also, gonna play this card again, they're still really fucking early in the game. Shelly is still considerable Early Game, and I think that before then They'll understand that Reborn pulls less punches that Jay missed Racist names in Uranium
You don't wanna know how long it took me to find out ZEL was three people in one body, it's embarrassing.
On another note, Twit has seen some shit that will probably fuck him up
and yet another note: Jay needs to go back to his Uranium Naming Antics. Racist Jay never once had issues in Uranium
I think I'll restart LOTA, with a Psychic Mono. It'll be hard against the evil Ghosties and the big bad dark types, but I'm pretty sure I'l have more than enough things to work with. though then I'll have to do that sidequest for the Lucky Egg over again... Worth, I think?