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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. I... Didn;t know Samus Returns had a fan devide similar to the great Awakening Casual Mode War. And, yet again, it's about an optional thing in the game, the Scan Pulse. I personally love the option because it helps navigations and fills out the map while not pointing Samus her Arm Cannon at your head to use it. It's a quality of Life convienience at best. But, like Casual Mode in Awakening (even though Awakening is being the Takumi for New Mystery of the Emblem) there are people who claim it removes all challenge the game would have, just by allowing you to fill up a map and ocasionally knowing where certain fake walls are...


    Personally, I'm not really a Metroid Fan yet, as I've only finished one game, though that one game I loved and got me to want to expirience all the others I can (so, no Other M and Prime Trilogy yet for me). But, yet again, the first game in the series for a long time gets downplayed just because it has an OPTIONAL feature some people dislike. What's next? Gen 8 is gonna have an optional function where you can flick your wrist to toss a Pokéball like Pokémon Let's go which you can completely ignore and that's gonna get torn to threads?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shamitako


      There's an argument to be made that items that trivialize certain challenges are bad for games. I don't actually know about the item in question, and haven't played metroid specifically, but there is something to be said for the fact that trial and error exploration is central to the genre


      There's also a difference between optional difficulty settings and optional skills/items/whatever (this sounds like the latter). When you put something inside the game, it's no longer an optional setting, it's a tool the game has provided you. You don't have to use it, but then you're arbitrarily limiting yourself compared to other players using the same difficulty settings


      If you're going to provide a game mechanic that trivializes a large portion of the game, it ought to be gated behind other (sufficiently difficult) content, so it feels rewarding to unlock, or an easier difficulty setting. 


      If it's not either of those things, then the game has simply been made easier across the board, and people who enjoyed the game for what it was have every right to be frustrated.

    3. Wolfox


      I'm not saying they don't have the right to be frustrated, I'm only saying that calling a game terrible or bad for disagreeing with one thing that is in it instead of getting over it and not using it is shortsighted

    4. Shamitako


      Perhaps calling it terrible is overreacting but actively complaining about it is not. If you want to cause change, you have to voice that you dislike the way things are

  2. please explain how AVG is "trash" at best? I have never had any issues with it and it has never really worked against me in any way
  3. so far, I don;t dislike Super Metroid. However, I do prever the gameplay style of Zerio Mission and Fusion. Maybe that's just me tho

  4. time to start what's considered the Best Metroidvania ever: Super Metroid

  5. reached the first real boss in metroid Zero Mission: Kraid. and all I can say is that this game does not play around, at all

  6. Let's not beat around the bush, what are your favorite races in The Elders Scrolls? Here's my top 3: 3 2 1


    1. seki108


      While I read the bottom one at the artist's Tumblr a while back and it was good to see it again, I hadn't seen the top one yet.  Very cute with Blake having a good survival instinct!   Thanks for showing me.

    2. Wolfox


      no problem, I just love any White Rose moment

    3. seki108


      I don't really need to make a new status update for this probably, since you posted this RWBY topic yesterday.  I posted the other two, so I might as well post Blake and Yang's, since their DLC has been out for a bit. Also, @Alistair.....maybe @SilverHelio too.








      Now that the full team is here, more Team RWBY interactions, including a full team one. Really like some of the alternate costumes.








  8. also, let's keep in mind that they're still pretty much in the prologue of Reborn. they're getting their bearings on the game now and will learn from it
  9. ang now we know where Bakugo get's his Personality

    1. Azeria


      b e s t m u m

      b e s t c h a r

      cool dad :^)

    2. Wolfox


      yeah, his mom is cool. guess he will actually grow to care for others as well like she did

  10. @ZEL you might not mind a grinding episode as it's part of nuzlocking, but I doubt that a majority of fans will agree there. I, for one, don't mind them either, but I can not say they are really as entertaining as regular episodes. this is why you usually see a Grinding Montage, because it makes it less tedious to watch. And as for getting one in in the middle, that could end up really putting huge dents in their schedules for the rest of the day, which is probably universally accepted as a bad thing. I get what you're saying, but I wouldn't blame them for doing what they did.
  11. have you ever seen nexus play Nuzlockes? He only trains the ones he sees as "Worthy". usually, that means it's final evo being OU. And considering they haven't really been able to grind offscreen due to them having had the same recording session for the past episodes it's not too big of a surprise they're not grided up. and, as they said themselves, having an episode full of all five of them just grinding would not be entertaining to watch
  12. as Nappy says, there are always "factions" in his comment Section. the Twit is Cheating faction is, apparently, now surfacing as well. Even if he could have kept some of the mons (considering he had to redo the fight he could be able to keep the ones who died the first time for at least that fight)
  13. julia just has a really Explosive personality ~~GOD DAMNIT BARB!~~
  14. Look, you don't understand.


  15. you really think Ame would give her mortal Enemy a more interesting event than it jumping down a wall? yeah, no.
  16. if anything Twit got what he was asking for
  17. It's me vs me, will I be able to win?

    1. Hycrox


      @Morshu us when i bring up aalomomola

    2. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      its true, its not bullshit

  18. I'll only say this, if you make another trading thread I will report it and even link some of my mod buddies here. note: this isn't a threat, this is a promise. follow the rules
  19. I'd say armaldo, but keep shiftree in the back in case the metaphorical shit hits the metaphorical fan
  20. Tonight on Dinner with Wolfox: Pancakes

    1. seki108


      Great for any meal.

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