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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. Did a little thing 

  2. I just Summoned 3 Hector in a row... 

  3. Wait, a MHA Episode that doesn;t rip my heart out? What is this?

  4. And done with the Bloodgulch Chronicles. Soon Moon will be introduced to the best boy

  5. You know, sometimes I wonder what would have happened is Yoshikage Kira had married Shinobu. 

  6. I'm late night thinking again... 


    So... Salem can't be killed. She's immortal. But what if you removed her head from her shoulders? Would it be Floating Head Salem? Would her body or head shut down? Would it simply reattach? 


    1. doombotmecha


      I'm pretty sure her immortality is ressurective: anytime she would die, she respawns on the spot. So, as I understand it, if her head was cut off, she'd zap and come back immediately with a new head. Thus, the best option is IMO simply sealing her away somewhere, preventing her from acting without killing her.

    2. Wolfox



      Considering we've seen her trying to stab herself, I don't think that's the case per se.


  7. Watched rvb season 3 with Moon today. Great time. 

  8. both are damn goon for a team
  9. Okay. I don't want to spoil anything about RWBY, but episode 11 is the best episode in the series thus far. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LeoYT


      Ozpin: The writers spent so much time making me look morally gray
      Ironwood: I'm about to end this man's whole career.


      Funny how Weiss is the only member of RWBY that didn't do anything wrong (aside from assaulting a citizen and still hasn't been reprimanded for it)

      I partially think Salem is bluffing about coming in person, she just needed one last push to send ironwood over the edge.

    3. Dreamy


      Yeah psychological manipulation has always been the main weapon of the enemy and it's unfortunately very effective. This season is an excellent rollercoaster (and I fear what that title could be foreshadowing too)

    4. LeoYT


      something I just realized and have a huge problem with is that Ironwood really didn't even look in Watt's bag. I mean what if he had some device capable of shutting down the whole power grid? OR just a freaking bomb? suddenly BOOM! Iron daddy is dead, RWBY is gravely injured along with 4 ace ops and out of commission for the rest of the volume leaving things up to everyone else making Cinder a much bigger threat when her silver-eyed kryptonite is not there.

  10. So... How about that new MHA Episode huh? *cries*

    1. Salfy


      Oh yeah today a new one airs im gonna watch it now

    2. Salfy


      Nighteye has a great deathbed speech

  11. This track is fucking incredible

  12. I'm so happy o got this game. 

  13. Okay, so I was almost 100% sure it was gonna be Dante, but it's Byleth. I'm not upset. from the trailer Byleth looks like a fun character to play, it's not surprising given how 3h took the Worls by f*cking storm. Will They beat out Ike, Cloud and Richter as my Main trio? probably not. but I'm still excited to try them out

  14. IMG_20200115_190914.thumb.jpg.bcc56dca2b579e7e058d87136fbcdaff.jpg

    Natural 6 iv, too

    1. doombotmecha


      oh man....that's awesome!

    2. Wolfox


      Thanks. Names it after a certain person... 

  15. Guess who has the sniffles 

  16. My boys, they're back in town! 


  17. I just got done ev training 2 of my Toxtricity. One special attacker and one Shift Gear sweeper. The physical one does, however, need some hyper training and, thus, caps

  18. My new second favorite, I dare you to blame me
  19. Two seasons in and I have moon completely hooked on rvb. Whoops

  20. so, if Kakyoin had survived part 3 and forged an Uncle like bond with Jolyne, how would she call him? Uncle Noriaki or Uncle Kakyoin?

    1. LeoYT


      Uncle Milf hunter

  21. Watched rvb season 1 with Moon yesterday. 

  22. I'm the happiest I've been in a long time 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LemonJones


      More power to that, glad to hear it!

    3. Wolfox


      thank you

    4. Maqqy


      happy for u wolfy

  23. You ever wonder why we're here. 

    For real now, ever think you may be a bit too friendly? 

  24. I just cought 2 gmax Coalossal in Shield... Anyone want one? 

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