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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. what do you mean you're "at soup"?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. seki108


      Some memes last forever

    3. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      > memes
      > not eternal

      pick one

    4. seki108


      Old memes do have a habit of rearing up again, in some form or another. 


      Memes associated with a fandom certainly stick around for a while.  People were complaining about how old and tired the 'Sakuya's Pads' meme was when I first got into Touhou in ~2010, and it's still brought up occasionally even after I got back into Touhou last year.

  2. Ideals. Would you rather step on a Lego, or get hit in the head by Hector the Wrecktor
  3. 4afc88b3243e4e28e049fc4383ea5211.png


    feeling lucky?

    1. seki108


      Lucky enough to play Arcana Force successfully or just mortal level lucky?

    2. Wolfox


      Considering Joshua isn't that lucky, mortal

  4. Time for a little rant. be warned:

    Sigh... The Evidence against Vic is not public, and that's about as normal as can be in this situation. Why is that you ask? Becuase maybe Vic's lawyers didn;t want it to get out? Maybe some of the Victims wish to not be revealed to the public due to potentially being Witch Hunted and Doxxed because they happen to say a bad thing  to someone who is being really heavily defended by a pretty Toxic comunity at this point.


    Also, anyone wanna bet that if it wasn;t Vic but just someone random this wouldn;t have blown up and people would just have accepted it and agreed with the companies?

  5. I should re-watch Code-Geass at some point...

    1. seki108


      With the new thing premiering soon, now is as good a time as any

  6. decided to change Joshua to a 5 star. considering I got my main team set up, I can just focus on the rest being just considered of characters I really like (cuz I just don't care too much about being meta or anything)

  7. "WHo is this? Articuno? It's a dude with a Mewtwo!"
  8. Well, I just had 5 of my iconic sneezes

  9. what is the biggest "FUCK THIS LEVEL" level in any game for you?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wolfox


      yeah, granted I usually send Gilliam and Garcia there (with Ross to pick off a kill or 2) and then when all seems to be save a Mage just runs up and kills Ross

    3. seki108


      I did a write up in a status update last year (https://www.rebornevo.com/forum/index.php?/profile/69875-seki108/&status=116255&type=status), which is what caused me to take a break from the game...........and ultimately never got back to it because I've been waiting for the translation patch to be finished for the last leg of the game.



      This stage, appropriately called Nightmare Gensokyo, is a glorified boss rush stage where you essentially are surrounded by about 25 full powered final and mid boss characters with annoying field effects/gimmicks (usually the hardest one from their boss fight), with their strongest attacks by default,  along with buffed up elite mooks that complement their bosses effects.  It doesn't help that the stage starts with a long interactive cutscene (which is good as long as you aren't redoing it.......again), so restarting to change your unit loadout was a chore.  I shudder to imagine what it was like it was like on Hard (experienced level) and Lunatic difficulties, where they would all be free to the spirit commands that usually only the player can use.



      Also, the background got a bit tiring to look at after a while, though it still is a thematic twist since the stage is all about nightmares.





      At least the stage theme that played most of the time was great and reading the actual translation let me appreciate the story side of it at least.




    4. The darn 4th chaos emerald

      The darn 4th chaos emerald

      I'm trying to do the post game Salvatore map from Disgaea 3 and I'm about ready to just give up and move on to Dark hero Days. 😞

  10. watching Gen:Lock ep2. Found a reference to Red Vs Blue. shouldn't be surprised about that, but I'm happy

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. doombotmecha


      Yeah, Arya was my favorite GoT character back when I was into it as well. It really says something about GoT that, despite how dark this series gets at times, it's still a lighthearted romp compared to GoT. At least here Masie's character will get to make friends who won't die.

    3. Wolfox


      yeah. granted both Cammie and Arya have the same kind of attitude

    4. doombotmecha


      Cammie's a LOT less violent, at least. It's somewhat ironic: Cammie is a soldier who doesn't really want to kill anyone, while Arya is a princess who spends the first 3 or 4 books becoming an assassin and loving it.

  11. FE Echoes: Shadows of Valentia is an amazing game, even a few years later I come back to it quite a bit. But I never went into detail on what I like so much about it. So, lemme do that:


    First: The story and characters. Neither are perfect, but both are amazing. not as good of a cast as Awakening (IMO), but a really good one.

    Dungeon Crawling: If this could return more, I would not be disapointed.

    The Item System: Only one held item may seem really bad, but it works surprisingly well. be it a weapon that can;t break (Hey, they fixed a little issue from Fates) without it being broken or terrible.

    No Fenix Mode: While I like Casual mode a lot, Fenix was a step too far.


    And now... the less good...

    Map Design, Need I even say anything here? Honestly it's one of the only issue I have with it.

    Cantors: Nice idea, but they need some more time in the oven.

    No Pair Up: While not a huge issue, it is something I kinda miss. I know it was revealed early on that it wasn;t gonna be in the game but still Pair-Up remains a feature I really like and I hope to see again in the future.

    Nuibaba's Abode: I could Rant for hours on it, but I won't.

    The Lightning Sword: And here's my least favorite Part, the way they managed to nerf this weapon into the ground is just... astounding. I mean, how did they f*ck this up? You just make it deal Magic Damage and give it like, the stats of an Iron Sword at base and when maxed those of a base Silver or mid Steel one, maybe a bit weaker, make it expensive to upgrade and give it a bit later in the game. Boom, fixed. is it Petty that this is my least favorite part of the game, maybe, most likely, yeah. but honestly, can you really blame a guy for disliking how his favorite weapon got nerfed so much that it's just useless after the early-mid game?

  12. got 20K hero feathers... should I make Berkut 5 star (once lv 40), or go Joshua, or potentially Azura (Green mage btw)?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wolfox


      I got some 5 star's for that, I'll see which would be best tho

    3. Commander


      Gray units are very situational and I tend to use a dancer over them. Summer Micaiah is like my go to unit for anything as she's a res tank and armor slayer. And also a dancer to omniboost someone

    4. Wolfox


      I'm mainly using Jaffar on my main team and that's going quite well thus far. he doesn't always kill and one of my others (Hector) can't always be near him to pick of his spoils, but he usually does what he has to and just deals damage while weakening the opponent if they live

  13. Me: random summon 

    Feh: here's a 5 star Alm

  14. Fluntofrwby: makes post about his Gen:Lock lyrics videos

    Some people: bitch about Vic. 

    Honestly I feel like they're hurting his reputation more than helping him at this point 

    1. Youmu9


      He doesnt have one anymore.

    2. Wolfox


      not untrue, but you get my point. acting like they are (you don't wanna know how many I was in an actual RT comment section earlier today) won't help his case in the slightest. I mean, when has toxicity ever lead to something good?

  15. I think I'll alter my favorite Myrmidon to Joshua

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wolfox


      Ah, Lyn. The first lord of the west. I can't wait to find out if she gets strength screwed. (something to "fix" with the remake, as well as adding her to the cannon of fe6) 

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Well what she needs more is her promotion class to not literally be probably the worse promo for lords in the entire series. ~~lt's just objectively a worse version of Swordmaster/Nomad Trooper~~

      l was referring to Eirika as well who's basically just Lyn with better growths XD 

      l've had 2 Lyns cap strength prepromo cause l'm made of demon luck

    4. Wolfox
  16. Started a Binding Blade run on my phone, first Battle Roy saw he dodged and crit. 

    1. doombotmecha
    2. Wolfox


      Of only his promotion time wasn't shit

  17. and now the rains weep all his halls.

    with no one left to hear...

  18. Me: lemme do a quick summon. 

    Summon: here's 5 star Zelgius

    1. doombotmecha


      JESUS. Congrats!

    2. Wolfox


      yeah, he kicked Takumi of my third team (Takumi might lead the 4th one tho...)

  19. Main Team: Ike (Vanguard Legend), Ike (Brave), Jaffar, Hector (Brave). 

    Second Team: Lucina, Azura (still 4star atm), Holliday Ephraim, Jishua(still 4star) 

  20. picked up a case for my phone today. on the way back I was like "I could use a Drink, there's a Mc Donalds on the way, so lemme get a quick coke". I get back on my bike, coke drops to the ground. and I really needed that drink at the moment... Still a better love story than Twilight

  21. Working on a second and third Heroes team. 

    1. doombotmecha


      I basically start a new arena team every time I get a new Rein/Blyn counter lol. Just doesn't feel the same without something to tank and dispose of the ranged horses.

    2. Wolfox


      Thus fat I've had The Wrecktor (brave Hector) for that, and Vanguard Legend ike (maxed) doesn't hurt either. Currently working on team 2 if Wallhart, The Black Knight, Bekut and Takumi (kind of a villains +scapegoat team) 

    3. doombotmecha


      Walmart is pretty interesting, but him and berkut I just never got around to building. Burger King was the anchor of my first really successful arena core with normal Azura and G Tomebreaker Sonya for all the offensive green mages that were running around at the time. 


  22. Belated happy birthday 

    1. seki108


      Belated thank you!

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