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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. Would anyone happen to know a site with which I could sagely watch something together with another through different devices? So kinda like Rabbit was? 

  2. Just week has just been way better to me than I'm used to... Now I'm starting to get a little anxious... 

  3. Spoiler



    In case anyone cares

  4. I'm still really f*cking happy. A bit happier and I will actually shit rainbows 

  5. Today is a really good day for me. I'm happy. I-is this what it feels like to be happy without gloom creeping up on me? 

  6. 1818334590_Image(4).png.842fc9152afcdcaf20559a8f9c30d902.png

    After doing Horus yesterday I thought it would be fun to try the same with Armed Dragon, and here is my idea. A Pendulum Dragon archetype. 

  7. I didn't know Grimmsnarl was that short. Heck, Toxtricity is taller? 

  8. 1453921628_Image(1).png.c5ef749e6fb3b7eb41e788fd29ebe108.png

    Did a card make thingy. How does it look? 

  9. This is my current one (shield)
  10. And with witcher 3's main story done I felt like playing something else for a bit, so now I'm going through Hand of fate 2. It's damn fun. Combat is simple, but not too easy

  11. True, but it was axed back all those times for a good reason. And the legacy it left behind will not be forgotten
  12. Best team? No. There's too many variables for that. Best mon, however, can easily be argued. And the one I'd argue is said best mon is Gardevoir. Personal bias asside it just synergisis with almost every team at almost every point. Another would be it's partner in crime, Magnezone. The combo those two make has been dubbed the "Forum Champions" in the past for a good reason
  13. Also, funny Roach parking jobs that actually weren't my fault 


  14. Welp, 3 levels in Witcher 3 and I have Mastercrafted Wolven gear. While I prever the Ursine design, I went for wolven for 2 reasons. 

    1. Geralt is of the school of the Wolf amd is even called the White wolf, so it makes some canonical sense. 

    2. You know me with wolves! 

  15. this remains my favorite song release of last year

  16. Guess what idiot decided to upgrade all 6 of his weapons in witcher 3, now being unable to use them for 1 level

  17. Merry next decade 

  18. Me: I'm ultimately gonna just use the Wolf School armor in witcher 3 by the time I get it. 

    Also me: let's max all Witcher school armors cuz FASHION! 

  19. So, completely random question: could elves or those of elven blood become Witchers? 

  20. Here's a potentially stupid idea: non-canon Witcher Spin-off, with character customization and the ability to choose your Witcher school.

  21. What kind of fool would randomly order a Witcher medallion near the end of the year? It's me. I'm fool

  22. "I suffered this and so you should suffer it as well!" 

    You know what this logic is? Terrible, idiotic, hugely wrong, and yet somehow embedded in people as fact... 

    1. doombotmecha


      Couldn't agree more. I also despise it's close cousin, "removing a source of suffering would be unfair to those who have already suffered".

    2. Wolfox


      They're conjoint twins

  23. one of my favorite things in any RPG is finding a new awesome looking sword and using it. I mean yeah, the stats are important, but the looks? those are always the go to for me. rather a cool looking blade with 10 less damage than an ugly thing with more

  24. well I just watched the latest ep of MHA... I think I'll just go lie in my bed and almost sob...

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