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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. time to get some Secret Sams and see what I can make them do

    1. Show previous comments  27 more
    2. seki108


      Hopefully Gateway will come, though their treatment of some Archetype specific field spells at the moment (Hapries Hunting Ground, Amazoness Village, Necrovally, the Crystal Beast's field spell) does raise some concerns about how they will handle it's inclusion

    3. Wolfox


      considering it's a permanent magic (not field) it might drop pretty soon. but oh the shitstorm that can happen when you have it

    4. seki108


      I looked at the card a month or so ago, so some of the details escaped me.  Well, given the very short 'limited' list is in DL right now, I can only imagine

  2. We all know and most likely love them, the Pokédex sites. you know, Serebii, Bulbapedia, pokémondb and all. Which one is your favorite? I didn't make a poll because I don't know all of them. I personally like Serebii best. good interface, info easily accessible and no bloated pages. second place to Bulbapedia
  3. Spoiler

    Yusaku used a Fusion Summon.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolfox


      to quote Yuma: "I'm trash enough to be taken with you"


    3. FairFamily


      Yusaku is succumbing to the power of EGAO! By the end of series he will be riding around  on cyberse hippo.

    4. Wolfox


      a Pendulum summoned Cyberse Hippo replacing his dual board while facing off with a guy riding a Motor cycle

  4. this is true mainly due to EV training. each mon gives an EV value when defeated and when enough of those are gained (4 per stat usually) the stat increases by 1. thus one that you've been grinding up for 30 level will have a lot of EV points in the stats
  5. Nins hit the nail on the head there, though instead of Phoenix Rising I would have useInsurgence as an example in some cases, as PR is still really early in beta and is being worked on with patches harder than Insurgence ever had
  6. if only there were Cow shaped balls, Ryan would be a master

    1. seki108
    2. Wolfox


      he would have 6 strikes, cuz Edgar knows to get into the hole

  7. it's not unlike colesuem and gale of darkness in that sense
  8. the_water_duet___primarina_and_azura_by_

    THIS. This is perfection. If you didn't know yet, I always name my Primarina after Azura or Shigure (usually azura cuz I tend to SR for female ones) and this is just... perfect

    1. Dreamy


      *Oceans grey waves intensifies*

  9. @Ice Cream Sand Witch Kinda like this?
  10. I'm going to assume that my last post in the Let's Go topic is gonna bring me some hate from genwunners (if we have them here) and I welcome it.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dreamy


      3&4 included pokemon from earlier gens, but they didn't really feel 'tied' to kanto like 6&7 do

    3. Wolfox


      true, I give their link to Kanto being the remakes. while a technicality, they are still games of that generation

    4. Dreamy


      Ah ok, didn't realize you were including the remakes too. I was mostly meaning the new games themselves

  11. That reminds me, I actually have a pretty big gripe with the game: it being a gen 1 remake. We get it Gamefreak, you love gen 1 (a bit too much IMO) and can't stop forcing it down our throats. but at least the slight references, while annoying at times, did that job well enough. Gen 1 did its job in creating the franchise and had its remake in gen 3, it's time to get off its dead Rapidash.
  12. I'm gonna assume that a majority of inconveniences in the game are optional and that the linking with Pokémon Go is as well. it looks incredible graphics wise and, most importantly, it looks fun.
  13. so... how is Severa's name pronounced exactly? I wanna say it's like Severe, but I really don't know

  14. How long till Gavin "gaving" worms get's old? a very long time

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. seki108


      I was wondering when to bring up that meme, since it does show up a few more times.

    3. Wolfox


      and when he pulls it off a second time "No, I refuse!"

    4. Wolfox




      Gavin managed to fuck up a Holy Hand Grenade throw in a way only Gavin could do it.



  15. I just realized something. Awakening get's blamed for "ruining" the FE franchise by older fans (not all, mind you. a small yet vocal minority). Takumi is the ultimate FE Scapegoat. does that mean Awakening is Takumi?

  16. roggenrola is available before the 6th gym iirc, trappinch I don;t know
  17. what if Luvdisc, had the ability sticky hold

    1. J-Awesome_One


      I wish it had the Ability Schooling.

  18. I'm not saying Dawn of Sorrow with the magic seals is a bad game (far from it, I'd say it;s still one of the best games for the DS), but playing the game without needing the Touch Screen now is a bit better

  19. one day I'll play this game

  20. tumblr_olkl687vjI1qhksomo1_1280.png

    while skimming though some Soma Cruz pics on google I found this. enjoy

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Wolfox


      PoR plays a lot like DoS, only without magic seals. really good game. now that I think of it, all the castlevania DS games are really good

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      ye pretty much, the GBA era ones don't... all quite hold up, Aria's the best for sure of those.

    4. Wolfox


      it is, iirc, the only Castlevania on the GBA with a direct sequel, so I'm not too surprised

  21. I found a patch that allows me to play Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow without using the Touchscreen at all. Fun fact: I love Dawn of Sorrow more than any game, but the magic seals kept it from being my all time favorite

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolfox


      I think so too, it is the games biggest issue but it's not game breaking at all. it's just something you have to get used to. I'd link it to you but idk if I'm allowed on the forums

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Eh could just PM, but l'm probably not gonna get to it anytime soon too much else on backlog at the moment that l need to get to lol. l do appreciate the gesture doe~


    4. Wolfox


      I'll send you a link anyway for when the time comes.

  22. welcome, by your name I assume you're a rotom
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