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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. I don't have a froakie sorry, I do have a Scrappy Pancham, that1 does have a catch though, its timid nature, also have a Gentle Spiritomb or a Sirious Whynaut(shiny) if you want, also I'd be happy if some1 had a Starly(any nature is good) for my second playthrough
  2. First off, Welcome . Second off, does your Trubish have Toxic Spikes? set up one/two of those and Florinia is done for
  3. Welcome, and like Kaiser showed you're acting like fern
  4. I would like to get in one of the many nations but I don't know how, can some1 please help me with it?
  5. Remember that time when you fell out of the tree, you don't? That's why you have that scar on your (you know where) (I just wanna say that happened to me irl, and it was painfull, but funny as hell)
  6. thanks sheep, mockingbird, I'm on it
  7. Hi, how can I join the reborn server?
  8. Thought Salamance was a problem and a halve, gets a mega, Altaria's mega is nice though(gets Alpha Saphire and looks for Bunery and Swablu

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    1. Sonikku


      I'm naught too fond of Salamence's mega, It looks somewhat smaller. THIS looks waaaay better


  9. I see you have a good coverage, though an Excadrill could KO nearly everything on your team, I sugest a Flying-Bug-Grass type to cover up that weakness
  10. I think he can see the future...
  11. I might have something to make the game more fun, maybe if we could battle the original trainers of those pokemon(the officer like the second Kiki battle at shade's gym or something), but only of we have those pokemon in front of our party, also that the trainers are random weekly like the weather(lets say the policeman on monday the first week but thursday the second week) because that would make it a nice hide and seek to find them, and you would gain some exp if you could find and beat them.
  12. Does anyboddy know what the clown from Agate Circus wants for his trade? EDIT: He want's a Carnivine and gives you a Tynamo
  13. I sugest a Gourgeist, it can take masive damage and thanks to its ghost typing beldum won't hurt it
  14. I suggest you get a female Espurr with a Modest Nature and Infiltrator, it will help alot fighting both Kiki and Aya
  15. Nope, that's an old event, now you gotta wait until you get the TM Rock Smash and the badge to use is, you pick up the dull key in the underground railnet, go to the gate, fight three pangoro's and you'll get a scraggy also there live wild panchams there
  16. I am willing to offer anything for any Riolu
  17. Windy Day, Eevee event in Crysolia Forest, Murkrow at Aquagang layer Hide and seek with a Zoroa, hoppip in Obsidia Slums Rainy Day's, Surskit in the Peredot Founten(sorry if spelled wrong) Numel at the train tracks Thunder Storms, Electrike next to Julia's gym Clear Weather, Hide and Seek with a Tedyursa, Budew at the wall between Lapis and Peridot ward
  18. You mean Azuril? Ame changed it, the Azirul event is now the Marrep event, though I can't get the Mareep on new save file's for some reason
  19. Good luck with the puzzleing later on
  20. Thx guy's, I'll use your advices and I'll shape them to my own Battle Style
  21. I just wanna know if anyone can find inporvments at my team(waiting for Ep 13). Delphox lvl 69: Psychic- Cut(Never use it but can't get myself to remove it for the sake of traveling)- Flamethrower- Future Sight Gyarados lvl 67: Thrash- Hyper Beam(yes, I know)- Bite- Aqua Tail Golem lvl 62: Explosion-EQ - Rollout- Double-Edge Luxray lvl 44(still training him up): Thunder Fang- Strength(see Delphox:Cut)- Spark- Crunch Hawlucha lvl 57(see Luxray:lvl): Rock Smash(see Delphox:Cut)- Flying Press- Sky Drop- Sky Attack (Open Slot) if you have any sugestions for inprovments I'll look into them and see if they'll fit. already thanks for the sugestions .
  22. Wolfox


    Banned for not being a Grass type.
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