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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. "I think that inside every adult is the heart of a child. We just gradually convince ourselves that we have to act more like adults." - Shigeru Miyamoto

    1. ShadeStrider


      This is the guy who pretty much kick started the entire gaming industry in America after the crash.


      Seriously, I am now about to ruin this inspirational post with a joke.

    2. ShadeStrider


      "Waluigi is totes nailing Bowser" - Shigeru Miyamoto, E3 2008.

    3. Maqqy


      I resonate with this quote.

  2. Because that's nexus. Just be thankful non of the woman thus far have been given the Profesor Jasmine treatment
  3. gonna start with one of the most aclaimed games ever soon: mass Effect. So any tips are apriciated, beause I remain an idion in 9/10 cases

  4. pining them will either end well or poorly. So either they'll be flattered they get mentioned on the official forums or they'll roast us for it
  5. "Fern. May he burn. because his place, he will never learn."
  6. I think she's as unique to Villager as Richter is to Simon
  7. that moment you realize you misheard the lyrics of a song you've loved a lot for years

    1. J-Awesome_One


      Happens to everyone me thinks. Unless they're die hard fans of the song and research everything there is about that song.

  8. I'll elaborate on why exactly I requested what I did: I asked for it as a representation of me and Vappy (the gf) as her favorite mon is Vaporeon and my own is Gardevoir
  9. Mo: my game is broken. Everyone here: Boy, your game is the only one not broken
  10. some dragonball fans: Oh no, we have 2 weeks without a new episode!

    Steven Universe fans: We've felt worse.

    Attack On Titan Fans: Same.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. doombotmecha


      oh, of course, the joke was absolutely funny. I just follow DB second-hand because I like the character designs, but I wouldn't want to be a jerk about it. 

    3. Wolfox


      I don't even follow DB since the Frieza arc (I started to notice a pattern there. and I didn't like it), so yea.

    4. seki108


      Beserk manga fans: Cried in the corner of THE BOAT for years.

  11. six sams link monster and good Six Sams XYZ monster when?

  12. aoL88wC.jpg

    I tried to make a good Six Sam XYZ Monster. Mind giving an opinion?

    1. Zarc


      A bit too op for a rank 3 xyz monster imo

    2. Wolfox


      I guess. Was trying too hard to make it better than Shadow of the Six Samurai, and I feel like Rank 4 is already littered with good monsters Six Sams can use, so Rank 3 seemed the best. I guess the regaining of materials could easily balance the card if removed. Stats... might tbh be a little higher to make it a bit more attacking based (like 2300 or something, let it be the Junk Warrior of Six Sams

    3. Wolfox


      or, instead of removing it putting a once per time on the field clause on it.


      this look better?

  13. TV person: It was iconic how Koert Cobain sang on Smells like Teen Spirit.

    Me: Koert Cobain? you mean Kurt right?

  14. Mo didn't even update. Now that's what I call funny
  15. Could I be loved? Yes, cuz I am~

  16. perhaps they didn't know it was updated beyond the community release, can't blame them for that.
  17. ^ what Zephyr said. There are more than enough attack archetypes in smash that have more "carbon copies" that the counters. Hell, the only real counters I'd say are the same are Marth/Lucina and Roy/Chrom (because they're echo Fighters and it's thus understandable). outside of that, each counter remains characterized to each character with one. And, I know I'm gonna get hate for this, why all the hate toward FE Characters in smash? Each of them is, for the most part, unique and for the majority, fun to play and apparently popular enough somewhere on earth (most likely Japan) to be warranted into the game. Plus, doesn't the Mario franchise still have more character in the game with fans begging for Waluigi? seems a bit of a double standard
  18. I said it multiple times and I will again: Skyward Sword doesn't do everything right. But I dare you to tell me a Zelda game that does what Skyward Sword does well, but better. because frankly, I can;t think of one. A majority of the bosses are amazing, the controls feel imersive (when they work and you get off of the couch), the dungeons are incredible, the story is incredible, Fi (while annoying gameplay wise) is a great character, Ghirahim, Groose. It's just, Yes. Plus, who hasn;t dreamed of being both Indiana Jones AND Spiderman at the same time. Wait, that was just me? Oh... Okay...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wolfox



      the funny thing is, SS is not my favorite, third favorite to be specific, but not favorite. And it's true. Heck, if SS is considered the worst that sets the bar extremely high for the rest non the less. And I will still say that it is over-hated by some people

    3. Commander


      Oh I definitely agree about it being overhated. Though I actually think the hate is in the minority as I've met quite a number of people who've played and really enjoyed it. Of the 3d Zeldas though Twilight Princess is my least favorite despite ironically having a ton of my favorite things and mechanics in it. By the way, I was a huge fan of the series when I was younger if you couldnt tell. Pretty much that and paper mario was my childhood.

    4. Wolfox


      been a fan since I played Phantom Hourglass a few years back, been one of my favorite franchises ever since. as for PH itself... Not the best game, but fun enough I'd say. and Linebeck is a little too funny

  19. my sister logic: Hmm... i gotta go to school, but my earbuds are upstairs. I know! I'll just take my brothers earbuds without asking! He won't miss them. And if he confronts me about it I'll just say "I couldn;t find my own and mom said it was okay."


    My logic: use your fucking own earbuds...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Wolfox


      and when I ask if I can use hers (which is nearly never, because I always buy a spare set in case the other breaks or gets taken without me knowing), I always get the "use your own"

    3. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      I mean then your sisters and your own logic for handing out your own earbuds are the same.


      solution- dont ask either! fix'd.

    4. Wolfox


      I have no issue with her borrowing my earbuds if she doesn't have them near her (like at her BF's house or at school), as long as she asks me. just taking them without asking si where I draw the issue

  20. Why do I love Fi? Because Fi, out of all the guidance characters in Zelda, is actually made to know all that stuff. Navi and Tatl are just fairies, how would they know what a certain Dungeon Boss does? Midna may be the Princess of the Twili, but she's definitly not the kinda of person who would know everything about your foes. The Owl? That Owl can go fly into Death Mountains Crater for all I care. Fi is made by the Goddess to know everything about everything. I won't say Fi is not annyoting from time to time, but at least she is actually a good character to back it up (Yeah, I said it. toss them Pitchforks at me for liking Fi over most other Companions, still like Midna better, cuz Midna). And think of it this way, Midna went back to her own world and closed the only portal, but I dount Twili are immortal and thus she'll eventually die, Navi probably died in the Lost Woods, like Tatl did somewhere in Termina with Skull Kid and Teal. Fi never really dies. She's just sitting there in the Master Sword, waiting for a new master to pick her up, but never able to emerge again. Just being alone untill the Master Sword is destroyed and she is killed. Just let that Sink in. Fi will remain in the Master Sword untill it breaks and she dies, just remembering her days with the Original Hero from the Sky. Now that's just sad

  21. Colress and N are so far the best "Antagonists"/Antihero's Pokémon has seen. Change my mind

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Autumn Zephyr

      Autumn Zephyr

      Cheren got enough cash from beating up Plasma grunts in the first game to pay for LASIK surgery, LOL

    3. Shamitako


      If Silver doesn't count as an antagonist, neither does Colress

    4. Wolfox


      Great point, luckily I said "Antagonist"/Antihero (them Airquotes cuz they're technically antagonists but wouldn't directly count as antagonists)

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