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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. again, I don't really know. sorry that I'm not much help
  2. as much as I love Primarina, using Gardevoir over Alolan Chu would be the better idea. More potential Synergy (like with Magnezone and Mamo) and such. Plus, ghost types are quite Scarce in Reborn, so having a good one right off the bad is never a bad thing
  3. I'd say Primarina (not at all because it's my favorite starter and I'm biased or something, nonononono). but considering you don't want a type dupe and you wanna use Gardevoir, Decidueye would be your best bet. May the Greatest Archer of Great Britain aid your in your Quest, MAAARRRRK NUUUUUUTTTTTTT
  4. when you're not fully awake yet and have one of your signature loud sneezes. suddenly, you're wide awake

  5. that's genuinely the first time I've seen someone praise Emboar, arguably the most hated Fire-type starter to date (Which I also disagree with btw), over Delphox. And honestly, I quite Disagree. Yes, Charizard has his Mega's, but that's like comparing Gen 4 Cynthia with Gen 6 Steven and saying "Well, steven is Stronger because of Mega Metagross, and Cynthia doesn't have a Mega", kinda unfair in that regard. THough I don't disagree that Deplhox is blown away by Mega Char. As for Typhosion, it's the other way around. Delphox has better stats, and while not as big of a movepool, what it has in said movepool is where it counts. strong Stab moves, good coverage and useful support. In fact, there's only one Niché that Typhlosion as over other fire starters, that being Eruption. Nape and Blaziken I can't disagree with. Emboar... I can. While EMboar might hit harder, that matters little if you can't get the hit off. Granted, Emboar is Bulky. but Fire and Fighting are not really tanky types. and with Delphox being the second fastest fire type starter (bar speed boost), getting the hit off isn't the issue. Now for the Gender ratio. I agree, but I'll add Primarina to the same list as Delphox here
  6. holy Bollocks. guess there's one part of me that actually has luck
  7. The final has begun. It's the begining of the End

  8. I learned 2 things in that last mission:

    1: I love the Jester (I named him after Ali btw. Ali just seems like he'd fit the Jester supporting role)

    2: I hate the Abomination class. Genuinly terrible. like, I was 3 battles in and already 150 stress for himself and 100 for my healer and Ali.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolfox


      I switched him about 2 times total. don't know what went wrong, but I know that I'm no fan of the class so far

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      l mean that has literally nothing to do with Abom then, not sure why you're pinning there. Kinda unfounded lol. l'm just making sure the above wasn't the case cause Abom's legit powerful as fuck. ~~there's a reason they have restrictions etc with what parties they can be in.~~

      Most people just assume at first thought that theycan switch constantly between the two forms ad nusem and you really can't unless you're running Cry Havoc on a Houndmaster. ~~only way you've got enough spread out stress heal.~~

      Just note that Human form Abom is mostly a statuser, use his Blight and his stun and keep enemies DoT'd and CC'd. Beast Form is more of a damage dealer and should be played accordingly. Abom's strong cause he's a good addition to a line up with both sides of his class, just plan accordingly ~~and don't try and pin all the Satsuing and all the damage strictly on him. Keep one his standard role for the team and switch when it's needed.~~

      The only thing from the Abom that causes party stress is his change so whatever happened there has liiiiterally nothing to do with the Lad, you best be givin' him his fair shake now cause Abom's do FUCKlN' WOOOOOOOOOORK man.

    4. Wolfox


      I'll give the next one a shot. but if the same happens, whether I use him right or not, I will put the class on my red list

  9. random question time:

    Do you prefer your Crobat Physical or Special?

    I, personally, like Special. Cuz Nasty plot

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. J-Awesome_One


      You know, someone should do a run where they use moves opposite of their stats. For example, Mr. Mime is a Special Attacker but he's only allowed to use Physical Moves. Also, Attack for Crobat.

    3. Youmu9


      Special Crobat isn't walled by steel types thanks to heat wave. It also has other nice coverage moves exclusively on the special side. That's a nice trade off for less damage output. I'd choose special for those reasons alone.

    4. TY97mus


      Physical for flying gem acrobatics.

  10. I'M AT SOUP!


    Also, here's a fun, and well made, parody of the Soup Skit


    1. Shamitako
    2. Wolfox


      huh, so that's why you buy cloths at the Soup Stone

  11. interested to see how this will go. Will the Curer proof he's still worthy of his title?
  12. you did, I remembered that right after I posted that. my bad >.<
  13. hmm... what would be agood mone to name after the Nundertaker? I'd ask the same for the Corpirate and others, but Buzzwole just screams "YOU CAN'T BEAT WALLSTREET!" to me

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. seki108


      Not sure why I didn't get a notification about this earlier......either that or it got mixed in with status update notifications

    3. Wolfox


      prolly the latter, and Gothitelle is not a bad one. iirc it is quite tall (if anything it towers over Lil J)

    4. seki108


      Yeah, I didn't even consider the height really working.  Well, there are two possible contenders, I suppose.

  14. Update: @DreamblitzX the Leper needs glasses. while he hits hard when he hits, the issue is he misses too much @seki108 the Shieldbreaker keeps Dancing between the front two spots, and does so extremely well @Candy the Plague Docter is doing well at what she does, even if that is setting DoT on opponents and ocasionally buffing GF the Vessel does extremely well as support Unit and Healer. While not much special stuff, when you do what you do well you don't need a gimmick. That's the update for now, stay tuned! (Also, @Kuro von Einzbern, would you mind me naming a unit after you too or?) Names to use: Cass (no houndmaster yet) Teto (N Bounty Hunter yet) Hukky (Decided that Hellion would be best suited, as they remind me of Undine a bit. and the rest of that puzzle should be clear)
  15. @Taska Jay was one of the last to beat it, Mo and Nappy managed it quickly also, quote is borked again
  16. And today, it's been a Month. a really happy Month

  17. holy fuck that Spritzee took them too long. Mo and Nappy were done quite fast, but the others were just not paying attention to it too much
  18. I do have Shieldbreaker, so that's what it'll be
  19. I couldn;t see the Eclipse cuz clouds, but I can now see the moon creaming back out of the elcipse

  20. shoulda prolly said this earlier: I'm not using mods
  21. Quick reminder for people that want me to name characters in Darkest Dungeon after them

    1. Dreamy


      dying in more alternate universes sounds fun

  22. They can't be sold to Kids, and the Daycare of Rooster Teeth got them. needless to say, that makes no and all sense

  23. It's not Pokémon. It's a really fun game tho
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