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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. just wait untill her gets the Eevee. that Flareon is gonna die before he can even get a good fire move on it
  2. that tier list stuff is 90% Nexus, if not 99%. Jay will make what he has work usually. NAPPY tries to see the power in what he has (Luminion is one of his powerhouses right now), Mo will just do what he can and Twit... is Twit
  3. I mean, until they all lose at the same time, the Penta-op is alive as a nuzlocke
  4. Shelly's gym will actually make him question reality
  5. Nexus did extremely well/ Jay got destroyed but turned it Around, Mo did it twice just for the lols. Nappy learned why Reborn's AI does some funny stuff
  6. All Hail the Mad King

  7. also, before I forget: The Shiny is extremely amazing. Arguably one of the best starter shinies
  8. I know you don't do your trading thing anymore, but do you think you could help me with a little something?

    1. Zarc


      I'm not in a mood today to do anything i'm sorry 

    2. Wolfox


      alright, just thought I'd ask. sorry if I bothered you.

    3. Zarc


      No no , don't worry , it's not your fault.

  9. actually, I wouldn't directly call Delphox Cute, more Majestic and mysterious Edit: Also @GS BALL, I don't think that second pic might really be appropriate... (and it's not exactly on topic, considering this is about Delphox and not Braixen)
  10. this is either the best or worst question I will ever ask:

    Is Stronger Than You a solo or a duet?

  11. She's an Acquired Taste. Here's a fun fact: Delphox was the first Gen 6 Pokémon I ever used, and it was in Reborn. Mister Y (a pun on Mystery, get it?) was easily the best Starter I could have gotten back then. Now Delphox is my second favorite Fire starter (just can't beat Nape) and probably my 3rd favorite starter in General (Primarina, what more can I say?). It's extremely Fast and hits quite hard, making its combination of Fire and Psychic, two offense based types, extremely dangerous. also while having a good movepool. Design wise, I love it. While I usually am not a huge fan of Mage based characters in games, once I get to using them I tend to love them. Delphox to me looks perfect the way it is. IF there's even one thing I would change, it would be it being Fire Dark or Fairy instead of psychic. Dark to go more toward the Dark Magic and Witch aspect, and Fairy more for the introduction of the type (why not introduce it with a starter?) and it being a magical type. And that, to me, feel extremely nitpicky, because Delphox doesn't need that to be cool. It's also easily my favorite starter of gen 6 (Yes, it beats out Gren for me)
  12. Julia, because she's the only one I have a foolproof way of beating her for
  13. Horus the Black Flame Dragon... probably the best LV Monster in the who archetype. easily one of my favorite cards

  14. I bought it a little ago and the Laptop can run it, with the occasional Lag...
  15. okay, I'm really glad I made that deal for me to watch SU and my GF to watch RWBY. I really enjoy SU so far and, while there are episodes I could miss, I have enjoyed each and every one so far.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. seki108


      Not yet, since I finished most of S4.

    3. Wolfox


      oh, well then I'm closing in

    4. seki108


      TTG Cartoon network  really let SU down in terms of scheduling and preventing leaks.  The Steven Bombs have always been great, but they also don't seem good for sustained interest or hype.  Sure they are effective for short bursts of hype, but the hiatuses have always been killers.


      Now that it's at a good point, I might as well try to binge the rest of it, since I don't want any more spoilers that I already have

  16. need I say anything?

  17. I'd say add Gardevoir, but don't swap it for Magnezone. It's "overused" as a core in reborn, but there is always a reason it is. the Garde-zone core is easily one of the strongest due to the ability to synergize with basically everything you wanna toss into the team
  18. at least Zero, Eve and Lumi have their own voices, and Zero's is quite well
  19. that letter F stands for Female, special for mons that have a gender difference (Like Torchick, that one Pixel that might just be an oversight)
  20. I think my favorite SU Episode so far is Alone Together. if nothing else because of that bigass Grin on Garnet

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolfox


      yeah, just saw ep 49. Garnet now beat's out Pearl

    3. seki108


      So you saw the big one that drew so many people to the show?  Ep 45 is still one of my favorites, possibly top favorite

    4. Wolfox


      I did, and I can understand why it drew so many toward the show

  21. let's see if you can guess who plays which of these

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolfox


      nope, those are Griffon and Geoff

    3. seki108


      Didn't know that she was in this series.  I can actually see a slight Geoff resemblance now.....

    4. Wolfox


      Yeah, Griffon is in there. and Jack mainly plays the Ad Goblin, so he has his own character outside of the campaign. Ryan is in the series regularly, but not on the Thumbnail

  22. Jay always get's shit. kind of a tradition. And Nexus is more like Action first, realization second, Action third, though fourth guy
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