cut breath. gotta say I got a knack for making nice cuts. still being careful with the finger itself tho

  2. finger is healing (can wear my right again, and type normally)

    Rata making a Six Sams video.

    Today is good

  3. anyone got a nice little list of enchantments that would work on a Thief character in Oblivion? Cuz, you know, Oblivion has no Thieves Guild Armor

  4. the big xmas wrapping has been removed from my finger, now I can once more use it!

  5. Finger wrapped up, bout to make lunch for work. 

  6. There's no bad generations in Pokémon. not gen 5, not gen 1, not gen 6, not gen 7, not a single gen. Just because they don't really fit your fancy 100% doesn't mean they're bad. OwO

    1. doombotmecha


      I don't think I'll ever willingly play any of the gen 1 games but without them we wouldn't have gotten any of the others so they're OK.

  7. so... what if a GTA game got a 3ds port?

  8. so... I cut open my left middle finger at work... don't worry, I'm good

  9. goals of 2019:

    be more positive

    get drivers license

    go good work at work

    overtake Ame as most liked acc on Reborn

    1. Amethyst
    2. Wolfox


      Thanks, and you too in all your endeavors 

  10. trying to help me beat Ame's score?

    1. seki108


      Whatever are you talking about?  Oh, time for more upvotes; you look a bit low.    Maybe



    2. Yahen



    3. Dreamy
  11. the legendary Six Samurai are coming to Duel Links. as a Six Sams main, I'd been good, and it's been fun, but we're gonna rule the DL meta now.

  12. does anyone know a good spanish Rock/punk band? I might wanna learn spanish one day and music helped me get my english as "high" as it is now

  13. I just read something that made me fall out of my chair laughing.

  14. MRPbtY1.jpg

    I tried to make a stand. hopefully it's not too busted

  15. When the rep system was introduced here, I thought I'd never get to 100 rep. Somehow, I did. I was quite excited. Then a bit later I noticed I had, somehow, cracked the Top 10 of the Reborn User Rep List. And now I'm beyond 1800. never once did I expect this to happen

  16. Less than 100 rep away! The heat is on! 

    1. Commander


      Once you've done that, you must work to reach the rank of the mythical bicycle tire


      .........yes that's a real thing.

    2. Commander
  17. Huh, I have exactly 1800 rep. perhaps this year I might surpass Ame

    1. Yahen


      Ill go around liking everything Wolfy posts so wolfy can say hey ame i have more fans than you then ame goes oh really lets bet

      liek for wolfy 

      hit a child for ame

  18. You may have Taken the Lead but I'll even the score

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolfox


      Iblame my bad english for fucking up that line from a song

    3. Autumn Zephyr

      Autumn Zephyr

      'Tis less you having bad English, and more English being idiotic at times. It's not you're fault that the word 'lead' has multiple, very different meanings.

    4. Wolfox


      true enough, though that doesn't make it any less annoying of a mistake.

      here's the song in question btw

  19. "There's no smoke without fire." It's been my stance on the whole Vic mess since it started, and I am sticking to it. As for Kamehamehacon adding the guy back, bad idea if you ask me. I cal already see the storm of "see, he didn't do anything, he's innocent you idiots!" coming... Anywho, the more I see Vic supporters be the stereotype of agresive toward those who are against Vic no matter what, the more I start to wonder if they're thinking they're helping his case... Bonus points if they use NPC or SJW in their arguments for the guy, I guess. Now, for the excuse some painted for Vic him not really knowing personal boundaries, that's no excuse. If you're not great with those, you learn to be better with them, you ask first, you don't just fucking do as you like. And while some may not see a hug or kiss or things like that as sexual harassment, it's not really up to us is it? It's up to the ones who make the claim. If they felt like a sudden kiss or hug was an act of said harassment, who are we to say how they should feel. 


    And finally, the never ending demanding of evidence. Just stop it. There's probably a reason why companies and people aren't sharing it all. Like being legally unable to, people who send the aligations not wanting to get harassed by the fans of Vic (don't even deny that there are ones who'll do it), or maybe even Vic lawyers themselves not wanting it to come out. Plus, and this is the most important thing, they're not obligated to share it at all. 

    1. Commander


      People hold people to standards they themselves don't hold as high. I'm not a touchy people person and I'd be fired if I had to meet Vic's standards of sexual assault. Sexual assault is a serious, serious crime which can lead people to depression or suicide. We should act on keeping EVERYBODY safe and not berating and destroying people for their every wrong.


      Even if everything these people say about Vic is true, he is not the person they paint him to be. If Vic is in your eyes worthy of termination then I have a list of 40 people who deserve the same treatment. If I were to sink to those who criminalize Vic then it would be well over a 100.


      Think about this: a bunch of random nobodies put their livelihood at risk believe this guy was innocent. If he really was guilty, Vic would be a complete dumbass going to court. And these "victims" wouldn't be parading and hating on a guy weeks after his life was over. Did Vic do no wrong? Oh hell no. For God's sake a bunch of random nobodies turned an impossible situation into something that now has the majority. Most people on that side probably don't even really know who the heck he is. It's just some famous VA to them. KickVic has many more well know and until this went down more respected people on their side. For God's sake they have Goku. Yet here we are an army of random nobodies now in the majority. Think about that.


      And if people really just stood there letting it happen at cons including staff, I will personally call those conventions personally and email those tweets about how this employee let someone molest a child without saying or doing anything. They deserve that courtesy at the very least. It's never just one person at fault when it involves a high traffic public area.


      And before you say, I have a pretty good idea what Vic did which would make him a super easy target. I have a very good idea all the events that happened and everything that had been said. Not hard to figure it out when people have made it so obvious. Evidence just keeps pointing towards it. People have a very good reason to ask people to share evidence because it's starting to look like these stories were changed or blown out of proportion to criminalize them. That would be bad to fire someone for something that didn't happen. 

    2. Wolfox


      all true, but once more I never said everything is true. Where there's smoke, there's fire. even if a royal half of the alligation is true, or 25%, the Vic Supporters have 0 legs to stand on, granted the other 75% of alligators (would that be wheat you cal someone making an alligation?) would also have to get a good punishing. also, I never once mentioned the ones letting it happen being innoscent in this, like the ones making stuff up (gonna keep that at the royal 50% for now, benefit of the doubt and all) would also need to get a serious job evaluation or get fired for it.


      and yes, the majority will now see Vic as innoscent, is that just the Vocal part or actual numbers? Because I can say that without a doubt the Vic Supporters are a lot more toxic about it than the KickVic's.


      And yes, people can ASK for Evidence. but harrassing people/companies and demanding it at every turn is not the way to go about it. You can ask, they can refuse to give it. Simple as that. reasons for refusing to give it I've already given and I can;t be certain of.


      and as closing statement, whether it would be Vic or my neighbour, it wouldn;t change the fact that if the alligations are full on true or even 50% of them, they would have to get punnished. This whole thing should never have blown up the way it did and, without a doubt, wouldn;t have have blown up if instead of Vic it was, like an animator who's worked on multiple productions

  20. Hold The Door! 

  21. Gooooooooo Blue-Team! 

  22. After rewatching some of Galactic Football, I can say it hold up quite well. Even if the 3d animation is a bit clunky at times. I do need to say that Syned's voice is... Terrible. The Dutch version of him at least had his balls dropped

  23. I found out that a nostalgic show for me is on youtube, and legit too. welp, I'm binging

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolfox


      GALACTIC Football. One of my favorites as a kid. Still holds up quite well imo (though somehow I gotta say the Dutch dub may have been a bit better...) 

    3. Monochrome_Complex


      Huh never heard of it.

    4. Wolfox


      it's a pretty good show, mixing 3d animation with regular 2d. while perhaps slightly dated, I'd recommend giving it a try (I mean, it's on yt anyway)

  24. remind me to get a CD of this song for when I get my car

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