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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. I believe this has both been asked to and shot down in the past by Ame in the past multiple times
  2. you got of quite easy overall, as it could have been much, much, much worse (look at me about 2 months ago), but overall a rejection still is not fun. and the only tip I can give is that time will heal the wound. Just don't let it disheart you (funny how of all people I'm the one to say this) and better luck next time (or, at least better luck than I usually have)
  3. there's always the chance Ame decides to do it, but I wouldn;t hold my breath for it
  4. dating app I was using, removed. Not due to lack of success (but, surprise surprise, no success), but instead because of a lack of room on my phone.

  5. currently watching Uno: The movie

    1. seki108


      Definitely worth it. 


       here's looking at you kid


    2. seki108
    3. Wolfox


      okay, gotta say it was worth it. the betrayal of Jack's voice double onto him was easily one of the best I've seen in a while

  6. atempting to make Rice Pudding

  7. listening to some Achievement Haunter. in ep 0 they were split up into:

    Team Same Voice

    Team Nice Dynamite

    Lindsay and Lil J

  8. Red like Roses fills my dreams

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Dreamy


      yea true, acc drops are spicy. though perfect accuracy makes for nice spammability with high pp.

      I like HP fire for bug and steel types

    3. Wolfox


      which I can understand, but I personally always use HP Rock for the flying, bug and fire types

    4. Dreamy


      yeah true, rock complements grass very well for taking out its weaknesses. steel walls both its stabs though, wheras something it's actually weak to I'd be more likely to swap I guess

  9. I completely understand, sadly it's the bain of Level based RPG's
  10. almost forgot, Geoff is Iris Jones's (Micheal's Daughter) godfather. between him, the parrents and Millie, Iris is gonna grow up interesting

    1. seki108


      If Millie's occasional savageness is anything to go by, be afraid.....be very afraid.

    2. Wolfox


      Iris: You're not the best dad in the world.

      Micheal: compare me to others and consider I'm from Jersey.

      Iris: Touché.

  11. Pokémon rep out: Pichu. few will cry over him/her. FE Rep in: Takumi. Why? Because #BlameTakumi All kiddign aside now, I'd remove Pichu and add in Inigo/Laslow from Awakening and Fates as am Ike echo
  12. keep your friends close, and your enemies in range of your primary firearm.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolfox


      so you can shoot them

    3. Abyssreaper99


      This sounds like the sorta tip Lin would give...

    4. Wolfox
  13. just pretend this an an aha and source (cuz it will be one eventually)

    1. seki108


      Saw they posted it but haven't watched it yet......might as well now.   Eventually they'll make one.......

    2. Wolfox


      he's F-WORD!

  14. if I had any editing skills and a female companion (as in singing companion, not another kind) I would probably do a full cover of "from shadows"

  15. 3 Weiss pictures hang on my wall. Will, hopefully, expand that collection later (also, just noticed I may have to redo them if I wanna decicate that wall to RWBY and I kinda would have them in the Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang order)

  16. Six Sams got a Link! And it searches+supports Gateway! You don't wanna know how happy I am with this.


  17. printed myself a few Weiss pictures to hang up in my room ^^

  18. Eventually, everyting and everyone dies once.

  19. I just remembered! last week while I was in the supermarket I saw some people for a charity. the name of said charity was Dorcas

    1. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow




    2. Wolfox


      idk, they didn't stop to tell me stuff and ask for a donation

  20. Codeword: Dirtbag!

    Codeword: Onomatophobia.


    we'll see who can figure both of these out

  21. just wondering, have you gotten any wind of RWBY& v6 thus far?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dreamy


      E3 is a big ol lore bomb, which is great

    3. Commander


      Haven't seen E3 but uhhh...they really nerfed Qrow

    4. seki108


      As usual, I've put it off, though I don't plan on waiting to wait until the season is over this time around.  Well, now that the PVP grind is over, I might do that in just a bit.

  22. Listen up

    Strap in

    Notify your next of Kin

    You're about to take a ride

    A Little on the Crazy side~~

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