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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. Mo Will hunt for the Coin Case once he finds the Game Corner
  2. Major shout-out to @Candy for this one.


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. seki108


      Once again, that's some great spritework Candy

    3. Dreamy




      now we just need a chrom gallade.

    4. Wolfox


      no, Inigo Gallade.

  3. tu_eres_mi_inspiracion_by_andres2610-dbr

    1. Maqqy


      the most ambitious crossover in history

    2. Wolfox
  4. also, gonna play this card again, they're still really fucking early in the game. Shelly is still considerable Early Game, and I think that before then They'll understand that Reborn pulls less punches that Jay missed Racist names in Uranium
  5. they'll learn soon enough that Reborn isn't your run of the mill kinda game.
  6. budew and moxienna are amazing, is breeding even allowed in nuzlockes?
  7. 2117136-1449429101985-Team_GLMR.jpg

    this is before Lil J's time

  8. now the Ad Goblin is the right size: because he's played by Lil J!

  9. the third one is the double battle. and I believe the next two pulse mons are Muk and Abra, but I could be wrong
  10. considering you know a lot about LOTA, what routes would I need to be looking out for Psychic Types specifically?

    1. Zarc


      " considering you know a lot about LOTA " 



      Sorry but i don't know anything about LOTA lol , i just did one run , and it was like 6 months ago.

    2. Wolfox


      welp, there goes that plan

  11. Legends of the arena Psychic Mono recap thus far:

    Saturn: Espeon, Female, Modest, Synchonise

    Lucina: Ralts, Female, Modest, Trace

  12. You don't wanna know how long it took me to find out ZEL was three people in one body, it's embarrassing. On another note, Twit has seen some shit that will probably fuck him up and yet another note: Jay needs to go back to his Uranium Naming Antics. Racist Jay never once had issues in Uranium
  13. Lil J can finally look down on the rest.

    1. seki108


      Still funny that they go through that much for a prank.  IIRC, he did film a lets play or two from up there

    2. Wolfox


      yeah, they put in a lot of work for stupid shit like this

  14. I think I'll restart LOTA, with a Psychic Mono. It'll be hard against the evil Ghosties and the big bad dark types, but I'm pretty sure I'l have more than enough things to work with. though then I'll have to do that sidequest for the Lucky Egg over again... Worth, I think?

  15. I'd say don't evolve it yet. considering you're doing a Nuzlocke I would say wait until your team has a hole in it that an eeveelution could fill
  16. so, a good friend of mine randomly calls me, while drunk of his ass, to tell me he's drunk of his ass. is... this common?

    1. Candy


      A guy I used to tutor sent me drunk messages about how he missed my tutoring once lulul

    2. Tacos


      Actually, yes.  Consider it a compliment; in their drunken state, you were the person they chose to call!

  17. remains one of the best Let's Play moments to date

  18. almost done with the first Ben 10 Series. after that, my favorite of the 4 (I don't really count the reboot as it's completely new), Alien Force.

  19. here's some sprites edited by me to resemble me and the GF:





  20. Ben 10 s3 ep 10, how Rock and Roll saves the day

  21. how to melt and break a heart all at once: Crying Tsu-chan

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