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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. TEAM LADS! + Ryan

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. seki108


      I guess, though I'll see Micheal as the oldest brother of the group until he becomes a dad himself in a few months.

    3. Wolfox


      he already is a dad tho. Iris Jones is his firstborn and now Taylor Jones (name not confirmed and will most likely be deconfirmed) is on his/her way

    4. seki108


      Wow I'm out of the loop or time really sped up.  The extra life with the pregnancy announcement was the 2016 one apparently........where has the time gone?????   I really mostly pay attention to the Let's Plays and even then I only watch some of them anymore......


      This genuinely shocked me, since it seems like it hasn't been that long since that announcement.

  2. before I start Metroid prime in a little, has anyone here ever played Megaman ZX or ZX Advent?

  3. if anything he did say that this would be the episode. but tbh, he has massive bragging rights for getting to Shade and not losing the lock once before Shade decided to put that plan on ice
  4. So, here's an idea. A Castlevania 2 and Metroid Fusion remake, and a remaster of Super Metroid. All for the 3ds AND switch. What do you think? What I mean by Remaster btw: just put the game in the new engine of Samus Returns, pollish the Graphics a little, keep the control scheme as much the same as Super Metroid as you can, maybe remove the aeon abilities for the potential of moving with the D-pad (cuz Super isn;t build around them).

  5. welp, Camp Camp season 3 is over. such a heartwarming end. See ya next year Camp Campbell

  6. you're Shocked there was no Electric type yet? and you called my shade pun bad
  7. oh true. But if Shade also throws shade at Shady, would shade steal Shady's shades?
  8. what can I say, I'm a man of puns~ don't worry. my gf will prolly PUNish me for this one when she finds out about this one
  9. 5 People went to Shade's domain to blast him to Kingdom Come. 4 Went savage and then there was one. Also, I guess we can say Shade was throwing Shade?
  10. The one time I need some Honey for my sore throat, and it's flipping gone. Who's unlucky? I'm unlucky

    1. Luke


      I laugh at the misfortune of others... except when it is something important like Honey, its so important that I capitalized it.

    2. seki108
    3. Luke


      I send my Condolences.

  11. most of his arc's were filler tho. he made Naruto and DBZ seem null of filler. guess sometimes filler pays off...
  12. Twit saved the locke... Mister 3 boxes himself. Mister Anime Arc himself, saved the locke. I'm gonna have to get a cuppa tea soon, I need to process this
  13. what do you consider the best Metroid Prime game?

    1. Zargerth


      I'm not familiar with Petroid Prime, sorry.


      For me personally, either 1 or 2.

    2. Josef


      Prime 1. But Metroid as a First Person Shooter can never come close to the classic 2D Metroid Games.

  14. I just wonder how many huggles you'll give Gardevoir and Sylveon
  15. tomorrow, Prime Trilogy should arive 😄

  16. am I stupid for thinking Six Samurai might get more support somewhere in the future?

    1. krim


      Japan is getting a Link VRAINS pack 2, so I expect a link monster there if nothing else. The problem is if it will ever come to the west, since we still don't have some of the cards from the first one.

    2. Wolfox


      I think we'll get the cards sooner or later. and a Link monster would be really cool for the sams (as long as it's just better than Shadow of the Six Sams... that card is just so underwhelming. and from the "strongest" summoning method?

    3. seki108


      If Thunder Dragons and Nefertites got an entire archetype built for each of them after the standalone few were collecting dust for a decade or more, it's not unreasonable for more Six Sams to trickle down eventually.

  17. remember when Peri was a "badguy"


  18. Now playing: Symphony of the Night

    1. Revan


      The DragonForce song?

    2. Wolfox


      no, Castlevania

    3. Revan


      Ah. Oops, lol.

  19. not only was it the only thing people shared on here outside of talking about what they got... I may come off a bit snappy here, but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that it's about what the link gave you
  20. only now the hype of having ordered Prime Trilogy set in

  21. I'm extremely sorry, but I'm afraid this is not what the thread is for. This is, purely, for sharing what you got from the link I gave in the first post.
  22. Metroid Prime trilogy, Ordered

  23. when your puns go unnoticed

  24. edit the first post, then you can edit the whole thread
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