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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. the_mad_king_s_labyrinth_by_strangeasfic

    que the Mad King's laugh

    1. seki108


      Now that's an awesome piece of fanart

    2. Wolfox


      my thoughts exactly

  2. what is this, Ryan's secret stash?

    1. seki108


      I forgot about this little gem.  Probably, given how quick he denied it.

    2. Wolfox


      that's my point. his secret Edgar stash

  3. "I didn't put the train on the track, but I'm gonna drive it"

    Yet again a good quite by Ryan "Mad King" Haywood

  4. "You can be in here, but you can never be this"

    nice one from Ryan "Murderbreak" Haywood

  5. not sure if this was answered here before, but does anyone know how I can reduce the lag? it's barely playable for me
  6. Oh, what's that? A bell? Time for school.

    1. seki108


      "Time for school"





      Good song otherwise, though

    2. Wolfox
  7. Type: Fairy/Fire Base stat total : 500 HP, base stat 100 Attack, base stat 100 Defense, base stat 90 Sp. attack, base stat 50 Sp. defense, base stat 90 Speed, base stat 50 while I prever speedy special attackers, I'm a bit slower and bulkier myself. and have more physical strength
  8. bollocks bollocks bollocks bollocks

    (did a little skipping just to watch the full Monopoly LP)

    1. seki108


      You watch the full thing already?  That's dedication.   Miserable, sick Ryan and  barely-conscious Ray:  good stuff.

    2. Wolfox


      I'm at 28 mins right now, so not yet. but I'm gonna finish monopoly today!

  9. something tells me... Six Sams have gotten the boost the desired and required to be forbidable. and Kizan isn;t even in the game yet

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wolfox


      true, true. I'm just happy that Grandmaster is there and helps with the swarming tho.

    3. seki108


      So are you going to get back into it for a bit or still wait till they introduce the 5D's world, Wolfox?

    4. Wolfox


      I'm still waiting for a bit, though I am really interested in building a new Six Sam deck.

  10. I guess you could say they were Saving Private Ryan

  11. started a new fates run, and considering I wanted to marry Azura (this is gonna be a permanent save) I had to choose someone who would not get married and thus not have a child. choosing wasn;t easy, but I managed due to having a good Scapegoat who's son is just a straight downgrade. that's right, it's Takumi!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolfox


      what, I like Azura.

    3. FairFamily


      To me she is just a walking cliché.

    4. Wolfox


      I can see that, but I still like her (that blue hair man, it always gets me. So does being musically gifted)

  12. guess it's kinda good it's not just me in the sense that I didn't manage to break it.
  13. it's really slow for me. or it was until
  14. inigod4sprite.png

    I hope some girls are watching~

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolfox


      this is a sprite of Inigo from Fire Emblem Awakening, second best child unit of that game. though the quote comes from his alter-ego: Laslow.

    3. seki108


      Still couldn't find anything with reverse image searching,  though an interesting thing popped up in the 'visually similar images' section


      ......well, it has the alter ego thing correct



    4. Wolfox


      not really tho, Laslow is the name he takes on in Fire Emblem fates (long story). so not really an alter ego, but technically an alter ego

  15. so close for Ryan

  16. when I finalyl finish my current written run (will return soon. don't worry) I might start another one for another game. but more of a character based one... specifically based on a certain man for flowers

  17. image.png.68c3985e07bbd5135edc320283edab38.png

    I don't know if this is fitting or ironic tbh

  18. Liligant for me. @Walpurgis will aid me on the journey. from what I can see the art style really reminds me of Clockwork, which is a really good thing (i've explained the one thing I disliked about that game being it's balance)
  19. sometimes I love reading the arguements about FE Awakening. how it is too easy and condemming the franchise while in actuality it saved it and doesn't have to be easy if you don't want it to be.


    though I can;t say I'm completely on the Casual mode side. I;m in the side that says "Play the game like you want to. whether it's casual mode or classic mode. whether you break the game or not".

  20. you see the Brand in my avi's left eye right. it's like Geass.
  21. the game isn't bad per se. it's just broken at places and noticeably rushed
  22. I'd say Pangoro or another Dark Type
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