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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. Alucard! Go for a Walk

  2. I can already tell that Chapter 16 might be one of the worst in Sacred Stones, if only by the god damn Siege Tomes hitting and killing at 41% acc... because what says fun more that resetting everytime a unit dies to an attack they couldn;t even retaliate against. oh, and let's not forget the thieves that show up a few turns in.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolfox


      then perhaps I'm just a masive idiot for it almost getting the better of me. eventually I just said "Fuck it. Amelia's going in" (she's without a doubt my strongest at the moment). Somehow she managed to dodge a few 60% siege tomes while Joshua has died to a 41%er at least 3 times

    3. Commander


      Do you not have a res tank to deal with them?

    4. Wolfox


      I do, but considering Light magic is kinda strong against Druids (Ewan) and the Heroes there making short work of his physical defense, it didn't amount to much. Amelia has good res, too (being a paladin and all) but she's kind of a crutch at the moment. managed to beat the level by just sending her in there to deal with them

  3. 's been resolved. so let's alter this one a bit:

    Whoç your favorite character of your favorite class in Fire Emblem.

    For me, it's Inigo/Laslow as the Hero

  4. okay, can 100% confirm: Gen:LOCK is of to a really good start

  5. https://roosterteeth.com/episode/gen-lock-season-1-1

    the series has started. Gen:Lock is initiated

    1. seki108


      I'll check it out in a bit

    2. Wolfox


      Knowing your love for mecha series, it's right up your alley

  6. when you see a Hero with a Killing Edge: Damn.

    When you see a Swordmaster with a Killing Edge: Fuck.

    When you see a Berserker with a Killer Axe: Oh Hell no.

    When you see Berserker CHarlotte with a Great Club: *gone*

  7. when I finish Sacred Stones, FE 7. After FE7, Binding Blade. After Binding Blader, Genaelogy

  8. unknown.png

    Ō wa hitoridake de, soreha watashidesu!


    In other words, my Duel Links Playtime is gonna sky-rocket

  9. well, I slipped and fell on my way to work. God Damnit Takumi! #BlameTakumi

  10. I'm really liking Sacred Stones. But I do have one issue with it: the Skill System. While the skills are good, I dislike how rare the skills are. I mean, at least give each major class a skill, not just those few ones

    1. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      I personally like it more without skills, which is also partly why I tend to play the gba fe games the most.


      sacred stones already had a bit much for my liking.

    2. Wolfox


      I feel like Sacred Stones should have either doubled down on them or not use them at all tbh. now they feel like a slight afterthought, some being busted and other quite not so good

  11. so... if Nintendo ever remakes Fire Emblem: Thracia 776, will it be named Thracia 777?

    1. doombotmecha


      If they made a crappy mmo remake of it, it'd be Thracia 76.

  12. is Amelia a bad unit all things considered? Most likely if what I've seen from people when I looked up advise on what to make her is correct.

    Will I ever do a Sacred Stones run without her, Ewan and Ross? Not likely

    1. Des Teto

      Des Teto

      She isn't! But due to her growths being close to 40% in every offensive stats, she will perform differently in every run. She is an oddball for sure.

      She was a speedy general in my first run while my brother had a slow knight with no defense ... We did disagree on her ^^

      The only consistent thing about her is her good Luck stat. She will reach 25 no matter what. It's enough to make her consistent in my eyes.

    2. Wolfox


      she was a speedy Cavalier with little attack for me

    3. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      shes not bad in her own right, but shes outclassed by the majority -if not all other great knights and paladins you can get- and they require less effort to get somewhere. and her growths just dont work particularly well for a general.


      shes kind of the middle of the rookie units- ewan comes later but absolutely kicks ass if you grind him up, and ross comes early so can nab exp earlier, and in return becomes a good axe user, and thus a pretty average unit. amelia comes in middle game and just doesnt stand out from units that require much less effort to train.

  13. Today in Cooking with the Wolf: chicken Teriyaki

  14. unknown.png

    my first promotion (not counting trainee's to tier 1 that is). look at that Strength now. still kinda low compared to others, but that speed makes up for it well enough

    1. CodeCass


      Very cool! Hate to be the dumb guy, but what game is this?

    2. Wolfox


      Fire Emblem Sacred Stones.

  15. hmm... if a Cavalier doesn;t gain speed on a Level Up, does that mean they're slacking or the Horse is?

  16. whether you love or hate Awakening we can all agree on one thing: Gregor is great

  17. Ewan: Recruited. not sure what I should make him yet tho... Either a Sage or a Druid

  18. Sacred Stones Update: My Amelia has doubled in strength since her recruitment! it only took about 21 levels...

  19. considering Genealogy of the Holy War is gonna be on my "hit list", I decided to look up the portrait sprites and...


    Call me a "Fateswakening Noob", but I gotta say that the games from the GBA Era and onward really improved on the character portraits

    1. IntSys


      In all fairness, the artstyle falls very much in line with the artstyle popular during that time.

    2. Wolfox


      true, and I can see that. but that doesn't mean it didn't age about as badly as Gen 1 aged (as in the originals, not the remakes)

  20. What kind of Liquor does Robin from Awakening Drink? Captain Morgan

  21. mind if I ask about something? You might have noticed me mention my Horse Ridden Myrmidon. Mind taking a look at my most recent screenshot and telling me if that would be Normal?

  22. Wolfox

    Need Azurill

    usually, people are only allowed 1 trading thread. you have made 3 separate ones for the exact same purpose now
  23. when your Cavalier has most of the stats of a Myrmidon, only with more bulk and less Attack (yeah. can I call that RNG Skrewed? even 9if I can;t I'm not giving up on her!)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      fair enough I suppose. sacred stones doesnt really force you to use any units in either case- even fuckin garcia would be viable. its just that amelia is so blegh I wouldnt use her, even though generals, great knights and paladins are amongst my favorite units.

    3. Wolfox


      plus, I can use Seth and her while not duping a class, but IDC about that anymore. I'll think about that more when I go through Ephraim's path. Zerker Ross and all (while still using Amelia. I wanna find out if her having 6 str on that level is actually RNG just taking the piss with me or normal)

    4. Wolfox


      it's honestly one of the charms I find in Fire Emblem. using a character in a class that, while functional, is kinda an oddball (example: look above) and making it work by playing to their strengths (Once more the same example: Amelia may not hit hard, she does hit often is will usually double, with good movement and dodge chance. as I said, Myrmidon on a Horse)

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