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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. I added a new option, it was more for shitz and giggle's but now you can vote for "It depends on the sweeping pokemon". and I still just hope this pokeball might become a thing later on in the game
  2. Tell that to Taka and his Chatot >.<
  3. its a democracie with Ame as a Dictator... does that make sence?
  4. Welcome to the Reborn Region, please be aware that Hidden Ability's are a thing... so check em out if you get the chance
  5. The plan for the name was more because it was created in the Reborn region and because your chance of catching the pokemon that sweeped your team will be Reborn. It will have to be expensive and isn't verry usefull at the start of the game but it might be worth a try out time
  6. Hey there, as others may have done I took a look at the Game Emblem of Reborn and I thoughed "Why isn't that a real Pokeball in the game?" so I thoughed about there maybe being a Nice back story behind it and a nice effect for it. Back Story: In the Yugeru Factory/Powerplant was a blueprint for a Pokeball noboddy had ever seen before, it has the symbole of the Citty on it for some reason. Effect: The Catch Rate of the pokéball increases the more pokemon have fainted agains the pokemon you use it against. its just a little idea and I under stand if you don't even wanna add it cuz it'll make it easyer to catch pokemon. though, I wouldn't try to let as many pokemon faint just to get only 1 pokemon, would you? Also, if you hve anything to say about it please just reply and don't be ashamed Catch rate in power, other effects not included: 1F: Greatball 2F: Ultraball 3F: Duskball 4F: Moonball 5F(MAX): Heavyball mid
  7. I wanted to save my flying type spot for murkrow, it seems murkrow will be a replacement
  8. its indeed ferns doind and I just lost it so the tread is completly useless sorry xD but I'll check how I can inprove my team to smash his head
  9. Letting your anger get control is nothing to be ashamed of, happened to me alot and I'm still me, and I missed 5 Leaf Blades once so I know the felling
  10. Remember that time when the dog pissed in your sho after choing on it and then taking a dump in it? yeah, me too
  11. Please tell me how a lombre of the same lvl can do MORE damage with Fury Swipes then A Jolly Technician Meowth? and also how a Servine can 1 shot a Sassy venonat with Leaf Tornado? How is that possible? I hear SCMowns2's Steven Logic right here
  12. I must say that I'm verry inpressed, and can you maybe do try and do the White hair guy?(don't know the names T.T) as for the little flaws don't let that pull you down! they are amazing ly done and you deserve a KUDOS
  13. I would love to find it but every time I'm there and its a windy nigth NOTHING CHANGES
  14. Don't forget that Anna might be scared and her pokemon got siezed by the orderlie's, and if she was in the Elite Four, why would she cut Noel off at that moment in particular? and she might be the reason they're not alowed to have their pokemon in the first place. but I think I'm pulling a Game Theory and I'm over thinking this Thought I don't know about the live endanger thingy in particular
  15. The Champion thing is already converned by both GG and Noel, at the first meeting noel say"Then you should also mension how Anna is..." before Anna cuts him off, also she's one of the strongest of the region witch mostly revers to the champion just using my noodle, probably wrong though
  16. its in Byxbision Wastland, not sure where, I'm sure Nickaboo92 video about some items hidden places
  17. I do agree on the fact that Talonflame should be added more so for the fact that I never used it and wanna find my style with it, though this is a useless topic, if Ame wants Talonflame, she'll add it if she doesn't want it, thet fuck Talonflame and keep hoping for other good pokemon like Mylotic
  18. Welcome to Reborn, Sheep already covered everything so this is me just randomly radling about Welcoming
  19. I can see some other things that maybe are off topic but may have something to do with this topic(I don't understand it either) The first thing I just wanted to lose is tham I'm 100% certain about who the champion is, Anna. done that one Secondly, I see a better link between Anna and Radomus then mensioned(just my opinion and its kinda obvious). Anna's Ace is non other then a Gothedelle that makes sence since Gothita can see things other ppl/pokemon can't. but also it raised my alertness when I saw Radomus. He uses a Reuniclus, the counter part of Gothedelle. Now I can be completely stupit to think that's a link between them(that is greatly possible) But I just have a feeling that's the big link, not mentioning Anna's Jirachi doll Nostra is a Psychic type
  20. http://serebii.net/attackdex-xy/ maybe that will help out?
  21. I'll check for ya EDIT: I do have a Magicarp... I'm also willing to give a Muk for it with a decent Special Attack
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