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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. I've been meaning to play it at some point. big fan of the Metroidvania genre
  2. we all know Miles turned a few shades of Red for this scene

    1. seki108


      I imagine so

    2. Wolfox


      and a huge relieve when he found out he didn't have to sing the hole song

  3. some complaints about PLG that I already love:
    Friendly Rival
    No Competitive


    Friendly rivals are, IMO, good. I've made it clear blue is my least favorite rival simply due to how he has less character depth than FE Fates Birthright has challenging maps. He's a dick, and that's literally it. And beating him may feel good, but he won't change if you do or don't beat him. My favorite example (and Rival) for friendly rivals is barry, as he is genuinly a good rival in team composition and has good character growth over the game with his own goals that are not just "Beat Player", which is Blue's entire character.


    No competitive tho, I just find funny. PLG will be more of a spin-off game where you will have fun playing though gen 1 in 3d, not a game where you're gonna EV and IV train your team till the cows come home. So what if PLG isn't good for competitive, it's not like USUM/SM are going anywhere in the competitive scene any time soon.

  4. the best tip I have is learn the field
  5. so, can I be save in assuming Sony or Nintendo won this years e3?

  6. iirc there used to be a way to use them, but with the gen 6/7 mons not having animated sprites it wouldn't work as well, and it could cause some bugs iirc
  7. Jay's gonna get a shiny starter and Nexus Wright is gonna be met with Nappy Justice
  8. Ridley reached smash and Snake returned. maybe there is hope for our favorite whip wielding vapire hunting family?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Ye that's fair enough XD and does make the most sense. The spells and other strange runes would probably fit for the specials though. 

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      whihc... scares me a bit cause there's one that stuns isn't there LOL?


    4. Wolfox


      yeah, maybe she could have a Down Counter tho, cuz she seems agile and quick enough to be able to pull one of those off

  9. not sure about how I feel about Marth not being Japanese anymore in smash 5

  10. how can we think anything else? It's Twit. 4 full boxes of dead mons
  11. did anyone say MLGeoff?


  13. puzzles are the one thing twit is good at, they'll prolly figure them out
  14. Nappy: He will bash his head against it until... Mo: Looks up what they are and starts liking them Jay: will adapt after Mo looked up what they are and try to use them well Nexus: will not be a fan but adapt to them just to not get wiped Twit: will not understand them and refuse to learn them
  15. I think they'll kinda like and dislike Pulse Pokémon depending on what they know about them. before they know what the PULSE machines do they'll dislike them, once they find out about them they'll kinda like them (twit being the exception, cuz he keeps getting bodied by them). and I don't think they'll all wipe outside of some forced loss battles. I do know NAPPY wile love shade and Corey
  16. Here's a fun fact

    The first box art legend I caught is Zekrom (cuz I started with gen 5). I caught that boy in a Dive Ball.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolfox


      legend hunting, fun and shit at the same time (a friend of mine once tossed over 100 balls at a Darkrai. thus it was dubbed Nasty One)

    3. Dreamy


      yea. could be neat if there was a bit of a pity timer where each ball they break out of adds a little bit to the catch rate. Critical capture helps with that a bit I guess, but maybe having that build up over time (and then reset if you get one that still fails) instead of being fully RNG would be good

    4. Wolfox


      yeah, I guess Crit Capture Timer balls work

  17. rode my bike to the city this morning. got Bravely Default (e-shop version) for myself, some cheese for my dad (his birthday) and a hotdog and chocolate milk combo for the trip home

    1. CodeCass


      Nice. I've always wanted to try Bravely Default! Reminds me of Final Fantasy V!

    2. Zargerth
  18. alright, thanks for clearing that up (and the Insurgence devs will ban when you give valid criticism over the Game, ame is at least 20 times better than them)
  19. While I see the use of this, I also see a great risk. some people, myself included, have had the occasional slip-up and have accumulated a decent number of warning points this way. For me, personally, I have 12 total warnings. mostly posting in the wrong section/needless posting but two for bad language. Would that mean that I have a total of 12 or 2 warning points for this system? Would the next time I have a slight slip-up with language be the instant ban while generally having attempted to at least better myself as a forum user? I believe this system will work well when it does work, but it might take a few too many casualties with it on accident
  20. Mirror Mirror on the Ball, who's the funkiest of them all?


  21. you have 3 trading while only 1 is allowed per user. I would definitely suggest you don't make another one
  22. unknown.png

    When you stare into the abyss, Geoff stares back. I've had a staring contest with this guy today

  23. Had some hope, busted (what a surprise right? Me having hope and it blowing up in my face). Didnt listen to people warning me. Can;t even cry to let all the negative emotions out. And how's your day going?

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