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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. budew is clear weather, day/morning while having the rose incense. and iirc Blitzel can also be a Wimpod
  2. will be playing Blazing Sword or Sacred Stones soon

  3. You wanted time to prepare for this boss battle? too bad

  4. around 45 minutes into the series and Ryan fucks over Geoff. would that be a new record?

    1. seki108


      .......maybe.   I don't know off the top of my head if there was a quicker screwing over, but I imagine so.  



      I still see this as Ryan's biggest screwing over moment, his infamous move about halfway through Uno: The Movie (at about 1:21:30) that skrewed over everybody except the audience..


  5. So, if Shanoa and Soma would get locked in Combat, who do you think would win?

  6. @Ghost141 hence why I said which YOU like better over which is objectively better
  7. Simple question, which do you like better? Accelgor or Escavalier Note: this is not about smogon or whatever. this is about which of these two you like better. Believe it or not, but I prefer Escavalier. It has an awesome design, amazing typing, pretty good movepool and is pretty fun to use in the game. it also reminds me of my second favorite FE Class, the Cavalier (or Paladin to be specific, but you get the point). the funny thing is that my favorite kind of mons are fast special attackers, and Escavalier is neither of those things.
  8. Bravely Default Party Update:

    Tiz: Knight

    Agnés: White Mage

    Edea: Black Mage

    Ringabel: Monk


    Ringabel is probably my least favorite at the moment, I'm not really a big fan of the Monk class.

  9. one tip I'll give is the Infamous Magnezone Gardevoir core. those two have amazing synergy in Reborn, causing them to fit into any other 4 mon team
  10. I get that, but considering it was an upgraded version of Ruby and Saphire over Emerald, having the Mazon would already be an upgrade over not having anything (think of the positives and all that)
  11. I'm going to assume you know the Battle Frontier was an Emerald Exclusive and not a Ruby Saphire thing. and, as well, the battle mazon (I believe it what it's called) does have more than just single battles. single, multi, double and a fourth one iirc
  12. come to think of it, I've never really used Alakazam or Gengar in any Pokémon game outside of some showdown. THough, Golem was an MVP on my first reborn team and I used a Machamp in OrAs

    1. doombotmecha


      I wish I could use Gengar more often but I just don't have friends, so it's restricted to fangames, and the OG ghost is (rightfully) often unavailable early on.

    2. Wolfox


      I mean, you can use emulators and make impossible evolutions possible using the randomizer?

    3. Monochrome_Complex


      I used alakazam in two different Reborn playthroughs and it was a total beast each time. It's a glass cannon with some cool support potential as well. Probably among the  the most mage-ish pokemon out there.

  13. so, here's something maybe interesting.

    What if Dream Eater hurt the user if the sleeping Pokémon was affected by Nightmare or Bad Dreams?



    Gav and Dan hit the bigger screen.

    1. seki108


      Didn't know the second one had happened.  Very surreal seeing them on another show.  It's just odd seeing them inside doing this, since so much of their slow-mo stuff is filmed outside (for good reason).

    2. Wolfox
    3. Wolfox


      Gavin: Ah, straight on my nose.

      Dan: Well, big target there.

  15. so, here's a question I might regret: Can something factually be overrated? and if so, what determines if it is over rated?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      lt's fair but popluarity doesn't neccesarily equate with how good something is in function or objectively. But it doesn't really need to. People have their reasons for enjoying something and one can enjoy something that's objectively terrible. lt's really just understanding what's wrong with something how it could be improved etc... that matters.

      All popularity reallys does is mean there's more folks that see what you see etc... though not always 100% in the same way or light. After all, people are drawn to things for different reasons that hook them and they enjoy them the way they wil etc...

      Personally don't think you should regret asking such a question. Can be good to talk about these types of thing with other people pick their brains, see prespective that one them selfmight not. Besides, conversation like such can be quite good fun too.~

    3. Dreamy


      yes. A bulb could be rated for 120V when it can only handle 100V. 


      In all seriousness though, yea it still can. people can praise things and act like they're perfect when they still have very real flaws, especially when an echo chamber effect is involved

    4. Shamitako


      Yes, an 11/10 rating qualifies


      I'd also say *technically* yes to your actual question, but it's something impossible to actually gauge, so you should treat it like a no anyways

  16. you know, Soma and Shanoa might just be my favorite Castlevania protagonists. Soma is just extremely cool with the whole being Dracula thing and Shanoa is a badass femme fatale mage warrior. Can;t really go wrong

  17. I'm gonna assume it's gonna be longer than e18. in fact: I think like halfway next year they'll still be going considering they tend to look in every nook and cranny (or Nappy does at least)
  18. he has said in the past he wanted this mechanic, so I'm sure he'll like it. I can tell you one person who won't like it tho (tip: he's a real cool kid)

  20. so, I was playing some Castlevania OoE. did the Lighthouse boos battle, right as I activate the Elevator to kill the boss I get hit by a bubble, killing me yet the animation still plays

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