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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. May the 4th be with you Reborn


    1. Cerulean


      Amen to that.

  2. Who has two thumbs and just beat the final boss of Monster Hunter Rise? @Wolfox that's who

  3. I just realized that I've been a member of these forums for almost 7 years. Joined when I was about 15/16. If you looked through my posts over the years, you could probably witness me mature and get less stupid (yet still be stupid)

    1. Anime


      silly Wolfox, youre not stupid

  4. happy birthday

    1. Angelkitsune


      thank you so much :D

  5. I made a Gallade edit, using Archer's color scheme.


    1. Rising Emperor

      Rising Emperor

      That looks awesome!!

    2. Dark Legend

      Dark Legend

      yeah it looks like something out of pokemon Insurgence. it looks like a fire/steel type now

  6. Trace on.
    Trigger off.
    Nine-lives Blade Works!

  7. Monster Hunter Rise is good

  8. I have become a Master Platformer in Monster Hunter Rise

    1. Cerulean



  9. I must say, I'm extremely happy I finally decided to watch Fate this time last year. Its definitely my favorite anime series thus far

  10. I'm not sure if anyone will read this, but here goes.


    I feel like I owe this game, this forum, and mostly @Amethyst the biggest thanks I could ever give. 

    Before I found this game my interesst in fan games was absolutely 0, my love for Pokémon was a lot more limited due to having few people to talk to about it, and due to being an introferted 15/16 year old it really helped me break through a big part of my shell. I know I am nowhere near as active as I have been, but know that I won't truly leave these forums untill Ame herself either shuts them down or bans me from them. 


    But with all that said, from the bottom of my heart, thank you to everyone whom I have interacted with on these forums. You may always send me a DM if you wish to talk (though I can't promise I'll reply that quickly)


    And extra special thanks to:

    @Candy @Q-Jei @Dreamblitz @seki108

    @Ice Cream Sand Witch and probably many more that I have forgotten. 

    1. Candy


      Glad you've enjoyed this community as much as I have 🤗

    2. Dreamy


      This whole community is really just a lovely place to hang out isn't it. It's been nice to see you around and chat to you too over the years. Things have been moving more towards the discord server in recent years, but it's still nice to check in on the forums at times.

    3. Amethyst


      oh that's really sweet and i really appreciate that and i'm glad we could help you come into yourself better! don't you go anywhere !!! 

  11. Cremation friday

  12. My grandfather passed away last night... 

  13. Been a while, but here's an update. 

    My grandpa is in the hospital, has been since last week. He's coming home Thursday. But not because he's gotten much better. He's mostly going home to pass away. 

    1. Cerulean


      I hope he gets well soon. I pray for healing.

    2. doombotmecha


      I'm sorry for your loss.

  14. Well... This was a scare and a half... 

  15. the issue of having a new PC: gotta redownload Pokémon Reborn and Rejuv.

  16. I am the bone of my sword.__archer_fate_and_1_more_drawn_by_lain__e5963dba17c03d5ec5036f46d7124c8a.thumb.jpg.d8472e095262440e2973a68461646671.jpg

    1. Cerulean


      Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works

    2. Wolfox
  17. Erza Scarlet 

  18. I am the bone of my sword

  19. Spoiler

    Just when I thought there wasn't gonna be a Grimm that could evacuate my bowels faster than the Nucklavee and the Apathy, Sandor fucking Cleganr shows up


  20. It's really fucking foggy

    1. Seal


      It looked like a PS1 game out there a couple of hours ago

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