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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. ugh. can't sleep. too many thoughts about the last 3 to 4 years (might make a thread on that in the morning)

  2. okay. thus far P4 is turning out as one of my favorite games

  3. good RWBY Episode today. not the best f the season (but with Qrow Punch, Backstory and lore galore and Best Grimm, that's kinda hard to do)

  4. Sometimes you just have to let it all out. To all those who did you wrong in unforgivable ways, this is for them!


    And now for the "me" part, maybe next Xmas I can actually share it with a SO

  5. @Ainz Ooal Gown Silvally is an odd one for that. He's no Pseudo, and not really a legendary, but kinda a legendary?
  6. you don't wanna know how many times I've gone through that. and also having to be happy for them, even though they're pretty much rubbing it in your face
  7. 2JvA9Lq.jpg

    I did a Custom Card thingy. does it looks nice?

  8. went to a big store with work yesterday. why? because xmas bonus sorting (allow me to explain. usually in the NL you get a box with stuff fox xmas. like cheese, wine and all that). why that way? well, because they prever everyone to pick out their own set for like 50 euro's per person. as for what I got: some spices, river lobster, and a few sets of packed noodles

  9. when you yawn into your jaw locking shut

  10. you know something randon? I would kinda like to learn how to read Tarot Cards. just for fun

  11. *sigh* It's raining again... pretty hard, too. and guess who has to go out in the rain...

  12. oh, look. a distraction

    1. Starry Knight

      Starry Knight

      Is it a flying pig?

  13. I hit 1600. I can now no longer be searched by Sangan

    1. seki108


      R.I.D.  (Rest In Deck)

    2. Wolfox


      I guess I could also be considered on the road to Zwardschilick (or however that was spelled)

  14. let me just tell you that having your heart broken is not something you should ever set out to do. But, it is better than always wondering "What if I did tell him/her?" for years on end
  15. soft cookies > crunchy cookies. change my mind

    1. LeoYT
    2. Wolfox


      kinda hard to change his mind, considering he'd know better than anyone if Ruby was his daughter

  16. well then... I just game overed in P4...

  17. Pre battle dialog: Hmm? Interested in lil' old me? Fine then, let's go! I'll warn you though, I'm not gonna make this easy on you! Battle Format: Singles Field Effect: Fairy Tale Field GUITARIST Wolfox 6, HYPERPOTION,HYPERPOTION,HYPERPOTION RIBOMBEE,54,FOCUSSASH,STICKYWEB,POLLENPUFF,MOONBLAST,QUIVERDANCE,1,F,0,True,TIMID,31,70,Momo,false,,,4,0,0,252,252,0 BISHARP,55,MAGICALSEED,SUCKERPUNCH,IRONHEAD,KNOCKOFF,STEALTHROCK,0,M,0,True,JOLLY,31,70,Marth,false,,,4,252,0,252,0,0 TOGEKISS,56,LEFTOVERS,THUNDERWAVE,AIRSLASH,AURASPHERE,FLAMETHROWER,1,F,0,False,MODEST,31,255,Evangelion,false,,,4,0,0,252,252,0 TSAREENA,57,MEADOWPLATE,TROPKICK,HIJUMPKICK,RAPIDSPIN,SYNTHESIS,1,F,0,False,JOLLY,31,70,Phyrra,false,,,4,252,0,252,0,0 PRIMARINA,58,PRIMARIUMZ,SPARKLINGARIA,MOONBLAST,PSYCHIC,SCALD,2,F,0,False,MODEST,31,70,Azura,false,,,92,0,0,164,252,0 GARDEVOIR,59,GARDEVOIRITE,HYPERVOICE,PSYCHIC,SHADOWBALL,CALMMIND,1,F,0,True,TIMID,31,70,Lucina,false,,,4,0,0,252,252,0 Trainer Defeat Quote: Great battle. Perhaps I'll see you again sometime, take care! Edit: forgot a letter in a move
  18. few games pull out themes with lyrics for battle themes, let alone the common battle themes. I should have started playing Persona much, much sooner

    1. seki108


      While I wasn't initially too keen of Banpresto replacing their custom instrumental version of Jam Project songs for the final stages in game, the fact that it was Jam Project meant I had few complaints once they got to new J.P. songs.  It's not common battle themes, but I just wanted to comment about it because it's Jam Project.





      I could comment about the old Twisted Metal 3 and 4 games using outside songs (many from Rob Zombie) for almost every stage  and how it made those songs somewhat nostalgic to me, but I don't want the one other Twisted Metal fan on the site to come out of the woodworks and attack me for praising those games.



  19. This year was... interesting to say the least. Went into working pretty much fulltime after having a year worth of nothing, got my heart broken twice, might even have bordered on a depression a few times. but I'll be damned if this was not one of the best years I've had in a while (granted compared to last year that's extremely easy)
  20. has anyone here every tried the Midnight Channel thing themselves?

  21. how many of you all wanna bet that there are Smash Ultimate players who ship Chrom and Lucina

    1. Commander


      Oedipus Chrom

    2. seki108


      As long as two fictional characters exist, someone will ship them.  There's a reason nonsensical ships are called 'crack ships'.

  22. there's a pretty good chance that one of the main characters of Persona 5 is means to be autistic. that's awesome

  23. have been trying to find a decent deal for a PS Vita Slim (waiting with the switch for a bit)

  24. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKpRWI0ElWc

    even iris knows better then Phyra

    1. seki108


      Ren didn't even have to train her

    2. Wolfox


      indeed. one day she'll see this and be embarased

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