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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. can't disagree there. I also have a simple yet probably "blind" impression on it now that I got some more thinking done about it: The Rumors didn't just get sucked out of some people's thumbs. They came from somewhere, and that might mean there's truth to it
  2. If a franchice gets a new game that tweaks gameplay and updates some older systems, while those tweaks making the new game easier, is that bad? because a game should always be user friendly to play

    1. Swampellow


      Oftentimes those tweaks are a result of streamlining which from the perspective of older fans of the franchise make the game easier because said thing is no longer as convoluted. It doesn’t make it a bad thing just because some people don’t like it when things are fun and easy, they only like it when stuff is hard hard hard.

  3. re-downloaded FEH (or Downloaded? Cuz new phone didn;t have it yet but does now?). Got my acc back in action. got Legend Ike, got Brave Ike and Hector (The Wrecktor) and am now training a new main squad

  4. new phone arirved boys

  5. How do you all feel about it. I've seen a few sides of it, some bashing RT for letting him go as Qrow, some praising RT for it. Some saying people are being too sensitive, others saying that Justice is reaching him. I for one, am not 100% sure yet. I support's RT choice, this may lose them a few fans in the short run, but might save multiple faces in the long run. Do I want it to be true? no, why the fuck would I? If it is true it's horrible for both him and his targets. If it's not true then good, great even. There is one thing I absolutely hate tho... the people who decide it's okay to bring up Monty in the situation... *sighs*. Why bring him up? "he would not have let this happen!" How would you fucking know? for all you know Monty would not even have hired him back after V3. For all you know Monty would have comended him for it (if true). Can we be sure? Hell no. Don't use a dead man to win your arguments for you people, it tends to not work. Anyway, that's my take on it. hoping he's inoscent, but open to the posibility he's not. I stand behind RT on it for the image of their company and, honestly, just hoping for a good replacement VA for Qrow. (Oh yeah, there were people mentioning how they "killed" Qrow with this. No... they're changing his VA. For all you know this one might be even betterm or sound exactly like Vic's version of Qrow. While on that Subject, I would love to see the VA of Saber in FEE:SoV take that roll. I'll list two clips here to make a comparison)
  6. THOSE people durring the Vic situation in RWBY: Monty would never have let it come to this.

    Me: how would you know? Monty passed on, he's gone. Don;t use his name for your argument with or against RT's choices with the show

  7. webshop: ordered before 23:59, at your door tomorrow.

    also webshop: your phone is not yet on the road even though it should be considering it's not a big order.

  8. it was thanks toch Twit that I understand the Mega Man Battle Network reference that Terra made tbh. it went over my head for a long time
  9. about this time tomorrow, I should have a new phone

  10. well then Qrow's voice actor got fired for sexual harassment charges. interesting

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolfox


      Geoff as Qrow... I can see it. tbh, I feel like Sabers VA from the Echoes could do a great Qrow. just put listen to them back to back (iirc they're not the same guy. if they are then shit)

    3. doombotmecha


      just looked it up and his VA is David Sylvain, so it's still a possibility.


      Looking up a support conversation, I can totally see what you mean.

    4. Wolfox


      i was legit surprised when I looked it up and they didn't share  VA (yet? hopefully) because Qrow and Saber really sound alike

  11. How evil is Ame when coding?

    I'd say about 20/10

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Wolfox


      i meant in the sense of difficulty sometime being plain evil

    3. Josef
    4. doombotmecha


      I still have very specific memories of the one Espurr trainer just inside the second half of Obsidia Slums. That thing will take your team apart if you aren't careful.

  12. welp. seems I'm gonna have to go out for a new phone. been about 3 years since I got this one so I guess it's just it's time

  13. hmm... Dragon Bug type with Technicial, special attacker. learning D-breath and Silver Wind

    1. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      dragonbreath id see the point of since buffed dragon pulse with high para chance is scary.


      silver wind is kinda not better than bug buzz though, unless you bank on 10% chances.

    2. Wolfox


      true, but what if it can't get bug buzz? it's "gimmick" being it not getting too many strong moves

  14. When you're hunting a monster and suddenly another monster (different one) decides to show up for no reason

  15. when your grinding a monter and suddenly another

  16. well then. playing some mh4u, killing some beast for armor (as you do), and the beast I killed dies in an area I can't carve it... fuck that giant bug

  17. when you do a dumb and your friend facepalms to let you know you did a dumb

  18. Just Discovered this one. how did he even manage that?

  19. Mr Rank 10 Yugitube guy is gonna do an episode on Six Samurai.


  20. can anyone really blame Yang for being unable to resist the Bellabooty? 

  21. or they could have no problem with the Mewtwo. not likely, but maybe
  22. will Radiant Dawn and Path of Radiance ever drop below 50 euro's again?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolfox


      I know... But I can have hope, right (wait, the second I have hope for something usually the opposite happens... fuck).

      Also, do some people really think someone will pay over 120 euro for just one of them? 70 all things considered it not too bad (granted that's based on the other prices of them) but over 120?

    3. Commander


      Most people just emulate the games

    4. Wolfox


      yeah, but owning a physical copy just has a nice feel to it. and considering PoR can, at max play at 50% speed... emulation is not really an option (I don't even wanna know RD at that point...

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