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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. welp, unlocked the special event playmat. now all I need is an actual good RDA deck for Jack and we're Golden

  2. Wolfox

    Point Game

    hmm. I think it might just be safe to say this has flopped. well then
  3. and nexus still doesn;t have his party open
  4. you know what I juist realized!


    Adam's death is really similar to the Death of The Meta. Only instead of some idiots and a car Adam got beaten by 2 ladies and a Motorcycle


  5. Small Piece Golem should be a Tuner Monster

    1. seki108


      That would make more sense than just being some situational swarm enabler.

  6. to be fair, this character was made by the dev team as a jokey funny character while seeing what they could do.
  7. Wolfox

    Point Game

    Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the opening of the Point Game! This is a game I used to play on a different forum way back when and is the only one I can really convert over to here (cuz earliest/lastest is kinda hard due to timezones), and I feel it could be a great time for all. Da Rulez: You can talk about anything and everything as long as it's within the Forum guidelines and rules. Every time you make a post and there's at least a 1 hour gap between yours and the next one (can also be yours) you get a point. You can only get 1 point per post. Scoreboard: with that all said and done: enjoy the Point Game!
  8. later today: I will start either the best or worst thread I've made in my years here. 

  9. well, I dueled Lv 50 Jack today. and that did not disapoint. his first turn play: Vice Dragon + Dark Resonator. You can do the math and figure out what hit me next, right? a 3K dragonic beatstick that instantly makes all defense position monsters go boom when it attacks. This is what I had hoped lv 40 jack would pull, but at least they added Vice Dragon into his arsenal for the lv 50 one. Now... when can I get my hands on a Vice Dragon? I need it for, eh... research

  10. perhaps the prime sub franchise is in some hot water, but if Samus Returns is anything to go by, the regular 2d Metroid is here to stay. as for prime 4... I haven't played the prime trilogy (I'll do that at some point), but I'm kinda glad Nintendo is honest about the delay. as we all know: a delayed game will eventually be good while a rushed game will forever be bad
  11. if there are 2 cards I can hope for in Duel Links rn, they are Red Dragon Archfiend (without the skill requirement) and Exploder Dragonwing

  12. my love for the eastern food is huge

    1. Sopheria


      it's great, right? ^-^

  13. so... I found these. they might just be my new favorite thing






    Edit: let's add this one too. somehow they put Yang in the responsible spotlight tho


    1. doombotmecha


      Oh my gosh I love these. Thanks for digging this up!

    2. Wolfox


      no problem. sadly. couldn't find a nice drunk Yang

    3. Wolfox


      if I had to choose a favorite of these... drunk Weiss and Ruby take the cake.

  14. still baffled on how I managed to get second on the leaderboard. if I (somehow) manage to ever beat out And, is there a prize/reward?

    1. seki108


      Ame will award you the 'Burning Budew' reward.........eh, the best I can come up with

  15. nope. they probably don't remember best boy Cal
  16. they also seemed to have forgotten Zero, the man in black
  17. okay, the Jack Atlas duel links event kicked it up a notch, with CARDGAMES ON MOTORCYCLES

  18. Most often in comunities, there's that one really vocal minority that clings to the past of said franchise/series, often too much. Examples of such are the Genwunners from Pokémon, the Veteran Elitists (not just the Veteran's) from Fire Emblem, *Insert Summoning Mechanic Here*  killed the game from Yugioh, and there are so many more. And honestly, they cling to that way too much. Things evolve and change to stay relevant not to the "Hardcore true fans that played the old games 100 times" (True Fans in general is just bullshit IMO), but to the Lowest Common Denominator. Why, because they do still need to make money. Changing things up from your past is in games sometimes seen as a sin that should never be practiced, but that's far from true. Can you imagin Pokémon still being as Broken now as it was in gen 1? Or the Map Design of Fire Emblem still being in the Genealogy era (in a sense of many huge maps that makes everyone not on a horse almost useless), or even Yugioh with just some Vanilla Beaters and the occasional effect or fusion monster? Is change always good? no, sometimes things are changed for the worse. But sometimes that allows for more good in the future. Example: Casual Mode. Some people loath it and say it should be bannished and that everyone getting into the series with it is not a "true fan" (there that Bullshit is again), but on the other hand Casual mode allows more players to enjoy the games due to there being less presure of Perma-death, and it's optional.


    So what was this rant about? Just me tossing my oppinion about the worse case of nostalgia blindness.  Anyway, Rant done. if you disagree with me and have any hate mail, please send them to Wolfoxdoesntgiveaflyingfuck@Gmail.com

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolfox


      casual mode is most likely not going anywhere, and I like that (at least you didn't blame that one on Awakening. new mystery of the Emblem implemented it first) 3d models started in tellius so, yeah. pair up was broken, but was fixed in Fates (just like the reclassing), the child unit min-maxing is mostly up to player choice, cuz I usually just go for my favorites. the low objective count is not something new. I mean take a shot for every Siege mission in fe6 and shadow dragon, but I can see the disappointment. simplified magic, I believe came over from the DS games, but I could be wrong. As for the cast of the game, I can't hate it. no, the characters are rarely extremely deep, but a lot of them do feel quite real and colourful. and a fun cast can be as good as a deep one.


      also, please note that Awakening is but one of many games that can fall into the camp of "it different, me no like different" for the vocal minorities

    3. Amphibi


      I just dislike the concept behind casual mode. It'd be like removing the gaps you have to jump across in mario rather than easing the player into it by getting them to jump smaller gaps first. Forgot 3d models started with tellius. I still think pair up is very good but they did a good job of toning it down. I go for my favourites too but its annoying how I could have a more effective unit if I choose a certain unit. Didn't think fe6 had that many seize chapters until I looked back at it. The only different objective I remember in Shadow Dragon is the run the hell away from Gharnef chapter (technically still a seize but it at least was different). The ds games were both remakes of games that iirc didn't have a magic triangle or anything like that. The personality thing is subjective, some of them are fun but I feel like some of their personalities are tacked on. My main point here wasn't to rag on Awakening (as much as I did), it was to provide an alternate view. It's saddening when a company abandons a game/mechanic that have stood the test of time in hope for a new audience. Especially when the new mechanics are shallow and cheapen the experience. I'm pretty sure that's what most hardcore fans fear, not just change.

    4. Wolfox


      I can understand that, yet one thing they often forget is that it's all optional. and most likely for the greater good of the franchise. I mean, would you rather have fire emblem going from a 9/10 to a 7/10 but remain alive or stay at 9 but just not get any new games because the sales aren't good enough? same with Pokemon and pretty much everything

  19. started up Shadow Dragon again (actually the first fe game I played. so yeah) and Darros decided to be difficult... level up without any stats... I guess I'm reclasding Barst to a pirate then...

  20. Alucard! Go for a Walk

  21. I can already tell that Chapter 16 might be one of the worst in Sacred Stones, if only by the god damn Siege Tomes hitting and killing at 41% acc... because what says fun more that resetting everytime a unit dies to an attack they couldn;t even retaliate against. oh, and let's not forget the thieves that show up a few turns in.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolfox


      then perhaps I'm just a masive idiot for it almost getting the better of me. eventually I just said "Fuck it. Amelia's going in" (she's without a doubt my strongest at the moment). Somehow she managed to dodge a few 60% siege tomes while Joshua has died to a 41%er at least 3 times

    3. Commander


      Do you not have a res tank to deal with them?

    4. Wolfox


      I do, but considering Light magic is kinda strong against Druids (Ewan) and the Heroes there making short work of his physical defense, it didn't amount to much. Amelia has good res, too (being a paladin and all) but she's kind of a crutch at the moment. managed to beat the level by just sending her in there to deal with them

  22. 's been resolved. so let's alter this one a bit:

    Whoç your favorite character of your favorite class in Fire Emblem.

    For me, it's Inigo/Laslow as the Hero

  23. okay, can 100% confirm: Gen:LOCK is of to a really good start

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