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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. so far I'm enjoying Steven Universe. Favorite character thus far: Pearl/Garnett

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. seki108


      Canonically, no, but you she definitely would fit some criteria of OCD in general.......I think.  

    3. Wolfox


      oh yeah she does

    4. Maqqy


      Get ready for the feels

  2. made a deal with my GF, I'd watch steven universe if she'd watch RWBY

    1. J-Awesome_One


      Tbh, Steven Universe is pretty cool. I haven't watched stuff from like Season 4 and forward but from what I've watched so far, it's fucking awesome.

    2. Wolfox


      then the deal I made was a Win Win

    3. seki108


      I agree with J, though I will admit that many in the first 20 episodes are hit-and-miss  and that it really starts to pick up a 40(?, iirc).  Still haven't caught up with Season 5.....or maybe it was the second half of 4.........gee doesn't this sound familiar.  Seeing the new Gem Knights cards in Duel Links reminded me of how far behind I am, especially since I've been seeing minor (and a major) spoiler in the mean time.

  3. Kaiba's favorite song is Behind Blue Eyes

    1. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      I activate my trap card



    2. Wolfox


      that's a close second for him

  4. almost hard to believe AoT started airing 5 to 6 years ago

    1. Dreamy


      wow yea. how long ago was S2? It was a long time before S2 started, but I feel like S2 was also quite a while ago. I'm following the manga now, but I'm still very excited for S3 when it eventually arrives

    2. Wolfox


      s2 was last year

  5. 1 - 5 2 - 4 3 - 7 4 - 6 5 - 3 6 - 2 7 - 1
  6. true, granted it's partly a blessing. while not as much story for Corey, they don't have to battle harder Corey
  7. my limbs are sore

    1. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      so ive searched the best I could but unfortunately the answer never showed itself to me so I gotta ask


      what are libs

    2. Wolfox


      I meant to type limbs, but fucked up

    3. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      that explains that LOL

  8. fun fact: Noctowl is the tallest of all Regional Birds, standing at 1.6 meters

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    2. Dreamy


      Isn't it the only one that's a 2-stage evolution line too?

    3. Wolfox
    4. Dreamy
  9. as I always say, to me Aya is where the game takes of the kid gloves and puts on it's big game pants. so I guess you can tell which I believe to be harder between her and Corey. though I find Kiki Harder than Samson
  10. look, you don't understand.

    Whitney is the one in the hole. No, wait. She's the one guarding the hole

  11. How do you make an amazing character even better?


  12. let's note the biggest surprise btw: Jay didn;t wipe
  13. taka + Zel is still to come, that's gonna be fun
  14. why does All Might never go for the Smash Ball? Because he knows it leads to his Final Smash. Yes I regret that joke

  15. update: I beat Queen Sectonia. Amazing boosfight IMO

    1. Dreamy


      I've not played any of the 3DS ones, but Kirby games are always just a joy to play

  16. reached Queen Sectonia's second stage. Kirby games aren;t as easy as people let on

  17. Taka will push nexus back so far he will forget how to speak for a bit
  18. kinda sad to learn that the Northernlion Salt Shaker is gonna end soon. Guess egg really did break Jelmerlicious his heart

  19. latest?cb=20150428023036

    I found a good Vespiquen nickname: Sectonia

  20. Today I discovered Pirate Metal

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Ah, so you've ran into the ol' Alestorm have ye? Yar har, a good time it tis.

    2. Wolfox


      I have indeed. if nothing else it's extremely interesting music

  21. what's a good mon you could name Flynt Coal? I was kinda thinking Gigalyth myself

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dreamy


      A fire type would also probably be appropriate. Magmortar works with the name, association with gen 4 Flynt, and I guess his arms look a bit like trumpets?

    3. Wolfox


      good point, good point. but when I think of Flynt of gen 4 I think Infernape

    4. Dreamy


      Yea I did too, especially as a Diamond player over a platinum one. but then I thought of the silly trumpet arms thing

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